import vk_api import datetime import time import requests import logging import pyowm import random import json import threading import pymysql import vk_api import wikipediaapi as wiki import config from pymysql.cursors import DictCursor from pyowm.utils.config import get_default_config from collections import deque from vk_api.bot_longpoll import VkBotLongPoll, VkBotEventType root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) try: log_path = f'logs/console_log{str(}.log' handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path, 'w', 'utf-8') except: log_path = 'console.log' handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path, 'w', 'utf-8') handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) root_logger.addHandler(handler) def log(warning, text): if warning: msg = "[" + str( + "] [WARNING] " + text logging.warning(msg) print(msg) else: msg = "[" + str( + "] " + text print(msg) log(False, "Script started") try: vk = vk_api.VkApi(token=config.vk_group_token) longpoll = VkBotLongPoll(vk, config.group_id) log(False, "VK API Group token: OK") except Exception as e: log(True, "Can't connect to longpull: "+str(e)) exit(log(False, "[SHUTDOWN]")) def cycle(): active = True print("Welcome to dan63047bot console\nEnter command:") while active: command = input(">")"[" + str( + "] Entered command: " + command) command = command.split(' ', 1) if command[0] == "exit": print("Bye") active = False elif command[0] == "help": print("Console in development") print("help - command list") print("exit - shutdown console") print("message [peer_id] [message] - send message in vk from bot to peer_id") print("msg_history [peer_id] [count] - return message history in 'count' last messages with peer_id") elif command[0] == "message": try: command[1] = command[1].split(' ', 1) except: log(True, "No arguments") continue random_id = random.randint(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807) try: m = vk.method('messages.send', {'peer_id': command[1][0], 'message': command[1][1], 'random_id': random_id}) log(False, f'message_id: {m}, peer_id: {command[1][0]}, random_id: {random_id}') except Exception as e: log(True, f'Failed to send message: {str(e)}') elif command[0] == "msg_history": try: command[1] = command[1].split(' ', 1) except: log(True, "No arguments") continue try: if 1 in command[1]: m = vk.method('messages.getHistory', {'count': command[1][1], 'peer_id': command[1][0]}) else: m = vk.method('messages.getHistory', {'peer_id': command[1][0]}) log(False, f"That dialogue have {m['count']} messages ({len(m['items'])} in response)") for i in m['items']: if str(i['from_id']) == "-"+str(config.group_id): f = "You" else: user_info = vk.method('users.get', {'user_ids': i["from_id"], 'fields': 'verified,last_seen,sex'}) f = f'{user_info[0]["first_name"]} {user_info[0]["last_name"]}' datetime_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(i['date']) date = datetime_time.strftime('%d.%m.%Y в %H:%M:%S') msg = f"{f} {date}: {i['text']}" if i['attachments']: for m in i['attachments']: if m['type'] == "sticker": msg += f" [sticker_id{m[m['type']]['sticker_id']}]" elif m['type'] == "wall": msg += " [" + m['type'] + str(m[m['type']]['from_id']) + \ "_" + str(i[m['type']]['id']) + "]" elif m['type'] == "link": msg += " [" + m['type'] + " " + m[m['type']]['title'] + "]" else: msg += " [" + m['type'] + str(m[m['type']]['owner_id']) + \ "_" + str(m[m['type']]['id']) + "]" print(msg) except Exception as e: log(True, f'Failed to get history: {str(e)}') else: log(True, "Unknown command. Type 'help' for command list") cycle()