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# Tetra Stats
Track your and other players stats in TETR.IO
You can [download an app](https://github.com/dan63047/TetraStats/releases), or [use web version](https://ts.dan63.by).
![Screenshot of the app 1](https://imgur.com/CKGYyBg.png)
# Available functionality
- Advanced stats for players
- Ranks cutoffs
- Minimums, averages, and maximums for every stat of every rank, as well, as whole leaderboard
- Chart for analyzing tetra league state
- Local database, that can store players data
- Comparison to players, rank averages, and player stats from the past
- Stats Calculator
- Player history in charts
# Special thanks
- **kerrmunism** — formulas
- **p1nkl0bst3r** — providing players history
- **osk** and his team — TETR.IO