1019 B
1019 B
Tetra Stats
Track your and other players stats in TETR.IODevelopment Roadmap
Ability to fetch playerSerialization/DeserializationSqlite Database and service, that can work with itv0.0.2Ability to track playerAbility to compare 2 playersv0.1.0Stats CalculatorAbility to compare player with himself in pastTetra League matches historyTetra League historic charts for tracked playersBetter UI with delta and hints for statsv0.2.0, we are hereAbility to compare player with APM-PPS-VS statsdev build are here- Ability to fetch Tetra League leaderboard
- Average stats for ranks
- Ability to compare player with avgRank
- UI Animations
- i18n, EN and RU locales
- Talk with osk about CORS and EndContext in TL matches
- RELEASE ??? that will be v1.0.0
Special thanks to kerrmunism for formulas and to osk for TETR.IO