3 Leaderboard based stats
dan63047 edited this page 2024-03-24 15:35:52 +00:00

Can you agree, that just looking at numbers is... dumb? So, with this feature you can instantly tell how well you doing in tetra league. By default these stats are turned off because loading and analyzing Tetra League leaderboard takes some amount of time. If you want to turn it on, go to three dots menu -> "Settings" and press "Show leaderboard based stats" toggle.

Show leaderboard based stats

Once you do that, go back and hit three dots menu -> "Refresh". You will notice, that your numbers now have colors, as well, as additional metric under every stat showed up. What does that mean?

Colored numbers


Every metric now gets compared with average value on your percentage rank. To determine, which color give to number, Tetra Stats gets "percentage relative to average value" (basically playerStat / averageStat if higher - better or averageStat / playerStat if lower - better). 100% means playerStat == averageStat Colors goes like this (higher - better):

Accent % relative to average
Purple More, than 150%
Blue 120% - 150%
Green 90% - 120%
Yellow 70% - 90%
Red 70% or less
White Not Available

Leaderboard position indicator

This small indicator shows your position on Tetra League leaderboard. If you high enough (№1000 or higher) and you're ranked, you will see precise position on it. That thing also have colors:

Accent LB position
Yellow First
BlueGrey Second
Brown Third
Blue №4 - №9
Green №10 - №99
Gray №100 or lower