
1043 lines
47 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:developer' as developer;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio_multiplayer_replay.dart';
import 'package:tetra_stats/main.dart' show packageInfo;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:tetra_stats/services/custom_http_client.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:tetra_stats/services/crud_exceptions.dart';
import 'package:tetra_stats/services/sqlite_db_controller.dart';
import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio.dart';
import 'package:csv/csv.dart';
const String dbName = "TetraStats.db";
const String tetrioUsersTable = "tetrioUsers";
const String tetrioUsersToTrackTable = "tetrioUsersToTrack";
const String tetraLeagueMatchesTable = "tetrioAlphaLeagueMathces";
const String tetrioTLReplayStatsTable = "tetrioTLReplayStats";
const String idCol = "id";
const String replayID = "replayId";
const String nickCol = "nickname";
const String timestamp = "timestamp";
const String endContext1 = "endContext1";
const String endContext2 = "endContext2";
const String statesCol = "jsonStates";
const String player1id = "player1id";
const String player2id = "player2id";
/// Table, that store players data, their stats at some moments of time
const String createTetrioUsersTable = '''
"nickname" TEXT,
"jsonStates" TEXT,
/// Table, that store ids of players we need keep track of
const String createTetrioUsersToTrack = '''
/// Table of Tetra League matches. Each match corresponds with their own players and end contexts
const String createTetrioTLRecordsTable = '''
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tetrioAlphaLeagueMathces" (
"replayId" TEXT,
"player1id" TEXT,
"player2id" TEXT,
"timestamp" TEXT,
"endContext1" TEXT,
"endContext2" TEXT,
/// Table, that contains results of replay analysis in order to not analyze it more, than one time.
const String createTetrioTLReplayStats = '''
"freyhoe" TEXT,
class TetrioService extends DB {
final Map<String, String> _players = {};
// I'm trying to send as less requests, as possible, so i'm caching the results of those requests.
// Usually those maps looks like this: {"cached_until_unix_milliseconds": Object}
final Map<String, TetrioPlayer> _playersCache = {};
final Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> _recordsCache = {};
final Map<String, dynamic> _replaysCache = {}; // the only one is different: {"replayID": [replayString, replayBytes]}
final Map<String, TetrioPlayersLeaderboard> _leaderboardsCache = {};
final Map<String, List<News>> _newsCache = {};
final Map<String, Map<String, double?>> _topTRcache = {};
final Map<String, TetraLeagueAlphaStream> _tlStreamsCache = {};
/// Thing, that sends every request to the API endpoints
final client = kDebugMode ? UserAgentClient("Kagari-chan loves osk (Tetra Stats dev build)", http.Client()) : UserAgentClient("Tetra Stats v${packageInfo.version} (dm @dan63047 if someone abuse that software)", http.Client());
/// We should have only one instanse of this service
static final TetrioService _shared = TetrioService._sharedInstance();
factory TetrioService() => _shared;
late final StreamController<Map<String, String>> _tetrioStreamController;
TetrioService._sharedInstance() {
_tetrioStreamController = StreamController<Map<String, String>>.broadcast(onListen: () {
Future<void> open() async {
await super.open();
await _loadPlayers();
Stream<Map<String, String>> get allPlayers => _tetrioStreamController.stream;
/// Loading and sending to the stream everyone.
Future<void> _loadPlayers() async {
final allPlayers = await getAllPlayerToTrack();
for (var element in allPlayers) {
_players[element] = await getNicknameByID(element);
developer.log("_loadPlayers: $_players", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
/// Removes player entry from tetrioUsersTable with given [id].
/// Can throw an error is player with this id is not exist
Future<void> deletePlayer(String id) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
final deletedPlayer = await db.delete(tetrioUsersTable, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [id.toLowerCase()]);
if (deletedPlayer != 1) {
throw CouldNotDeletePlayer();
} else {
_players.removeWhere((key, value) => key == id);
/// Gets nickname from database or requests it from API if missing.
/// Throws an exception if user not exist or request failed.
Future<String> getNicknameByID(String id) async {
if (id.length <= 16) return id; // nicknames can be up to 16 symbols in length, that's how i'm differentiate nickname from ids
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
var request = await db.query(tetrioUsersTable, limit: 1, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [id.toLowerCase()]);
return request.first[nickCol] as String;
} catch (e){
return await fetchPlayer(id).then((value) => value.username);
/// Puts results of replay analysis into a tetrioTLReplayStatsTable
Future<void> saveReplayStats(ReplayData replay) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
db.insert(tetrioTLReplayStatsTable, {idCol: replay.id, "data": jsonEncode(replay.toJson())});
/// Downloads replay from inoue (szy API). Requiers [replayID]. If request have
/// different from 200 statusCode, it will throw an excepction. Returns list, that contains same replay
/// as string and as binary.
Future<List<dynamic>> szyGetReplay(String replayID) async {
try{ // read from cache
var cached = _replaysCache.entries.firstWhere((element) => element.key == replayID);
return cached.value;
}catch (e){
// actually going to obtain
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) { // Web version sends every request through my php script at the same domain, where Tetra Stats located because of CORS
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "tetrioReplay", "replayid": replayID});
} else { // Actually going to hit inoue
url = Uri.https('inoue.szy.lol', '/api/replay/$replayID');
// Trying to obtain replay from download directory first
if (!kIsWeb){ // can't obtain download directory on web
var downloadPath = await getDownloadsDirectory();
downloadPath ??= Platform.isAndroid ? Directory("/storage/emulated/0/Download") : await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
var replayFile = File("${downloadPath.path}/$replayID.ttrm");
if (replayFile.existsSync()) return [replayFile.readAsStringSync(), replayFile.readAsBytesSync()];
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
developer.log("szyDownload: Replay downloaded", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
_replaysCache[replayID] = [response.body, response.bodyBytes]; // Puts results into the cache
return [response.body, response.bodyBytes];
// if not 200 - throw a unique for each code exception
case 404:
throw SzyNotFound();
case 403:
throw SzyForbidden();
case 429:
throw SzyTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw SzyInternalProblem();
developer.log("szyDownload: Failed to download a replay", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) { // If local http client fails
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri); // just assuming, that our end user don't have acess to the internet
/// Saves replay with given [replayID] to Download or Documents directory as [replayID].ttrm. Throws an exception,
/// if file with name [replayID].ttrm exist, if it fails to get replay or unable to save replay
Future<String> saveReplay(String replayID) async {
var downloadPath = await getDownloadsDirectory();
downloadPath ??= Platform.isAndroid ? Directory("/storage/emulated/0/Download") : await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
var replayFile = File("${downloadPath.path}/$replayID.ttrm");
if (replayFile.existsSync()) throw TetrioReplayAlreadyExist();
var replay = await szyGetReplay(replayID);
await replayFile.writeAsBytes(replay[1]);
return replayFile.path;
/// Gets replay with given [replayID] and returns some stats about it. If [isAvailable] is false
/// or unable to get replay, it will throw an exception
Future<ReplayData> analyzeReplay(String replayID, bool isAvailable) async{
// trying retirieve existing stats from DB first
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
final results = await db.query(tetrioTLReplayStatsTable, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [replayID]);
if (results.isNotEmpty) return ReplayData.fromJson(jsonDecode(results.first["data"].toString())); // if success
if (!isAvailable) throw ReplayNotAvalable(); // if replay too old
// otherwise, actually going to download a replay and analyze it
String replay = (await szyGetReplay(replayID))[0];
Map<String, dynamic> toAnalyze = jsonDecode(replay);
ReplayData data = ReplayData.fromJson(toAnalyze);
saveReplayStats(data); // saving to DB for later
return data;
/// Gets and returns Top TR for a player with given [id]. May return null if player top tr is unknown
/// or api is unavaliable (404). May throw an exception, if something else happens.
Future<double?> fetchTopTR(String id) async {
try{ // read from cache
var cached = _topTRcache.entries.firstWhere((element) => element.value.keys.first == id);
if (DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true).isAfter(DateTime.now())){ // if not expired
developer.log("fetchTopTR: Top TR retrieved from cache, that expires ${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)}", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return cached.value.values.first;
}else{ // if cache expired
developer.log("fetchTopTR: Top TR expired (${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)})", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
}catch(e){ // actually going to obtain
developer.log("fetchTopTR: Trying to retrieve Top TR", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) { // Web version sends every request through my php script at the same domain, where Tetra Stats located because of CORS
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "PeakTR", "user": id});
} else { // Actually going to hit p1nkl0bst3r api
url = Uri.https('api.p1nkl0bst3r.xyz', 'toptr/$id');
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200: // ok - return the value
_topTRcache[(DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch + 300000).toString()] = {id: double.tryParse(response.body)};
return double.tryParse(response.body);
case 404: // not found - return null
developer.log("fetchTopTR: Probably, player doesn't have top TR", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
_topTRcache[(DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch + 300000).toString()] = {id: null};
return null;
// if not 200 or 404 - throw a unique for each code exception
case 403:
throw P1nkl0bst3rForbidden();
case 429:
throw P1nkl0bst3rTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw P1nkl0bst3rInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchTopTR: Failed to fetch top TR", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) { // If local http client fails
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri); // just assuming, that our end user don't have acess to the internet
// Sidenote: as you can see, fetch functions looks and works pretty much same way, as described above,
// so i'm going to document only unique differences between them
/// Retrieves Tetra League history from p1nkl0bst3r api for a player with given [id]. Returns a list of states
/// (state = instance of [TetrioPlayer] at some point of time). Can throw an exception if fails to retrieve data.
Future<List<TetrioPlayer>> fetchAndsaveTLHistory(String id) async {
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) {
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "TLHistory", "user": id});
} else {
url = Uri.https('api.p1nkl0bst3r.xyz', 'tlhist/$id');
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
// that one api returns csv instead of json
List<List<dynamic>> csv = const CsvToListConverter().convert(response.body)..removeAt(0);
List<TetrioPlayer> history = [];
// doesn't return nickname, need to retrieve it separately
String nick = await getNicknameByID(id);
for (List<dynamic> entry in csv){ // each entry is one state
TetrioPlayer state = TetrioPlayer(
userId: id,
username: nick,
role: "p1nkl0bst3r",
state: DateTime.parse(entry[9]),
badges: [],
friendCount: -1,
gamesPlayed: -1,
gamesWon: -1,
gameTime: const Duration(seconds: -1),
xp: -1,
supporterTier: 0,
verified: false,
connections: null,
tlSeason1: TetraLeagueAlpha(
timestamp: DateTime.parse(entry[9]),
apm: entry[6] != '' ? entry[6] : null,
pps: entry[7] != '' ? entry[7] : null,
vs: entry[8] != '' ? entry[8] : null,
glicko: entry[4],
rd: noTrRd,
gamesPlayed: entry[1],
gamesWon: entry[2],
bestRank: "z",
decaying: false,
rating: entry[3],
rank: entry[5],
percentileRank: entry[5],
percentile: rankCutoffs[entry[5]]!,
standing: -1,
standingLocal: -1,
nextAt: -1,
prevAt: -1
sprint: [],
blitz: []
// trying to dump it to local DB
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
List<TetrioPlayer> states = await getPlayer(id);
if (states.isEmpty) await createPlayer(history.first);
states.insertAll(0, history.reversed);
final Map<String, dynamic> statesJson = {};
for (var e in states) { // making one big json out of this list
statesJson.addEntries({(e.state.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000).toString(): e.toJson()}.entries);
// and putting it to local DB
await db.update(tetrioUsersTable, {idCol: id, nickCol: nick, statesCol: jsonEncode(statesJson)}, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [id]);
return history;
case 404:
developer.log("fetchTLHistory: Probably, history doesn't exist", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw TetrioHistoryNotExist();
case 403:
throw P1nkl0bst3rForbidden();
case 429:
throw P1nkl0bst3rTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw P1nkl0bst3rInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchTLHistory: Failed to fetch history", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) {
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri);
/// Docs later
Future<List<TetraLeagueAlphaRecord>> fetchAndSaveOldTLmatches(String userID) async {
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) {
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "TLMatches", "user": userID});
} else {
url = Uri.https('api.p1nkl0bst3r.xyz', 'tlmatches/$userID');
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
// that one api returns csv instead of json
List<List<dynamic>> csv = const CsvToListConverter().convert(response.body)..removeAt(0);
List<TetraLeagueAlphaRecord> matches = [];
// parsing data into TetraLeagueAlphaRecord objects
for (var entry in csv){
TetraLeagueAlphaRecord match = TetraLeagueAlphaRecord(
replayId: entry[0],
ownId: entry[0], // i gonna disting p1nkl0bst3r entries with it
timestamp: DateTime.parse(entry[1]),
endContext: [
userId: entry[2],
username: entry[3].toString(),
naturalOrder: 0,
inputs: -1,
piecesPlaced: -1,
handling: Handling(arr: -1, das: -1, sdf: -1, dcd: 0, cancel: true, safeLock: true),
points: entry[4],
wins: entry[4],
secondary: entry[6],
secondaryTracking: [],
tertiary: entry[5],
tertiaryTracking: [],
extra: entry[7],
extraTracking: [],
success: true
userId: entry[8],
username: entry[9].toString(),
naturalOrder: 1,
inputs: -1,
piecesPlaced: -1,
handling: Handling(arr: -1, das: -1, sdf: -1, dcd: 0, cancel: true, safeLock: true),
points: entry[10],
wins: entry[10],
secondary: entry[12],
secondaryTracking: [],
tertiary: entry[11],
tertiaryTracking: [],
extra: entry[13],
extraTracking: [],
success: false
replayAvalable: false
// trying to dump it to local DB
TetraLeagueAlphaStream fakeStream = TetraLeagueAlphaStream(userId: userID, records: matches);
return matches;
case 404:
developer.log("fetchAndSaveOldTLmatches: Probably, history doesn't exist", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw TetrioHistoryNotExist();
case 403:
throw P1nkl0bst3rForbidden();
case 429:
throw P1nkl0bst3rTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw P1nkl0bst3rInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchAndSaveOldTLmatches: Failed to fetch history", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) {
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri);
/// Retrieves full Tetra League leaderboard from Tetra Channel api. Returns a leaderboard object. Throws an exception if fails to retrieve.
Future<TetrioPlayersLeaderboard> fetchTLLeaderboard() async {
var cached = _leaderboardsCache.entries.firstWhere((element) => element.value.type == "league");
if (DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true).isAfter(DateTime.now())){
developer.log("fetchTLLeaderboard: Leaderboard retrieved from cache, that expires ${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)}", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return cached.value;
developer.log("fetchTLLeaderboard: Leaderboard expired (${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)})", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
developer.log("fetchTLLeaderboard: Trying to retrieve leaderboard", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) {
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "TLLeaderboard"});
} else {
url = Uri.https('ch.tetr.io', 'api/users/lists/league/all');
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
var rawJson = jsonDecode(response.body);
if (rawJson['success']) { // if api confirmed that everything ok
TetrioPlayersLeaderboard leaderboard = TetrioPlayersLeaderboard.fromJson(rawJson['data']['users'], "league", DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(rawJson['cache']['cached_at']));
developer.log("fetchTLLeaderboard: Leaderboard retrieved and cached", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
_leaderboardsCache[rawJson['cache']['cached_until'].toString()] = leaderboard;
return leaderboard;
} else { // idk how to hit that one
developer.log("fetchTLLeaderboard: Bruh", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: rawJson);
throw Exception("Failed to get leaderboard (problems on the tetr.io side)"); // will it be on tetr.io side?
case 403:
throw TetrioForbidden();
case 429:
throw TetrioTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw TetrioInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchTLLeaderboard: Failed to fetch leaderboard", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) {
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri);
TetrioPlayersLeaderboard? getCachedLeaderboard(){
return _leaderboardsCache.entries.firstOrNull?.value;
// That function will break if i decide to recive other leaderboards
// TODO: Think about better solution
/// Retrieves and returns 100 latest news entries from Tetra Channel api for given [userID]. Throws an exception if fails to retrieve.
Future<List<News>> fetchNews(String userID) async{
var cached = _newsCache.entries.firstWhere((element) => element.value[0].stream == "user_$userID");
if (DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true).isAfter(DateTime.now())){
developer.log("fetchNews: News for $userID retrieved from cache, that expires ${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)}", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return cached.value;
developer.log("fetchNews: Cached news for $userID expired (${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)})", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
developer.log("fetchNews: Trying to retrieve news for $userID", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) {
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "tetrioNews", "user": userID.toLowerCase().trim(), "limit": "100"});
} else {
url = Uri.https('ch.tetr.io', 'api/news/user_${userID.toLowerCase().trim()}', {"limit": "100"});
try {
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
var payload = jsonDecode(response.body);
if (payload['success']) { // if api confirmed that everything ok
List<News> news = [for (var entry in payload['data']['news']) News.fromJson(entry)];
_newsCache[payload['cache']['cached_until'].toString()] = news;
developer.log("fetchNews: $userID news retrieved and cached", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return news;
} else {
developer.log("fetchNews: User dosen't exist", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.body);
throw TetrioPlayerNotExist();
case 403:
throw TetrioForbidden();
case 429:
throw TetrioTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw TetrioInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchNews: Failed to fetch stream", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) {
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri);
/// Retrieves avaliable Tetra League matches from Tetra Channel api. Returns stream object (fake stream).
/// Throws an exception if fails to retrieve.
Future<TetraLeagueAlphaStream> fetchTLStream(String userID) async {
var cached = _tlStreamsCache.entries.firstWhere((element) => element.value.userId == userID);
if (DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true).isAfter(DateTime.now())){
developer.log("fetchTLStream: Stream $userID retrieved from cache, that expires ${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)}", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return cached.value;
developer.log("fetchTLStream: Cached stream $userID expired (${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)})", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
developer.log("fetchTLStream: Trying to retrieve stream $userID", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) {
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "tetrioUserTL", "user": userID.toLowerCase().trim()});
} else {
url = Uri.https('ch.tetr.io', 'api/streams/league_userrecent_${userID.toLowerCase().trim()}');
try {
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
if (jsonDecode(response.body)['success']) {
TetraLeagueAlphaStream stream = TetraLeagueAlphaStream.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body)['data']['records'], userID);
_tlStreamsCache[jsonDecode(response.body)['cache']['cached_until'].toString()] = stream;
developer.log("fetchTLStream: $userID stream retrieved and cached", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return stream;
} else {
developer.log("fetchTLStream User dosen't exist", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.body);
throw TetrioPlayerNotExist();
case 403:
throw TetrioForbidden();
case 429:
throw TetrioTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw TetrioInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchTLStream Failed to fetch stream", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) {
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri);
/// Saves Tetra League Matches from [stream] to the local DB.
Future<void> saveTLMatchesFromStream(TetraLeagueAlphaStream stream) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
for (TetraLeagueAlphaRecord match in stream.records) { // putting then one by one
final results = await db.query(tetraLeagueMatchesTable, where: '$replayID = ?', whereArgs: [match.replayId]);
if (results.isNotEmpty) continue; // if match alreay exist - skip
db.insert(tetraLeagueMatchesTable, {
idCol: match.ownId,
replayID: match.replayId,
timestamp: match.timestamp.toString(),
player1id: match.endContext.first.userId,
player2id: match.endContext.last.userId,
endContext1: jsonEncode(match.endContext.first.toJson()),
endContext2: jsonEncode(match.endContext.last.toJson())
/// Deletes duplicate entries of Tetra League matches from local DB.
Future<void> removeDuplicatesFromTLMatches() async{
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
await db.execute("""
DELETE FROM $tetraLeagueMatchesTable
$idCol IN (
ORDER BY $replayID) AS row_num
FROM $tetraLeagueMatchesTable
) t
WHERE row_num > 1
/// Gets and returns a list of matches from local DB for a given [playerID].
Future<List<TetraLeagueAlphaRecord>> getTLMatchesbyPlayerID(String playerID) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
List<TetraLeagueAlphaRecord> matches = [];
final results = await db.query(tetraLeagueMatchesTable, where: '($player1id = ?) OR ($player2id = ?)', whereArgs: [playerID, playerID]);
for (var match in results){
ownId: match[idCol].toString(),
replayId: match[replayID].toString(),
timestamp: DateTime.parse(match[timestamp].toString()),
replayAvalable: false
return matches;
/// Deletes match and stats of that match with given [matchID] from local DB. Throws an exception if fails.
Future<void> deleteTLMatch(String matchID) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
final rID = (await db.query(tetraLeagueMatchesTable, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [matchID])).first[replayID];
final results = await db.delete(tetraLeagueMatchesTable, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [matchID]);
if (results != 1) {
throw CouldNotDeleteMatch();
await db.delete(tetrioTLReplayStatsTable, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [rID]);
/// Retrieves Blitz, 40 Lines and Zen records for a given [userID] from Tetra Channel api. Returns Map, which contains user id (`user`),
/// Blitz (`blitz`) and 40 Lines (`sprint`) record objects and Zen object (`zen`). Throws an exception if fails to retrieve.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchRecords(String userID) async {
var cached = _recordsCache.entries.firstWhere((element) => element.value['user'] == userID);
if (DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true).isAfter(DateTime.now())){
developer.log("fetchRecords: $userID records retrieved from cache, that expires ${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)}", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return cached.value;
developer.log("fetchRecords: $userID records expired (${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)})", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
developer.log("fetchRecords: Trying to retrieve $userID records", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) {
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "tetrioUserRecords", "user": userID.toLowerCase().trim()});
} else {
url = Uri.https('ch.tetr.io', 'api/users/${userID.toLowerCase().trim()}/records');
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
if (jsonDecode(response.body)['success']) {
Map jsonRecords = jsonDecode(response.body);
var sprint = jsonRecords['data']['records']['40l']['record'] != null
? RecordSingle.fromJson(jsonRecords['data']['records']['40l']['record'], jsonRecords['data']['records']['40l']['rank'])
: null;
var blitz = jsonRecords['data']['records']['blitz']['record'] != null
? RecordSingle.fromJson(jsonRecords['data']['records']['blitz']['record'], jsonRecords['data']['records']['blitz']['rank'])
: null;
var zen = TetrioZen.fromJson(jsonRecords['data']['zen']);
Map<String, dynamic> map = {"user": userID.toLowerCase().trim(), "sprint": sprint, "blitz": blitz, "zen": zen};
_recordsCache[jsonDecode(response.body)['cache']['cached_until'].toString()] = map;
developer.log("fetchRecords: $userID records retrieved and cached", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return map;
} else {
developer.log("fetchRecords User dosen't exist", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.body);
throw TetrioPlayerNotExist();
case 403:
throw TetrioForbidden();
case 429:
throw TetrioTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw TetrioInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchRecords Failed to fetch records", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) {
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri);
/// Creates an entry in local DB for [tetrioPlayer]. Throws an exception if that player already here.
Future<void> createPlayer(TetrioPlayer tetrioPlayer) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
// checking if its already here
final results = await db.query(tetrioUsersTable, limit: 1, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [tetrioPlayer.userId.toLowerCase()]);
if (results.isNotEmpty) {
throw TetrioPlayerAlreadyExist();
// converting to json and store
final Map<String, dynamic> statesJson = {(tetrioPlayer.state.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000).toString(): tetrioPlayer.toJson()};
db.insert(tetrioUsersTable, {idCol: tetrioPlayer.userId, nickCol: tetrioPlayer.username, statesCol: jsonEncode(statesJson)});
_players.addEntries({tetrioPlayer.userId: tetrioPlayer.username}.entries);
/// Adds user id of [tetrioPlayer] to the [tetrioUsersToTrackTable] of database.
Future<void> addPlayerToTrack(TetrioPlayer tetrioPlayer) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
final results = await db.query(tetrioUsersToTrackTable, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [tetrioPlayer.userId.toLowerCase()]);
if (results.isNotEmpty) {
throw TetrioPlayerAlreadyExist();
db.insert(tetrioUsersToTrackTable, {idCol: tetrioPlayer.userId});
/// Returns bool, which tells whether is given [id] is in [tetrioUsersToTrackTable].
Future<bool> isPlayerTracking(String id) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
final results = await db.query(tetrioUsersToTrackTable, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [id.toLowerCase()]);
return results.isNotEmpty;
/// Returns Iterable with user ids of players who is tracked.
Future<Iterable<String>> getAllPlayerToTrack() async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
final players = await db.query(tetrioUsersToTrackTable);
return players.map((noteRow) => noteRow["id"].toString());
/// Removes user with given [id] from the [tetrioUsersToTrackTable] of database.
Future<void> deletePlayerToTrack(String id) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
final deletedPlayer = await db.delete(tetrioUsersToTrackTable, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [id.toLowerCase()]);
if (deletedPlayer != 1) {
throw CouldNotDeletePlayer();
} else {
_players.removeWhere((key, value) => key == id);
/// Saves state (which is [tetrioPlayer]) to the local database.
Future<void> storeState(TetrioPlayer tetrioPlayer) async {
// if tetrio player doesn't have entry in database - just calling different function
List<TetrioPlayer> states = await getPlayer(tetrioPlayer.userId);
if (states.isEmpty) {
await createPlayer(tetrioPlayer);
// we not going to add state, that is same, as the previous
bool test = states.last.isSameState(tetrioPlayer);
if (test == false) states.add(tetrioPlayer);
// Making map of the states
final Map<String, dynamic> statesJson = {};
for (var e in states) {
// Saving in format: {"unix_seconds": json_of_state}
statesJson.addEntries({(e.state.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000).toString(): e.toJson()}.entries);
// Rewrite our database
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
await db.update(tetrioUsersTable, {idCol: tetrioPlayer.userId, nickCol: tetrioPlayer.username, statesCol: jsonEncode(statesJson)},
where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [tetrioPlayer.userId]);
/// Remove state (which is [tetrioPlayer]) from the local database
Future<void> deleteState(TetrioPlayer tetrioPlayer) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
List<TetrioPlayer> states = await getPlayer(tetrioPlayer.userId);
// removing state from map that contain every state of each user
states.removeWhere((element) => element.state == tetrioPlayer.state);
// Making map of the states (without deleted one)
final Map<String, dynamic> statesJson = {};
for (var e in states) {
statesJson.addEntries({(e.state.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000).toString(): e.toJson()}.entries);
// Rewriting database entry with new json
await db.update(tetrioUsersTable, {idCol: tetrioPlayer.userId, nickCol: tetrioPlayer.username, statesCol: jsonEncode(statesJson)},
where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [tetrioPlayer.userId]);
/// Returns list of all states of player with given [id] from database. Can return empty list if player
/// was not found.
Future<List<TetrioPlayer>> getPlayer(String id) async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
List<TetrioPlayer> states = [];
final results = await db.query(tetrioUsersTable, limit: 1, where: '$idCol = ?', whereArgs: [id.toLowerCase()]);
if (results.isEmpty) {
return states; // it empty
} else {
dynamic rawStates = results.first['jsonStates'] as String;
rawStates = json.decode(rawStates);
// recreating objects of states
rawStates.forEach((k, v) => states.add(TetrioPlayer.fromJson(v, DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(k) * 1000), id, results.first[nickCol] as String)));
// updating the stream
_players.removeWhere((key, value) => key == id);
_players.addEntries({states.last.userId: states.last.username}.entries);
return states;
/// Retrieves general stats of [user] (nickname or id) from Tetra Channel api. Returns [TetrioPlayer] object of this user.
/// If [isItDiscordID] is true, function expects [user] to be a discord user id. Throws an exception if fails to retrieve.
Future<TetrioPlayer> fetchPlayer(String user, {bool isItDiscordID = false}) async {
var cached = _playersCache.entries.firstWhere((element) => element.value.userId == user || element.value.username == user);
if (DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true).isAfter(DateTime.now())){
developer.log("fetchPlayer: User $user retrieved from cache, that expires ${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)}", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return cached.value;
developer.log("fetchPlayer: Cached user $user expired (${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(cached.key.toString()), isUtc: true)})", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
developer.log("fetchPlayer: Trying to retrieve $user", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
if (isItDiscordID){
// trying to find player with given discord id
Uri dUrl;
if (kIsWeb) {
dUrl = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "tetrioUserByDiscordID", "user": user.toLowerCase().trim()});
} else {
dUrl = Uri.https('ch.tetr.io', 'api/users/search/${user.toLowerCase().trim()}');
final response = await client.get(dUrl);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
var json = jsonDecode(response.body);
if (json['success'] && json['data'] != null) {
// success - rewrite user with tetrio user id and going to obtain data about him
user = json['data']['user']['_id'];
} else { // fail - throw an exception
developer.log("fetchPlayer User dosen't exist", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.body);
throw TetrioPlayerNotExist();
// more exceptions to god of exceptions
case 403:
throw TetrioForbidden();
case 429:
throw TetrioTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw TetrioInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchPlayer Failed to fetch player", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
} on http.ClientException catch (e, s) {
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri);
// finally going to obtain
Uri url;
if (kIsWeb) {
url = Uri.https('ts.dan63.by', 'oskware_bridge.php', {"endpoint": "tetrioUser", "user": user.toLowerCase().trim()});
} else {
url = Uri.https('ch.tetr.io', 'api/users/${user.toLowerCase().trim()}');
final response = await client.get(url);
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 200:
var json = jsonDecode(response.body);
if (json['success']) {
// parse and count stats
TetrioPlayer player = TetrioPlayer.fromJson(json['data']['user'], DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(json['cache']['cached_at'], isUtc: true), json['data']['user']['_id'], json['data']['user']['username']);
_playersCache[jsonDecode(response.body)['cache']['cached_until'].toString()] = player;
developer.log("fetchPlayer: $user retrieved and cached", name: "services/tetrio_crud");
return player;
} else {
developer.log("fetchPlayer User dosen't exist", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.body);
throw TetrioPlayerNotExist();
case 403:
throw TetrioForbidden();
case 429:
throw TetrioTooManyRequests();
case 418:
throw TetrioOskwareBridgeProblem();
case 500:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
throw TetrioInternalProblem();
developer.log("fetchPlayer Failed to fetch player", name: "services/tetrio_crud", error: response.statusCode);
throw ConnectionIssue(response.statusCode, response.reasonPhrase??"No reason");
}on http.ClientException catch (e, s) {
developer.log("$e, $s");
throw http.ClientException(e.message, e.uri);
/// Retrieves whole [tetrioUsersTable] and returns Map with [TetrioPlayer] objects of everyone in database
Future<Map<String, List<TetrioPlayer>>> getAllPlayers() async {
await ensureDbIsOpen();
final db = getDatabaseOrThrow();
final players = await db.query(tetrioUsersTable);
Map<String, List<TetrioPlayer>> data = {};
for (var entry in players){
var test = json.decode(entry['jsonStates'] as String);
List<TetrioPlayer> states = [];
test.forEach((k, v) => states.add(TetrioPlayer.fromJson(v, DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(k) * 1000), entry[idCol] as String, entry[nickCol] as String)));
data.addEntries({states.last.userId: states}.entries);
return data;