from typing import List import pygame, random, datetime from string import Template BLOCK_SIZE = 30 GUIDELINES = ["Current", "NES like"] MODES = ["Endless", "Time limited", "Lines limited"] TIME_LIMITS_SEC = [120, 180, 300, 600, 1800, 3600, 86400] LINES_LIMITS = [40, 80, 120, 150, 300, 500, 1000] class Block: def __init__(self, color): self.color_str = str(color) self.color = pygame.Color(color) def __str__(self): return f"Block {self.color_str}" def __repr__(self): return f"Block {self.color_str}" class DeltaTemplate(Template): delimiter = "%" def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt): d = {"D": tdelta.days} hours, rem = divmod(tdelta.seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60) hours += d["D"] * 24 d["S"] = '{:02d}'.format(seconds) d["s"] = seconds t = DeltaTemplate(fmt) d["Z"] = '{:02d}'.format(int(tdelta.microseconds / 10000)) d["z"] = '{:1d}'.format(int(tdelta.microseconds / 100000)) d["H"] = hours d["M"] = '{:02d}'.format(minutes) d["m"] = minutes + hours*60 return t.substitute(**d) class TetrisGameplay: def __init__(self, mode=0, target=1, buffer_zone=20, srs=True, lock_delay=True, seven_bag=True, ghost_piece=True, hold=True, hard_drop=True, handling=(167, 33), nes_mechanics=False, next_len=4): self.buffer_y = buffer_zone self.FIELD = list(range(20 + buffer_zone)) y = 0 while y != len(self.FIELD): self.FIELD[y] = list(range(10)) x = 0 while x != 10: self.FIELD[y][x] = None x += 1 y += 1 self.TETROMINOS = [ [ [ [None, None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None], [Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), None], [Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 0, L [ [ [Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None, None], [Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), None], [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 1, J [ [ [None, Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None], [Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((0, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 240, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [None, Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None], [Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [Block((0, 240, 0)), None, None, None], [Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 2, S [ [ [Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, Block((240, 0, 0)), None], [None, Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None], [None, Block((240, 0, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((240, 0, 0)), None, None], [Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None, None], [Block((240, 0, 0)), None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 3, Z [ [ [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), None], [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), None], [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 4, T [ [ [None, None, None, None], [Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240))], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None], [Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240))], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None, None] ] ], # 5, I [ [ [Block((255, 240, 0)), Block((255, 240, 0)), None, None], [Block((255, 240, 0)), Block((255, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ] # 6, O ] self.current_posx = 4 self.current_posy = self.buffer_y - 2 self.can_hard_drop = hard_drop self.mode = mode self.support_combo_and_btb_bonuses = False self.support_srs = srs self.handling = handling self.support_hold = hold self.soft_drop = False self.soft_drop_speed = 0.5 self.nes_mechanics = nes_mechanics self.support_ghost_piece = ghost_piece self.support_lock_delay = lock_delay self.support_garbage = False self.seven_bag_random = seven_bag self.next_length = next_len self.score = [ 0, # 0, Soft Drop 0, # 1, Hard Drop 0, # 2, Single 0, # 3, Double 0, # 4, Triple 0, # 5, Tetris 0, # 6, T-Spin Mini no lines 0, # 7, T-Spin Mini Single 0, # 8, T-Spin Mini Double 0, # 9, T-Spin no lines 0, # 10, T-Spin Single 0, # 11, T-Spin Double 0, # 12, T-Spin Triple 0, # 13, Combo Bonus 0 # 14, Back-to-Back bonus ] self.score_up = 0 self.for_what_id = 0 self.for_what_score = ["SINGLE", "DOUBLE", "TRIPLE", "QUAD", "T-SPIN MINI", "T-SPIN MINI SINGLE", "T-SPIN MINI DOUBLE", "T-SPIN", "T-SPIN SINGLE", "T-SPIN DOUBLE", "T-SPIN TRIPLE"] self.for_what_delay = 0 self.cleared_lines = [ 0, # Single 0, # Double 0, # Triple 0 # Tetris ] self.pieces = [ 0, # L piece 0, # J piece 0, # S piece 0, # Z piece 0, # T piece 0, # I piece 0 # O piece ] self.game_time = 0 self.combo = -1 self.back_to_back = -1 self.next_queue = [] if self.seven_bag_random: self.next_queue = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] random.shuffle(self.next_queue) self.current_id = self.next_queue[0] self.next_queue.pop(0) else: self.current_id = random.randint(0, 6) self.next_queue = [random.randint(0, 6) for i in range(self.next_length+1)] self.hold_id = None self.hold_locked = False self.spin_is_last_move = False self.spin_is_kick_t_piece = False self.current_spin_id = 0 self.lock_delay_run = False self.lock_delay_frames = 30 if self.mode == 0: self.level = target self.start_level = target else: self.level = 1 self.start_level = 1 if self.mode == 1: = TIME_LIMITS_SEC[target] elif self.mode == 2: = LINES_LIMITS[target] self.lines_for_level_up = self.gravity_and_lines_table()[1] self.game_over = False def spawn_tetromino(self): if self.collision(4, self.buffer_y-2, self.next_queue[0], 0): self.game_over = True self.current_posx = 4 self.current_posy = self.buffer_y - 2 self.current_id = self.next_queue[0] self.hold_locked = False self.spin_is_last_move = False self.spin_is_kick_t_piece = False self.current_spin_id = 0 self.next_queue.pop(0) if len(self.next_queue) == self.next_length: if self.seven_bag_random: next_bag = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] random.shuffle(next_bag) self.next_queue.extend(next_bag) else: ext = [random.randint(0, 6) for i in range(self.next_length+1)] self.next_queue.extend(ext) def hold_tetromino(self): self.current_spin_id = 0 self.spin_is_kick_t_piece = False self.reset_lock_delay() if self.hold_id is not None: self.current_id, self.hold_id = self.hold_id, self.current_id self.current_posx = 4 self.current_posy = self.buffer_y - 2 self.hold_locked = True else: self.hold_id = self.current_id self.spawn_tetromino() self.hold_locked = True def __str__(self): return f"size_x={len(self.FIELD[0])}, size_y={len(self.FIELD)}, buffer_y: {self.buffer_y}" def gravity_and_lines_table(self): return 1 / (0.8 - ((self.level - 1) * 0.007)) ** (self.level - 1) * 0.016666, self.level * 10 def clear_lines(self): cleared = 0 difficult = False t_spin = False t_spin_mini = False height = None t_spin_corners = [ [[(0, 0), (2, 0)], [(0, 2), (2, 2)]], [[(2, 0), (2, 2)], [(0, 0), (0, 2)]], [[(0, 2), (2, 2)], [(0, 0), (2, 0)]], [[(0, 2), (0, 0)], [(2, 0), (2, 2)]] ] if self.current_id == 4 and self.spin_is_last_move: front_col = 0 back_col = 0 for i in t_spin_corners[self.current_spin_id][0]: if self.current_posy+i[1] >= len(self.FIELD) or self.current_posx+i[0] >= len(self.FIELD[self.current_posy+i[1]]) or self.current_posy+i[1] < 0 or self.current_posx+i[0] < 0 or self.FIELD[self.current_posy+i[1]][self.current_posx+i[0]] is not None: front_col += 1 for i in t_spin_corners[self.current_spin_id][1]: if self.current_posy+i[1] >= len(self.FIELD) or self.current_posx+i[0] >= len(self.FIELD[self.current_posy+i[1]]) or self.current_posy+i[1] < 0 or self.current_posx+i[0] < 0 or self.FIELD[self.current_posy+i[1]][self.current_posx+i[0]] is not None: back_col += 1 if (front_col == 2 and back_col >= 1) or (back_col == 2 and front_col == 1 and self.spin_is_kick_t_piece): t_spin = True elif back_col == 2 and front_col == 1: t_spin_mini = True y = len(self.FIELD) for i in self.FIELD: ic = 0 for k in i: if k is not None: ic += 1 if ic == 10: cleared += 1 self.FIELD.remove(i) new = list(range(10)) x = 0 while x != 10: new[x] = None x += 1 self.FIELD.insert(0, new) y -= 1 if ic > 0 and height is None: height = y if cleared > 0: self.cleared_lines[cleared - 1] += cleared if self.mode == 2: -= cleared if <= 0: = 0 self.game_over = True self.combo += 1 self.score_up = 0 if t_spin: difficult = True if cleared == 1: self.score[10] += 800 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 800 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 8 elif cleared == 2: self.score[11] += 1200 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 1200 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 9 elif cleared == 3: self.score[12] += 1600 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 1600 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 10 elif t_spin_mini: difficult = True if cleared == 1: self.score[7] += 200 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 200 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 5 elif cleared == 2: self.score[8] += 400 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 400 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 6 else: if cleared == 1: self.score[2] += 100 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 100 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 0 elif cleared == 2: self.score[3] += 300 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 300 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 1 elif cleared == 3: self.score[4] += 500 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 500 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 2 elif cleared == 4: self.score[5] += 800 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 800 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 3 difficult = True if sum(self.cleared_lines) >= self.lines_for_level_up and self.level != 15: self.level += 1 self.lines_for_level_up += 10 if difficult: self.back_to_back += 1 if self.back_to_back > 0: self.score[14] += int((self.score_up*3/2) - self.score_up) self.score_up += int((self.score_up*3/2) - self.score_up) else: self.back_to_back = -1 if self.combo > 0: self.score[13] += 50 * self.combo * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up += 50 * self.combo * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_delay = 3 else: self.combo = -1 if t_spin: self.score[9] += 400 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up = 400 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 7 self.for_what_delay = 3 elif t_spin_mini: self.score[6] += 100 * min(self.level, 15) self.score_up = 100 * min(self.level, 15) self.for_what_id = 4 self.for_what_delay = 3 return 0 def collision(self, next_posx, next_posy, next_id, next_spin_id): i1 = next_posy k1 = next_posx for i in self.TETROMINOS[next_id][next_spin_id]: for k in i: if k and (i1 >= len(self.FIELD) or k1 >= len(self.FIELD[i1]) or i1 < 0 or k1 < 0 or self.FIELD[i1][k1]): return True k1 += 1 k1 = next_posx i1 += 1 return False def spin(self, reverse=False): self.reset_lock_delay() if self.current_id is not None and self.current_id != 6: if reverse: future_spin_id = self.current_spin_id - 1 else: future_spin_id = self.current_spin_id + 1 future_spin_id %= len(self.TETROMINOS[self.current_id]) if not self.collision(self.current_posx, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.spin_is_last_move = True return if self.support_srs: if self.current_id is not None and self.current_id != 5: if (self.current_spin_id == 0 or self.current_spin_id == 2) and future_spin_id == 1: if not self.collision(self.current_posx-1, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx-1, self.current_posy-1, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.current_posy -= 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx, self.current_posy+2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posy += 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx-1, self.current_posy+2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.current_posy += 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True self.spin_is_kick_t_piece = True return elif self.current_spin_id == 1 and (future_spin_id == 0 or future_spin_id == 2): if not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy+1, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.current_posy += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx, self.current_posy-2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posy -= 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy-2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.current_posy -= 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True self.spin_is_kick_t_piece = True return elif (self.current_spin_id == 0 or self.current_spin_id == 2) and future_spin_id == 3: if not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy-1, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.current_posy -= 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx, self.current_posy+2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posy += 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy+2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.current_posy += 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True self.spin_is_kick_t_piece = True return elif self.current_spin_id == 3 and (future_spin_id == 0 or future_spin_id == 2): if not self.collision(self.current_posx-1, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy+1, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.current_posy += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx, self.current_posy-2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posy -= 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy-2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.current_posy -= 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True self.spin_is_kick_t_piece = True return else: if (self.current_spin_id == 0 and future_spin_id == 1) or (self.current_spin_id == 3 and future_spin_id == 2): if not self.collision(self.current_posx-2, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx-2, self.current_posy+1, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 2 self.current_posy += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy-2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.current_posy -= 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif (self.current_spin_id == 1 and future_spin_id == 0) or (self.current_spin_id == 2 and future_spin_id == 3): if not self.collision(self.current_posx+2, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx-1, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+2, self.current_posy-1, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 2 self.current_posy -= 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx-1, self.current_posy+2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.current_posy += 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif (self.current_spin_id == 1 and future_spin_id == 2) or (self.current_spin_id == 0 and future_spin_id == 3): if not self.collision(self.current_posx-1, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+2, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx-1, self.current_posy-2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 1 self.current_posy -= 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+2, self.current_posy+1, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 2 self.current_posy += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif (self.current_spin_id == 2 and future_spin_id == 1) or (self.current_spin_id == 3 and future_spin_id == 0): if not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx-2, self.current_posy, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx+1, self.current_posy+2, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx += 1 self.current_posy += 2 self.spin_is_last_move = True return elif not self.collision(self.current_posx-2, self.current_posy-1, self.current_id, future_spin_id): self.current_spin_id = future_spin_id self.current_posx -= 2 self.current_posy -= 1 self.spin_is_last_move = True return def move_side(self, x_change): if self.current_id is not None and not self.collision(self.current_posx + x_change, self.current_posy, self.current_id, self.current_spin_id): self.current_posx += x_change self.reset_lock_delay() self.spin_is_last_move = False def save_state(self): i1 = self.current_posy k1 = self.current_posx if self.current_id is not None: for i in self.TETROMINOS[self.current_id][self.current_spin_id]: for k in i: if k: self.FIELD[i1][k1] = k k1 += 1 k1 = self.current_posx i1 += 1 self.pieces[self.current_id] += 1 def ghost_piece_y(self): y = self.current_posy while not self.collision(self.current_posx, y + 1, self.current_id, self.current_spin_id): y += 1 return y def reset_lock_delay(self): self.lock_delay_frames = 30 self.lock_delay_run = False def move_down(self, instant=False): if self.current_id is not None and not self.collision(self.current_posx, self.current_posy + 1, self.current_id, self.current_spin_id): if instant: add_to_score = 0 while not self.collision(self.current_posx, self.current_posy + 1, self.current_id, self.current_spin_id): self.current_posy += 1 add_to_score += 2 self.score[1] += add_to_score self.spin_is_last_move = False else: self.current_posy += 1 self.spin_is_last_move = False if self.soft_drop: self.score[0] += 1 return True else: return False def draw_game(self): win.fill((25, 25, 25)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (130, (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 5), BLOCK_SIZE * 10, BLOCK_SIZE * 20)) x = 0 y = -self.buffer_y for i in self.FIELD: for k in i: window_x = 130 + BLOCK_SIZE * x window_y = (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 5) + BLOCK_SIZE * y if k is not None: pygame.draw.rect(win, k.color, (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE), width=2) else: pygame.draw.rect(win, (25, 25, 25), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE), width=1) x += 1 x = 0 y += 1 i1 = self.current_posy - self.buffer_y k1 = self.current_posx if self.current_id is not None: for i in self.TETROMINOS[self.current_id][self.current_spin_id]: for k in i: if k is not None: window_x = 130 + BLOCK_SIZE * k1 window_y = (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 5) + BLOCK_SIZE * i1 pygame.draw.rect(win, (int(k.color[0]*self.lock_delay_frames/30), int(k.color[1]*self.lock_delay_frames/30), int(k.color[2]*self.lock_delay_frames/30)), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE), width=2) k1 += 1 k1 = self.current_posx i1 += 1 if self.support_ghost_piece: i1 = self.ghost_piece_y() - self.buffer_y k1 = self.current_posx for i in self.TETROMINOS[self.current_id][self.current_spin_id]: for k in i: if k is not None: window_x = 130 + BLOCK_SIZE * k1 window_y = (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 5) + BLOCK_SIZE * i1 pygame.draw.rect(win, (k.color[0], k.color[1], k.color[2]), (window_x+5, window_y+5, BLOCK_SIZE-10, BLOCK_SIZE-10), width=5, border_radius=1) k1 += 1 k1 = self.current_posx i1 += 1 y_offset = 0 for q in range(0, self.next_length): i1 = 0 k1 = 0 for i in self.TETROMINOS[self.next_queue[q]][0]: for k in i: if k is not None: window_x = 470 + 25 * k1 window_y = 65 + 25 * i1 + y_offset pygame.draw.rect(win, k.color, (window_x, window_y, 25, 25)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, 25, 25), width=2) k1 += 1 k1 = 0 i1 += 1 y_offset += 60 if self.support_hold: if self.hold_id is not None: i1 = 0 k1 = 0 for i in self.TETROMINOS[self.hold_id][0]: for k in i: if k is not None: window_x = 20 + 25 * k1 window_y = 65 + 25 * i1 if self.hold_locked: pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, 25, 25)) else: pygame.draw.rect(win, k.color, (window_x, window_y, 25, 25)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, 25, 25), width=1) k1 += 1 k1 = 0 i1 += 1 win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("SCORE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 562)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{sum(self.score):5d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 582)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("LINES", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 622)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{sum(self.cleared_lines):5d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 642)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("LV", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (80, 502)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{self.level:02d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (80, 522)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("PPS", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (60, 562)) try: pps = sum(self.pieces) / self.game_time except ZeroDivisionError: pps = 0 win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{pps:6.2f}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (0, 582)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("TIME", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (40, 622)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{strfdelta(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.game_time), '%m:%S'):>6s}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (0, 642)) if self.mode > 0: if self.mode == 1: win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("TIME", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 482)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{strfdelta(datetime.timedelta(, '%m:%S')}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 522)) elif self.mode == 2: win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("LINES", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 482)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 522)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("LEFT", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 502)) if self.for_what_delay > 0.1: win.blit(FONT.render(self.for_what_score[self.for_what_id], 1, (230*(min(self.for_what_delay, 1))+25, 230*(min(self.for_what_delay, 1))+25, 230*(min(self.for_what_delay, 1))+25)), (300-int(FONT.size(self.for_what_score[self.for_what_id])[0]/2), 670)) win.blit( FONT.render(f"+{self.score_up}", 1, (230*(min(self.for_what_delay, 1))+25, 230*(min(self.for_what_delay, 1))+25, 230*(min(self.for_what_delay, 1))+25)), (300-int(FONT.size(f"+{self.score_up}")[0]/2), 695)) if self.combo > 0: win.blit( FONT.render(f"COMBO × {self.combo}", 1, ( 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25, 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25, 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25)), (300-int(FONT.size(f"COMBO × {self.combo}")[0]/2), 720)) if self.back_to_back > 0: win.blit( FONT.render(f"BACK-TO-BACK × {self.back_to_back}", 1, ( 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25, 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25, 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25)), (300-int(FONT.size(f"BACK-TO-BACK × {self.back_to_back}")[0]/2), 745)) if self.game_over: text_size_x = FONT.size("GAME")[0] pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (223, 327, text_size_x+10, 60)) if self.mode > 0 and <= 0: pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 255, 0), (223, 327, text_size_x + 10, 60), width=2) win.blit(FONT.render("WELL", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 335)) win.blit(FONT.render("DONE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 360)) else: pygame.draw.rect(win, (255, 0, 0), (223, 327, text_size_x + 10, 60), width=2) win.blit(FONT.render("GAME", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 335)) win.blit(FONT.render("OVER", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 360)) pygame.display.update() def draw_game_stats(self): win.fill((25, 25, 25)) if self.game_over: win.blit(FONT.render("STATISTIC", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 25)) else: win.blit(FONT.render("GAME PAUSED", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 25)) total_score = sum(self.score) win.blit(FONT.render(f"SCORE {total_score:16d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 100)) total_pieces = sum(self.pieces) win.blit(FONT.render(f"PIECES {total_pieces:15d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 130)) total_lines = sum(self.cleared_lines) win.blit(FONT.render(f"LINES {total_lines:16d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 160)) try: pps = total_pieces / self.game_time except ZeroDivisionError: pps = 0 win.blit(FONT.render(f"PIECES PER SECOND {pps:0.2f}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 190)) win.blit(FONT.render(f"LEVELS {self.start_level:02d}-{self.level:02d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 220)) win.blit( FONT.render(f"TIME {strfdelta(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.game_time), '%H:%M:%S.%Z'):>17s}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 250)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"BURNED TIMES LINES PIECES TABLE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 290)) win.blit( SMALL_FONT.render(f"SINGLE {self.cleared_lines[0]:5d} {self.cleared_lines[0]:5d} L {self.pieces[0]:<4d} J {self.pieces[1]:<4d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 310)) double_times = int(self.cleared_lines[1] / 2) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"DOUBLE {double_times:5d} {self.cleared_lines[1]:5d} S {self.pieces[2]:<4d} Z {self.pieces[3]:<4d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 325)) triple_times = int(self.cleared_lines[2] / 3) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"TRIPLE {triple_times:5d} {self.cleared_lines[2]:5d} T {self.pieces[4]:<4d} O {self.pieces[6]:<4d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 340)) tetris_times = int(self.cleared_lines[3] / 4) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"QUAD {tetris_times:7d} {self.cleared_lines[3]:5d} I {self.pieces[5]:<10d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 355)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"SCORE TABLE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 380)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"SOFT DROPS {self.score[0]:14d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 400)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"HARD DROPS {self.score[1]:14d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 415)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"SINGLE {self.score[2]:18d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 430)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"DOUBLE {self.score[3]:18d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 445)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"TRIPLE {self.score[4]:18d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 460)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"QUAD {self.score[5]:20d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 475)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"T-SPIN MINI NO L. {self.score[6]:7d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 490)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"T-SPIN MINI SINGLE {self.score[7]:6d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 505)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"T-SPIN MINI DOUBLE {self.score[8]:6d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 520)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"T-SPIN NO LINES {self.score[9]:9d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 535)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"T-SPIN SINGLE {self.score[10]:11d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 550)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"T-SPIN DOUBLE {self.score[11]:11d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 565)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"T-SPIN TRIPLE {self.score[12]:11d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 580)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"COMBO BONUS {self.score[13]:13d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 595)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"BACK-TO-BACK BONUS {self.score[14]:6d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 610)) pygame.display.update() class NesLikeTetris(TetrisGameplay): def __init__(self, mode=0, target=0): super().__init__(mode, target, 2, False, False, False, False, False, False, (267, 100), True, 1) self.TETROMINOS = [ [ [ [None, None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None], [Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), None], [Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [Block((240, 160, 0)), Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 160, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 0, L [ [ [Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None, None], [Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), None], [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [Block((0, 0, 240)), Block((0, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 1, J [ [ [None, Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None], [Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((0, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((0, 240, 0)), Block((0, 240, 0)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 240, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 2, S [ [ [Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None, None], [None, Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, Block((240, 0, 0)), None], [None, Block((240, 0, 0)), Block((240, 0, 0)), None], [None, Block((240, 0, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 3, Z [ [ [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), None], [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, None, None], [Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), None], [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [Block((160, 0, 240)), Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, Block((160, 0, 240)), None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ], # 4, T [ [ [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None], [Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240)), Block((0, 240, 240))], [None, None, None, None] ], [ [None, None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None], [None, None, Block((0, 240, 240)), None] ] ], # 5, I [ [ [Block((255, 240, 0)), Block((255, 240, 0)), None, None], [Block((255, 240, 0)), Block((255, 240, 0)), None, None], [None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None] ] ] # 6, O ] def __str__(self): ans = f"size_x={len(self.FIELD[0])}, size_y={len(self.FIELD)}, Field:" for i in self.FIELD: ans += f"\n{i}" return ans def gravity_and_lines_table(self): if self.level == 0: return 1/48, 10 elif self.level == 1: return 1/43, 20 elif self.level == 2: return 1/38, 30 elif self.level == 3: return 1/33, 40 elif self.level == 4: return 1/28, 50 elif self.level == 5: return 1/23, 60 elif self.level == 6: return 1/18, 70 elif self.level == 7: return 1/13, 80 elif self.level == 8: return 1/8, 90 elif self.level == 9: return 1/6, 100 elif 10 <= self.level <= 12: return 1/5, 100 elif 13 <= self.level <= 15: return 1/4, 100 elif self.level == 16: return 1/3, 110 elif self.level == 17: return 1/3, 120 elif self.level == 18: return 1/3, 130 elif self.level == 19: return 1/2, 140 elif self.level == 20: return 1/2, 150 elif self.level == 21: return 1/2, 160 elif self.level == 22: return 1/2, 170 elif self.level == 23: return 1/2, 180 elif self.level == 24: return 1/2, 190 elif 25 <= self.level <= 28: return 1/2, 200 else: return 1, 200 def clear_lines(self): cleared = 0 frames_delay = 0 height = None y = len(self.FIELD) for i in self.FIELD: ic = 0 for k in i: if k is not None: ic += 1 if ic == 10: cleared += 1 self.FIELD.remove(i) new = list(range(10)) x = 0 while x != 10: new[x] = None x += 1 self.FIELD.insert(0, new) y -= 1 if ic > 0 and height is None: height = y frames_delay += 10 + (2 * int(height / 4)) if cleared > 0: self.cleared_lines[cleared - 1] += cleared if self.mode == 2: -= cleared if <= 0: = 0 self.game_over = True frames_delay += 18 self.score_up = 0 self.for_what_delay = 3 if cleared == 1: self.score[2] += 40 * (min(self.level, 29) + 1) self.score_up += 40 * (min(self.level, 29) + 1) self.for_what_id = 0 elif cleared == 2: self.score[3] += 100 * (min(self.level, 29) + 1) self.score_up += 100 * (min(self.level, 29) + 1) self.for_what_id = 1 elif cleared == 3: self.score[4] += 300 * (min(self.level, 29) + 1) self.score_up += 300 * (min(self.level, 29) + 1) self.for_what_id = 2 elif cleared == 4: self.score[5] += 1200 * (min(self.level, 29) + 1) self.score_up += 1200 * (min(self.level, 29) + 1) self.for_what_id = 3 if sum(self.cleared_lines) >= self.lines_for_level_up: self.level += 1 self.lines_for_level_up += 10 return frames_delay def draw_game(self): win.fill((25, 25, 25)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (130, (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 5), BLOCK_SIZE * 10, BLOCK_SIZE * 20)) x = 0 y = -self.buffer_y for i in self.FIELD: for k in i: window_x = 130 + BLOCK_SIZE * x window_y = (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 5) + BLOCK_SIZE * y if k is not None: pygame.draw.rect(win, k.color, (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE), width=2) x += 1 x = 0 y += 1 i1 = self.current_posy - self.buffer_y k1 = self.current_posx if self.current_id is not None: for i in self.TETROMINOS[self.current_id][self.current_spin_id]: for k in i: if k is not None: window_x = 130 + BLOCK_SIZE * k1 window_y = (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 5) + BLOCK_SIZE * i1 pygame.draw.rect(win, (int(k.color[0]*self.lock_delay_frames/30), int(k.color[1]*self.lock_delay_frames/30), int(k.color[2]*self.lock_delay_frames/30)), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE), width=2) k1 += 1 k1 = self.current_posx i1 += 1 x_offset = 0 for q in range(0, self.next_length): i1 = 0 k1 = 0 for i in self.TETROMINOS[self.next_queue[q]][0]: for k in i: if k is not None: window_x = 130 + BLOCK_SIZE * 10 + 20 + BLOCK_SIZE * k1 + x_offset window_y = (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 30) + BLOCK_SIZE * i1 pygame.draw.rect(win, k.color, (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE), width=1) k1 += 1 k1 = 0 i1 += 1 x_offset += 45 if self.support_hold: if self.hold_id is not None: i1 = 0 k1 = 0 for i in self.TETROMINOS[self.hold_id][0]: for k in i: if k is not None: window_x = 10 + BLOCK_SIZE * k1 window_y = (BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 30) + 10 * i1 pygame.draw.rect(win, k.color, (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE)) pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (window_x, window_y, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE), width=1) k1 += 1 k1 = 0 i1 += 1 win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("SCORE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 562)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{sum(self.score):5d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 582)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("LINES", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 622)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{sum(self.cleared_lines):5d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 642)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("LV", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (80, 502)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{self.level:02d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (80, 522)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("TRT", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (60, 562)) try: tetris_rate = int((self.cleared_lines[3] / sum(self.cleared_lines)) * 100) except ZeroDivisionError: tetris_rate = 0 if tetris_rate == 100: win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{tetris_rate}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (60, 582)) else: win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{tetris_rate:02d}%", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (60, 582)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("TIME", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (40, 622)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{strfdelta(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.game_time), '%m:%S'):>6s}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (0, 642)) if self.mode > 0: if self.mode == 1: win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("TIME", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 482)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{strfdelta(datetime.timedelta(, '%m:%S')}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 522)) elif self.mode == 2: win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("LINES", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 482)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render(f"{}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 522)) win.blit(MEDIUM_FONT.render("LEFT", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (440, 502)) if self.for_what_delay > 0.1: win.blit(FONT.render(self.for_what_score[self.for_what_id], 1, ( 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25, 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25, 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25)), (120, 670)) win.blit( FONT.render(f"+{self.score_up}", 1, ( 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25, 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25, 230 * (min(self.for_what_delay, 1)) + 25)), (120, 695)) if self.game_over: text_size_x = FONT.size("GAME")[0] pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 0, 0), (223, 327, text_size_x + 10, 60)) if self.mode > 0 and <= 0: pygame.draw.rect(win, (0, 255, 0), (223, 327, text_size_x + 10, 60), width=2) win.blit(FONT.render("WELL", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 335)) win.blit(FONT.render("DONE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 360)) else: pygame.draw.rect(win, (255, 0, 0), (223, 327, text_size_x + 10, 60), width=2) win.blit(FONT.render("GAME", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 335)) win.blit(FONT.render("OVER", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 360)) pygame.display.update() def draw_game_stats(self): win.fill((25, 25, 25)) if self.game_over: win.blit(FONT.render("STATISTIC", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 25)) else: win.blit(FONT.render("GAME PAUSED", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 25)) total_score = sum(self.score) win.blit(FONT.render(f"SCORE {total_score:16d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 100)) total_pieces = sum(self.pieces) win.blit(FONT.render(f"PIECES {total_pieces:15d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 130)) total_lines = sum(self.cleared_lines) win.blit(FONT.render(f"LINES {total_lines:16d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 160)) try: tetris_rate = self.cleared_lines[3] / total_lines except ZeroDivisionError: tetris_rate = 0 win.blit(FONT.render(f"TETRIS RATE {tetris_rate:10.2%}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 190)) win.blit(FONT.render(f"LEVELS {self.start_level:02d}-{self.level:02d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 220)) win.blit( FONT.render(f"TIME {strfdelta(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.game_time), '%H:%M:%S.%Z'):>17s}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 250)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"BURNED TIMES LINES PIECES TABLE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 290)) win.blit( SMALL_FONT.render(f"SINGLE {self.cleared_lines[0]:5d} {self.cleared_lines[0]:5d} L {self.pieces[0]:<4d} J {self.pieces[1]:<4d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 310)) double_times = int(self.cleared_lines[1] / 2) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"DOUBLE {double_times:5d} {self.cleared_lines[1]:5d} S {self.pieces[2]:<4d} Z {self.pieces[3]:<4d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 325)) triple_times = int(self.cleared_lines[2] / 3) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"TRIPLE {triple_times:5d} {self.cleared_lines[2]:5d} T {self.pieces[4]:<4d} O {self.pieces[6]:<4d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 340)) tetris_times = int(self.cleared_lines[3] / 4) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"QUAD {tetris_times:7d} {self.cleared_lines[3]:5d} I {self.pieces[5]:<10d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 355)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"SCORE TABLE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 380)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"DROPS {self.score[0]:7d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 400)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"SINGLE {self.score[2]:6d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 415)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"DOUBLE {self.score[3]:6d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 430)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"TRIPLE {self.score[4]:6d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 445)) win.blit(SMALL_FONT.render(f"QUAD {self.score[5]:8d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 460)) pygame.display.update() def draw_main_menu(selected, sel_gl, sel_md, sel_trg): win.fill((25, 25, 25)) win.blit(FONT.render("PYTRIS by dan63047", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 25)) win.blit(FONT.render("›", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (25, 100 + 30 * selected)) win.blit(FONT.render("Start", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (50, 100)) win.blit(FONT.render(f"Mode: {MODES[sel_md]}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (50, 130)) if sel_md == 0: win.blit(FONT.render(f"Level: {sel_trg:02d}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (50, 160)) # ↑↓ elif sel_md == 1: win.blit(FONT.render(f"Time: {strfdelta(datetime.timedelta(seconds=TIME_LIMITS_SEC[sel_trg]), '%H:%M:%S.%Z')}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (50, 160)) elif sel_md == 2: win.blit(FONT.render(f"Lines: {LINES_LIMITS[sel_trg]}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (50, 160)) win.blit(FONT.render(f"Guideline: {GUIDELINES[sel_gl]}", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (50, 190)) win.blit(FONT.render(f"Exit", 1, (255, 255, 255)), (50, 220)) pygame.display.update() def main(): GAME_RUN = True selected_level = [1, 0] selected_gl = 0 selected_mode = 0 # 0 - Endless; 1 - Time limit; 2 - Lines limit selected_target = 0 ticks_before_stats = 180 g = 0 delay_before_spawn = -1 menu_select = 0 on_pause = False corrupted_keys = [] field = None state = "main menu" pygame.key.set_repeat(267, 100) while GAME_RUN: clock.tick(60) pressed_keys = [] for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: GAME_RUN = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: pressed_keys.append(event.key) if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and pygame.K_SPACE in corrupted_keys: corrupted_keys.remove(pygame.K_SPACE) if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and state == "gameplay": corrupted_keys.append(pygame.K_DOWN) if event.key == pygame.K_UP and state == "gameplay" and pygame.K_UP in corrupted_keys: corrupted_keys.remove(pygame.K_UP) if event.key == pygame.K_x and state == "gameplay" and pygame.K_x in corrupted_keys: corrupted_keys.remove(pygame.K_x) if event.key == pygame.K_z and pygame.K_z in corrupted_keys: corrupted_keys.remove(pygame.K_z) for i in pressed_keys: if i in corrupted_keys: pressed_keys.remove(i) keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if state == "main menu": if selected_mode == 0: draw_main_menu(menu_select, selected_gl, selected_mode, selected_level[selected_gl]) else: draw_main_menu(menu_select, selected_gl, selected_mode, selected_target) if pygame.K_RETURN in pressed_keys: if menu_select == 0: state = "pregameplay" if pygame.K_DOWN in pressed_keys and menu_select != 4: menu_select += 1 if pygame.K_UP in pressed_keys and menu_select != 0: menu_select -= 1 if pygame.K_RIGHT in pressed_keys and selected_mode != 2 and menu_select == 1: selected_mode += 1 selected_target = 0 elif pygame.K_LEFT in pressed_keys and selected_mode != 0 and menu_select == 1: selected_mode -= 1 selected_target = 0 if selected_mode == 0: if pygame.K_RIGHT in pressed_keys and menu_select == 2 and ((selected_gl == 0 and selected_level[selected_gl] != 15) or (selected_gl == 1 and selected_level[selected_gl] != 29)): selected_level[selected_gl] += 1 elif pygame.K_LEFT in pressed_keys and menu_select == 2 and ((selected_gl == 0 and selected_level[selected_gl] != 1) or (selected_gl == 1 and selected_level[selected_gl] != 0)): selected_level[selected_gl] -= 1 elif selected_mode == 1: if pygame.K_RIGHT in pressed_keys and menu_select == 2 and selected_target != len(TIME_LIMITS_SEC)-1: selected_target += 1 elif pygame.K_LEFT in pressed_keys and menu_select == 2 and selected_target != 0: selected_target -= 1 elif selected_mode == 2: if pygame.K_RIGHT in pressed_keys and menu_select == 2 and selected_target != len(LINES_LIMITS)-1: selected_target += 1 elif pygame.K_LEFT in pressed_keys and menu_select == 2 and selected_target != 0: selected_target -= 1 if pygame.K_RIGHT in pressed_keys and selected_gl != 1 and menu_select == 3: selected_gl += 1 elif pygame.K_LEFT in pressed_keys and selected_gl != 0 and menu_select == 3: selected_gl -= 1 if pygame.K_RETURN in pressed_keys and menu_select == 4: GAME_RUN = False elif state == "pregameplay": ticks_before_stats = 300 delay_before_spawn = -1 if selected_mode == 0: if selected_gl == 0: field = TetrisGameplay(selected_mode, selected_level[selected_gl]) elif selected_gl == 1: field = NesLikeTetris(selected_mode, selected_level[selected_gl]) else: if selected_gl == 0: field = TetrisGameplay(selected_mode, selected_target) elif selected_gl == 1: field = NesLikeTetris(selected_mode, selected_target) pygame.key.set_repeat(field.handling[0], field.handling[1]) state = "gameplay" elif state == "gameplay": field.draw_game() frame_time = clock.get_time()/1000 if not field.game_over: if pygame.K_r in pressed_keys: state = "pregameplay" if pygame.K_p in pressed_keys: on_pause = True state = "gameplay_stats" if pygame.K_UP in pressed_keys: field.spin() corrupted_keys.append(pygame.K_UP) if pygame.K_x in pressed_keys: field.spin() corrupted_keys.append(pygame.K_x) if pygame.K_z in pressed_keys: field.spin(True) corrupted_keys.append(pygame.K_z) if pygame.K_c in pressed_keys and field.support_hold and not field.hold_locked: field.hold_tetromino() if pygame.K_DOWN in pressed_keys: field.soft_drop = True if pygame.K_DOWN in corrupted_keys: field.soft_drop = False corrupted_keys.remove(pygame.K_DOWN) if pygame.K_LEFT in pressed_keys: field.move_side(-1) if pygame.K_RIGHT in pressed_keys: field.move_side(1) if pygame.K_SPACE in pressed_keys and field.can_hard_drop: field.move_down(True) field.save_state() field.clear_lines() field.spawn_tetromino() field.lock_delay_run = False field.lock_delay_frames = 30 corrupted_keys.append(pygame.K_SPACE) field.game_time += frame_time if field.mode == 1: -= frame_time if <= 0: = 0 field.game_over = True if field.for_what_delay > 0: field.for_what_delay -= frame_time if field.game_over: ticks_before_stats -= 1 if not field.game_over: g += field.gravity_and_lines_table()[0] if field.soft_drop: g += field.soft_drop_speed if g > 22: g = 22 while g >= 1: if field.support_lock_delay: if not field.move_down(): field.lock_delay_run = True else: if not field.move_down(): if delay_before_spawn == -1: field.save_state() delay_before_spawn = field.clear_lines() field.current_id = None g -= 1 if field.nes_mechanics: if delay_before_spawn > -1: delay_before_spawn -= 1 if delay_before_spawn == 0: field.spawn_tetromino() if field.lock_delay_run: field.lock_delay_frames -= 1 if field.lock_delay_frames <= 0 or not field.support_lock_delay: field.save_state() field.clear_lines() field.spawn_tetromino() field.reset_lock_delay() if ticks_before_stats <= 0: state = "gameplay_stats" elif state == "gameplay_stats": field.draw_game_stats() if pygame.K_BACKSPACE in pressed_keys: pygame.key.set_repeat(267, 100) state = "main menu" elif pygame.K_r in pressed_keys: state = "pregameplay" if pygame.K_p in pressed_keys and not field.game_over: on_pause = False state = "gameplay" if __name__ == "__main__": pygame.init() win = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 800)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.set_caption("dan63047 Tetris") pygame.font.init() FONT = pygame.font.Font("PressStart2P-vaV7.ttf", 25) MEDIUM_FONT = pygame.font.Font("PressStart2P-vaV7.ttf", 20) SMALL_FONT = pygame.font.Font("PressStart2P-vaV7.ttf", 15) main() pygame.quit()