/// Generated file. Do not edit. /// /// Original: res/i18n /// To regenerate, run: `dart run slang` /// /// Locales: 1 /// Strings: 690 /// /// Built on 2024-11-28 at 20:31 UTC // coverage:ignore-file // ignore_for_file: type=lint import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:slang/builder/model/node.dart'; import 'package:slang_flutter/slang_flutter.dart'; export 'package:slang_flutter/slang_flutter.dart'; const AppLocale _baseLocale = AppLocale.en; /// Supported locales, see extension methods below. /// /// Usage: /// - LocaleSettings.setLocale(AppLocale.en) // set locale /// - Locale locale = AppLocale.en.flutterLocale // get flutter locale from enum /// - if (LocaleSettings.currentLocale == AppLocale.en) // locale check enum AppLocale with BaseAppLocale { en(languageCode: 'en', build: Translations.build); const AppLocale({required this.languageCode, this.scriptCode, this.countryCode, required this.build}); // ignore: unused_element @override final String languageCode; @override final String? scriptCode; @override final String? countryCode; @override final TranslationBuilder build; /// Gets current instance managed by [LocaleSettings]. Translations get translations => LocaleSettings.instance.translationMap[this]!; } /// Method A: Simple /// /// No rebuild after locale change. /// Translation happens during initialization of the widget (call of t). /// Configurable via 'translate_var'. /// /// Usage: /// String a = t.someKey.anotherKey; /// String b = t['someKey.anotherKey']; // Only for edge cases! Translations get t => LocaleSettings.instance.currentTranslations; /// Method B: Advanced /// /// All widgets using this method will trigger a rebuild when locale changes. /// Use this if you have e.g. a settings page where the user can select the locale during runtime. /// /// Step 1: /// wrap your App with /// TranslationProvider( /// child: MyApp() /// ); /// /// Step 2: /// final t = Translations.of(context); // Get t variable. /// String a = t.someKey.anotherKey; // Use t variable. /// String b = t['someKey.anotherKey']; // Only for edge cases! class TranslationProvider extends BaseTranslationProvider { TranslationProvider({required super.child}) : super(settings: LocaleSettings.instance); static InheritedLocaleData of(BuildContext context) => InheritedLocaleData.of(context); } /// Method B shorthand via [BuildContext] extension method. /// Configurable via 'translate_var'. /// /// Usage (e.g. in a widget's build method): /// context.t.someKey.anotherKey extension BuildContextTranslationsExtension on BuildContext { Translations get t => TranslationProvider.of(this).translations; } /// Manages all translation instances and the current locale class LocaleSettings extends BaseFlutterLocaleSettings { LocaleSettings._() : super(utils: AppLocaleUtils.instance); static final instance = LocaleSettings._(); // static aliases (checkout base methods for documentation) static AppLocale get currentLocale => instance.currentLocale; static Stream getLocaleStream() => instance.getLocaleStream(); static AppLocale setLocale(AppLocale locale, {bool? listenToDeviceLocale = false}) => instance.setLocale(locale, listenToDeviceLocale: listenToDeviceLocale); static AppLocale setLocaleRaw(String rawLocale, {bool? listenToDeviceLocale = false}) => instance.setLocaleRaw(rawLocale, listenToDeviceLocale: listenToDeviceLocale); static AppLocale useDeviceLocale() => instance.useDeviceLocale(); @Deprecated('Use [AppLocaleUtils.supportedLocales]') static List get supportedLocales => instance.supportedLocales; @Deprecated('Use [AppLocaleUtils.supportedLocalesRaw]') static List get supportedLocalesRaw => instance.supportedLocalesRaw; static void setPluralResolver({String? language, AppLocale? locale, PluralResolver? cardinalResolver, PluralResolver? ordinalResolver}) => instance.setPluralResolver( language: language, locale: locale, cardinalResolver: cardinalResolver, ordinalResolver: ordinalResolver, ); } /// Provides utility functions without any side effects. class AppLocaleUtils extends BaseAppLocaleUtils { AppLocaleUtils._() : super(baseLocale: _baseLocale, locales: AppLocale.values); static final instance = AppLocaleUtils._(); // static aliases (checkout base methods for documentation) static AppLocale parse(String rawLocale) => instance.parse(rawLocale); static AppLocale parseLocaleParts({required String languageCode, String? scriptCode, String? countryCode}) => instance.parseLocaleParts(languageCode: languageCode, scriptCode: scriptCode, countryCode: countryCode); static AppLocale findDeviceLocale() => instance.findDeviceLocale(); static List get supportedLocales => instance.supportedLocales; static List get supportedLocalesRaw => instance.supportedLocalesRaw; } // translations // Path: class Translations implements BaseTranslations { /// Returns the current translations of the given [context]. /// /// Usage: /// final t = Translations.of(context); static Translations of(BuildContext context) => InheritedLocaleData.of(context).translations; /// You can call this constructor and build your own translation instance of this locale. /// Constructing via the enum [AppLocale.build] is preferred. Translations.build({Map? overrides, PluralResolver? cardinalResolver, PluralResolver? ordinalResolver}) : assert(overrides == null, 'Set "translation_overrides: true" in order to enable this feature.'), $meta = TranslationMetadata( locale: AppLocale.en, overrides: overrides ?? {}, cardinalResolver: cardinalResolver, ordinalResolver: ordinalResolver, ) { $meta.setFlatMapFunction(_flatMapFunction); } /// Metadata for the translations of . @override final TranslationMetadata $meta; /// Access flat map dynamic operator[](String key) => $meta.getTranslation(key); late final Translations _root = this; // ignore: unused_field // Translations Map get locales => { 'en': 'English', 'ru': 'Russian (Русский)', 'zh-CN': 'Simplified Chinese (简体中文)', }; Map get gamemodes => { 'league': 'Tetra League', 'zenith': 'Quick Play', 'zenithex': 'Quick Play Expert', '40l': '40 Lines', 'blitz': 'Blitz', '5mblast': '5,000,000 Blast', 'zen': 'Zen', }; late final _StringsDestinationsEn destinations = _StringsDestinationsEn._(_root); String get goBackButton => 'Go Back'; String get nanow => 'Not avaliable for now...'; String seasonEnds({required Object countdown}) => 'Season ends in ${countdown}'; String get seasonEnded => 'Season has ended'; String overallPB({required Object pb}) => 'Overall PB: ${pb}'; String gamesUntilRanked({required Object left}) => '${left} games until being ranked'; String numOfVictories({required Object wins}) => '~${wins} victories'; String get promotionOnNextWin => 'Promotion on next win'; String numOfdefeats({required Object losses}) => '~${losses} defeats'; String get demotionOnNextLoss => 'Demotion on next loss'; String get records => 'Records'; String get nerdStats => 'Nerd Stats'; String get playstyles => 'Playstyles'; String get horoscopes => 'Horoscopes'; String get season => 'Season'; String get smooth => 'Smooth'; String get dateAndTime => 'Date & Time'; String get TLfullLBnote => 'Heavy, but allows you to sort players by their stats and filter them by ranks'; String get rank => 'Rank'; String verdictGeneral({required Object n, required Object verdict, required Object rank}) => '${n} ${verdict} of ${rank} rank avg'; String get verdictBetter => 'ahead'; String get verdictWorse => 'behind'; String get localStanding => 'local'; late final _StringsXpEn xp = _StringsXpEn._(_root); late final _StringsGametimeEn gametime = _StringsGametimeEn._(_root); String get track => 'Track'; String get stopTracking => 'Stop tracking'; String supporter({required Object tier}) => 'Supporter tier ${tier}'; String comparingWith({required Object newDate, required Object oldDate}) => 'Data from ${newDate} comparing with ${oldDate}'; String get compare => 'Compare'; String get comparison => 'Comparison'; String get general => 'General'; String get badges => 'Badges'; String obtainDate({required Object date}) => 'Obtained ${date}'; String get assignedManualy => 'That badge was assigned manualy by TETR.IO admins'; String get distinguishment => 'Distinguishment'; String get bigRedBanned => 'BANNED'; String get normalBanned => 'Banned'; String get bigRedBadStanding => 'BAD STANDING'; String get copiedToClipboard => 'Copied to clipboard!'; String get bio => 'Bio'; String get news => 'News'; late final _StringsNewsPartsEn newsParts = _StringsNewsPartsEn._(_root); String get copyUserID => 'Click to copy user ID'; String get searchHint => 'Username or ID'; String get searchButton => 'Search'; String get trackedPlayers => 'Tracked Players'; String get standing => 'Standing'; String get previousSeasons => 'Previous Seasons'; String get recent => 'Recent'; String get top => 'Top'; String get noRecord => 'No record'; String sprintAndBlitsRelevance({required Object date}) => 'Relevance: ${date}'; late final _StringsSnackBarMessagesEn snackBarMessages = _StringsSnackBarMessagesEn._(_root); late final _StringsErrorsEn errors = _StringsErrorsEn._(_root); late final _StringsActionsEn actions = _StringsActionsEn._(_root); late final _StringsGraphsDestinationEn graphsDestination = _StringsGraphsDestinationEn._(_root); late final _StringsFilterModaleEn filterModale = _StringsFilterModaleEn._(_root); late final _StringsCutoffsDestinationEn cutoffsDestination = _StringsCutoffsDestinationEn._(_root); late final _StringsRankViewEn rankView = _StringsRankViewEn._(_root); late final _StringsTlMatchViewEn tlMatchView = _StringsTlMatchViewEn._(_root); late final _StringsCalcDestinationEn calcDestination = _StringsCalcDestinationEn._(_root); late final _StringsInfoDestinationEn infoDestination = _StringsInfoDestinationEn._(_root); late final _StringsLeaderboardsDestinationEn leaderboardsDestination = _StringsLeaderboardsDestinationEn._(_root); late final _StringsSettingsDestinationEn settingsDestination = _StringsSettingsDestinationEn._(_root); late final _StringsHomeNavigationEn homeNavigation = _StringsHomeNavigationEn._(_root); late final _StringsGraphsNavigationEn graphsNavigation = _StringsGraphsNavigationEn._(_root); late final _StringsCalcNavigationEn calcNavigation = _StringsCalcNavigationEn._(_root); late final _StringsAboutViewEn aboutView = _StringsAboutViewEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsEn stats = _StringsStatsEn._(_root); Map get countries => { '': 'Worldwide', 'AF': 'Afghanistan', 'AX': 'Åland Islands', 'AL': 'Albania', 'DZ': 'Algeria', 'AS': 'American Samoa', 'AD': 'Andorra', 'AO': 'Angola', 'AI': 'Anguilla', 'AQ': 'Antarctica', 'AG': 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'AR': 'Argentina', 'AM': 'Armenia', 'AW': 'Aruba', 'AU': 'Australia', 'AT': 'Austria', 'AZ': 'Azerbaijan', 'BS': 'Bahamas', 'BH': 'Bahrain', 'BD': 'Bangladesh', 'BB': 'Barbados', 'BY': 'Belarus', 'BE': 'Belgium', 'BZ': 'Belize', 'BJ': 'Benin', 'BM': 'Bermuda', 'BT': 'Bhutan', 'BO': 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of', 'BA': 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BW': 'Botswana', 'BV': 'Bouvet Island', 'BR': 'Brazil', 'IO': 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'BN': 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BG': 'Bulgaria', 'BF': 'Burkina Faso', 'BI': 'Burundi', 'KH': 'Cambodia', 'CM': 'Cameroon', 'CA': 'Canada', 'CV': 'Cape Verde', 'BQ': 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'KY': 'Cayman Islands', 'CF': 'Central African Republic', 'TD': 'Chad', 'CL': 'Chile', 'CN': 'China', 'CX': 'Christmas Island', 'CC': 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CO': 'Colombia', 'KM': 'Comoros', 'CG': 'Congo', 'CD': 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the', 'CK': 'Cook Islands', 'CR': 'Costa Rica', 'CI': 'Côte d\'Ivoire', 'HR': 'Croatia', 'CU': 'Cuba', 'CW': 'Curaçao', 'CY': 'Cyprus', 'CZ': 'Czech Republic', 'DK': 'Denmark', 'DJ': 'Djibouti', 'DM': 'Dominica', 'DO': 'Dominican Republic', 'EC': 'Ecuador', 'EG': 'Egypt', 'SV': 'El Salvador', 'GB-ENG': 'England', 'GQ': 'Equatorial Guinea', 'ER': 'Eritrea', 'EE': 'Estonia', 'ET': 'Ethiopia', 'EU': 'Europe', 'FK': 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'FO': 'Faroe Islands', 'FJ': 'Fiji', 'FI': 'Finland', 'FR': 'France', 'GF': 'French Guiana', 'PF': 'French Polynesia', 'TF': 'French Southern Territories', 'GA': 'Gabon', 'GM': 'Gambia', 'GE': 'Georgia', 'DE': 'Germany', 'GH': 'Ghana', 'GI': 'Gibraltar', 'GR': 'Greece', 'GL': 'Greenland', 'GD': 'Grenada', 'GP': 'Guadeloupe', 'GU': 'Guam', 'GT': 'Guatemala', 'GG': 'Guernsey', 'GN': 'Guinea', 'GW': 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GY': 'Guyana', 'HT': 'Haiti', 'HM': 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'VA': 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'HN': 'Honduras', 'HK': 'Hong Kong', 'HU': 'Hungary', 'IS': 'Iceland', 'IN': 'India', 'ID': 'Indonesia', 'IR': 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', 'IQ': 'Iraq', 'IE': 'Ireland', 'IM': 'Isle of Man', 'IL': 'Israel', 'IT': 'Italy', 'JM': 'Jamaica', 'JP': 'Japan', 'JE': 'Jersey', 'JO': 'Jordan', 'KZ': 'Kazakhstan', 'KE': 'Kenya', 'KI': 'Kiribati', 'KP': 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of', 'KR': 'Korea, Republic of', 'XK': 'Kosovo', 'KW': 'Kuwait', 'KG': 'Kyrgyzstan', 'LA': 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic', 'LV': 'Latvia', 'LB': 'Lebanon', 'LS': 'Lesotho', 'LR': 'Liberia', 'LY': 'Libya', 'LI': 'Liechtenstein', 'LT': 'Lithuania', 'LU': 'Luxembourg', 'MO': 'Macao', 'MK': 'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of', 'MG': 'Madagascar', 'MW': 'Malawi', 'MY': 'Malaysia', 'MV': 'Maldives', 'ML': 'Mali', 'MT': 'Malta', 'MH': 'Marshall Islands', 'MQ': 'Martinique', 'MR': 'Mauritania', 'MU': 'Mauritius', 'YT': 'Mayotte', 'MX': 'Mexico', 'FM': 'Micronesia, Federated States of', 'MD': 'Moldova, Republic of', 'MC': 'Monaco', 'ME': 'Montenegro', 'MA': 'Morocco', 'MN': 'Mongolia', 'MS': 'Montserrat', 'MZ': 'Mozambique', 'MM': 'Myanmar', 'NA': 'Namibia', 'NR': 'Nauru', 'NP': 'Nepal', 'NL': 'Netherlands', 'AN': 'Netherlands Antilles', 'NC': 'New Caledonia', 'NZ': 'New Zealand', 'NI': 'Nicaragua', 'NE': 'Niger', 'NG': 'Nigeria', 'NU': 'Niue', 'NF': 'Norfolk Island', 'GB-NIR': 'Northern Ireland', 'MP': 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'NO': 'Norway', 'OM': 'Oman', 'PK': 'Pakistan', 'PW': 'Palau', 'PS': 'Palestine', 'PA': 'Panama', 'PG': 'Papua New Guinea', 'PY': 'Paraguay', 'PE': 'Peru', 'PH': 'Philippines', 'PN': 'Pitcairn', 'PL': 'Poland', 'PT': 'Portugal', 'PR': 'Puerto Rico', 'QA': 'Qatar', 'RE': 'Réunion', 'RO': 'Romania', 'RU': 'Russian Federation', 'RW': 'Rwanda', 'BL': 'Saint Barthélemy', 'SH': 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha', 'KN': 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'LC': 'Saint Lucia', 'MF': 'Saint Martin', 'PM': 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'VC': 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'WS': 'Samoa', 'SM': 'San Marino', 'ST': 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'SA': 'Saudi Arabia', 'GB-SCT': 'Scotland', 'SN': 'Senegal', 'RS': 'Serbia', 'SC': 'Seychelles', 'SL': 'Sierra Leone', 'SG': 'Singapore', 'SX': 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', 'SK': 'Slovakia', 'SI': 'Slovenia', 'SB': 'Solomon Islands', 'SO': 'Somalia', 'ZA': 'South Africa', 'GS': 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'SS': 'South Sudan', 'ES': 'Spain', 'LK': 'Sri Lanka', 'SD': 'Sudan', 'SR': 'Suriname', 'SJ': 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands', 'SZ': 'Swaziland', 'SE': 'Sweden', 'CH': 'Switzerland', 'SY': 'Syrian Arab Republic', 'TW': 'Taiwan', 'TJ': 'Tajikistan', 'TZ': 'Tanzania, United Republic of', 'TH': 'Thailand', 'TL': 'Timor-Leste', 'TG': 'Togo', 'TK': 'Tokelau', 'TO': 'Tonga', 'TT': 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'TN': 'Tunisia', 'TR': 'Turkey', 'TM': 'Turkmenistan', 'TC': 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'TV': 'Tuvalu', 'UG': 'Uganda', 'UA': 'Ukraine', 'AE': 'United Arab Emirates', 'GB': 'United Kingdom', 'US': 'United States', 'UY': 'Uruguay', 'UM': 'US Minor Outlying Islands', 'UZ': 'Uzbekistan', 'VU': 'Vanuatu', 'VE': 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of', 'VN': 'Vietnam', 'VG': 'Virgin Islands, British', 'VI': 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', 'GB-WLS': 'Wales', 'WF': 'Wallis and Futuna Islands', 'EH': 'Western Sahara', 'YE': 'Yemen', 'ZM': 'Zambia', 'ZW': 'Zimbabwe', 'XX': 'Unknown', 'XM': 'The Moon', }; } // Path: destinations class _StringsDestinationsEn { _StringsDestinationsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get home => 'Home'; String get graphs => 'Graphs'; String get leaderboards => 'Leaderboards'; String get cutoffs => 'Cutoffs'; String get calc => 'Calculator'; String get info => 'Info Center'; String get data => 'Saved Data'; String get settings => 'Settings'; } // Path: xp class _StringsXpEn { _StringsXpEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get title => 'XP Level'; String progressToNextLevel({required Object percentage}) => 'Progress to next level: ${percentage}'; String progressTowardsGoal({required Object goal, required Object percentage, required Object left}) => 'Progress from 0 XP to level ${goal}: ${percentage} (${left} XP left)'; } // Path: gametime class _StringsGametimeEn { _StringsGametimeEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get title => 'Exact gametime'; String gametimeAday({required Object gametime}) => '${gametime} a day in average'; String breakdown({required Object years, required Object months, required Object days, required Object minutes, required Object seconds}) => 'It\'s ${years} years,\nor ${months} months,\nor ${days} days,\nor ${minutes} minutes\nor ${seconds} seconds'; } // Path: newsParts class _StringsNewsPartsEn { _StringsNewsPartsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get leaderboardStart => 'Got '; String get leaderboardMiddle => 'on '; String get personalbest => 'Got a new PB in '; String get personalbestMiddle => 'of '; String get badgeStart => 'Obtained a '; String get badgeEnd => 'badge'; String get rankupStart => 'Obtained '; String rankupMiddle({required Object r}) => '${r} rank '; String get rankupEnd => 'in Tetra League'; String get tetoSupporter => 'TETR.IO supporter'; String get supporterStart => 'Become a '; String get supporterGiftStart => 'Received the gift of '; String unknownNews({required Object type}) => 'Unknown news of type ${type}'; } // Path: snackBarMessages class _StringsSnackBarMessagesEn { _StringsSnackBarMessagesEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String stateRemoved({required Object date}) => '${date} state was removed from database!'; String matchRemoved({required Object date}) => '${date} match was removed from database!'; String get notForWeb => 'Function is not available for web version'; String get importSuccess => 'Import successful'; String get importCancelled => 'Import was cancelled'; } // Path: errors class _StringsErrorsEn { _StringsErrorsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get noRecords => 'No records'; String get notEnoughData => 'Not enough data'; String get noHistorySaved => 'No history saved'; String connection({required Object code, required Object message}) => 'Some issue with connection: ${code} ${message}'; String get noSuchUser => 'No such user'; String get noSuchUserSub => 'Either you mistyped something, or the account no longer exists'; String get discordNotAssigned => 'No user assigned to given Discord ID'; String get discordNotAssignedSub => 'Make sure you provided valid ID'; String get history => 'History for that player is missing'; String get actionSuggestion => 'Perhaps, you want to'; String get p1nkl0bst3rTLmatches => 'No Tetra League matches was found'; String get clientException => 'No internet connection'; String get forbidden => 'Your IP address is blocked'; String forbiddenSub({required Object nickname}) => 'If you are using VPN or Proxy, turn it off. If this does not help, reach out to ${nickname}'; String get tooManyRequests => 'You have been rate limited.'; String get tooManyRequestsSub => 'Wait a few moments and try again'; String get internal => 'Something happened on the tetr.io side'; String get internalSub => 'osk, probably, already aware about it'; String get internalWebVersion => 'Something happened on the tetr.io side (or on oskware_bridge, idk honestly)'; String get internalWebVersionSub => 'If osk status page says that everything is ok, let dan63047 know about this issue'; String get oskwareBridge => 'Something happened with oskware_bridge'; String get oskwareBridgeSub => 'Let dan63047 know'; String get p1nkl0bst3rForbidden => 'Third party API blocked your IP address'; String get p1nkl0bst3rTooManyRequests => 'Too many requests to third party API. Try again later'; String get p1nkl0bst3rinternal => 'Something happened on the p1nkl0bst3r side'; String get p1nkl0bst3rinternalWebVersion => 'Something happened on the p1nkl0bst3r side (or on oskware_bridge, idk honestly)'; String get replayAlreadySaved => 'Replay already saved'; String get replayExpired => 'Replay expired and not available anymore'; String get replayRejected => 'Third party API blocked your IP address'; } // Path: actions class _StringsActionsEn { _StringsActionsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get cancel => 'Cancel'; String get submit => 'Submit'; String get ok => 'OK'; String get apply => 'Apply'; String get refresh => 'Refresh'; } // Path: graphsDestination class _StringsGraphsDestinationEn { _StringsGraphsDestinationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get fetchAndsaveTLHistory => 'Get player history'; String get fetchAndSaveOldTLmatches => 'Get Tetra League matches history'; String fetchAndsaveTLHistoryResult({required Object number}) => '${number} states was found'; String fetchAndSaveOldTLmatchesResult({required Object number}) => '${number} matches was found'; String gamesPlayed({required Object games}) => '${games} played'; String get dateAndTime => 'Date & Time'; String get filterModaleTitle => 'Filter ranks on graph'; } // Path: filterModale class _StringsFilterModaleEn { _StringsFilterModaleEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get all => 'All'; } // Path: cutoffsDestination class _StringsCutoffsDestinationEn { _StringsCutoffsDestinationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get title => 'Tetra League State'; String relevance({required Object timestamp}) => 'as of ${timestamp}'; String get actual => 'Actual'; String get target => 'Target'; String get cutoffTR => 'Cutoff TR'; String get targetTR => 'Target TR'; String get state => 'State'; String get advanced => 'Advanced'; String players({required Object n}) => 'Players (${n})'; String get moreInfo => 'More Info'; String NumberOne({required Object tr}) => '№ 1 is ${tr} TR'; String inflated({required Object tr}) => 'Inflated on ${tr} TR'; String get notInflated => 'Not inflated'; String deflated({required Object tr}) => 'Deflated on ${tr} TR'; String get notDeflated => 'Not deflated'; String get wellDotDotDot => 'Well...'; String fromPlace({required Object n}) => 'from № ${n}'; String get viewButton => 'View'; } // Path: rankView class _StringsRankViewEn { _StringsRankViewEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String rankTitle({required Object rank}) => '${rank} rank data'; String get everyoneTitle => 'Entire leaderboard'; String get trRange => 'TR Range'; String get supposedToBe => 'Supposed to be'; String gap({required Object value}) => '${value} gap'; String get deflationGap => 'Deflation gap'; String get inflationGap => 'Inflation gap'; String get LBposRange => 'LB pos range'; String overpopulated({required Object players}) => 'Overpopulated by a ${players}'; String underpopulated({required Object players}) => 'Underpopulated by a ${players}'; String get PlayersEqualSupposedToBe => 'cute'; String get avgStats => 'Average Stats'; String get avgNerdStats => 'Average Nerd Stats'; String get minimums => 'Minimums'; String get maximums => 'Maximums'; } // Path: tlMatchView class _StringsTlMatchViewEn { _StringsTlMatchViewEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get match => 'Match'; String get vs => 'vs'; String get winner => 'Winner'; String roundNumber({required Object n}) => 'Round ${n}'; String get statsFor => 'Stats for'; String get numberOfRounds => 'Number of rounds'; String get matchLength => 'Match Length'; String get roundLength => 'Round Length'; String get matchStats => 'Match stats'; String get downloadReplay => 'Download .ttrm replay'; String get openReplay => 'Open replay in TETR.IO'; } // Path: calcDestination class _StringsCalcDestinationEn { _StringsCalcDestinationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get tip => 'Enter values and press "Calc" to see Nerd Stats for them'; String get statsCalcButton => 'Calc'; String get damageCalcTip => 'Click on the actions on the left to add them here'; String get actions => 'Actions'; String get results => 'Results'; String get rules => 'Rules'; String get noSpinClears => 'No Spin Clears'; String get spins => 'Spins'; String get miniSpins => 'Mini spins'; String get noLineclear => 'No lineclear (Break Combo)'; String get custom => 'Custom'; String get multiplier => 'Multiplier'; String get pcDamage => 'Perfect Clear Damage'; String get comboTable => 'Combo Table'; String get b2bChaining => 'Back-To-Back Chaining'; String get surgeStartAtB2B => 'Starts at B2B'; String get surgeStartAmount => 'Start amount'; String get totalDamage => 'Total damage'; String get lineclears => 'Lineclears'; String get combo => 'Combo'; String get surge => 'Surge'; String get pcs => 'PCs'; } // Path: infoDestination class _StringsInfoDestinationEn { _StringsInfoDestinationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get title => 'Information Center'; String get sprintAndBlitzAverages => '40 Lines & Blitz Averages'; String get sprintAndBlitzAveragesDescription => 'Since calculating 40 Lines & Blitz averages is tedious process, it gets updated only once in a while. Click on the title of this card to see the full 40 Lines & Blitz averages table'; String get tetraStatsWiki => 'Tetra Stats Wiki'; String get tetraStatsWikiDescription => 'Find more information about Tetra Stats functions and statictic, that it provides'; String get about => 'About Tetra Stats'; String get aboutDescription => 'Developed by dan63\n'; } // Path: leaderboardsDestination class _StringsLeaderboardsDestinationEn { _StringsLeaderboardsDestinationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get title => 'Leaderboards'; String get tl => 'Tetra League (Current Season)'; String get fullTL => 'Tetra League (Current Season, full one)'; String get ar => 'Acievement Points'; String get fullTLnote => 'Heavy, but allows you to sort players by their stats and filter them by ranks'; } // Path: settingsDestination class _StringsSettingsDestinationEn { _StringsSettingsDestinationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get title => 'Settings'; String get timestamps => 'Timestamps'; String get timestampsDescription => 'You can choose, in which way timestamps shows time'; String get timestampsAbsoluteGMT => 'Absolute (GMT)'; String get timestampsAbsoluteLocalTime => 'Absolute (Your timezone)'; String get timestampsRelative => 'Relative'; String get exportDB => 'Export local database'; String get desktopExportAlertTitle => 'Desktop export'; String get desktopExportText => 'It seems like you using this app on desktop. Check your documents folder, you should find "TetraStats.db". Copy it somewhere'; String get androidExportAlertTitle => 'Android export'; String androidExportText({required Object exportedDB}) => 'Exported.\n${exportedDB}'; String get importDB => 'Import local database'; String get importDBDescription => 'Restore your backup. Notice that already stored database will be overwritten.'; String get importWrongFileType => 'Wrong file type'; } // Path: homeNavigation class _StringsHomeNavigationEn { _StringsHomeNavigationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get overview => 'Overview'; String get standing => 'Standing'; String get seasons => 'Seasons'; String get mathces => 'Matches'; String get pb => 'PB'; String get normal => 'Normal'; String get expert => 'Expert'; String get expertRecords => 'Ex Records'; } // Path: graphsNavigation class _StringsGraphsNavigationEn { _StringsGraphsNavigationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get history => 'Player History'; String get league => 'League State'; String get cutoffs => 'Cutoffs History'; } // Path: calcNavigation class _StringsCalcNavigationEn { _StringsCalcNavigationEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get stats => 'Stats Calculator'; String get damage => 'Damage Calculator'; } // Path: aboutView class _StringsAboutViewEn { _StringsAboutViewEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get title => 'About Tetra Stats'; String get about => 'Tetra Stats is a service, that works with TETR.IO Tetra Channel API, providing data from it and calculating some addtitional metrics, based on this data. Service allows user to track their progress in Tetra League with "Track" function, which records every Tetra League change into local database (not automatically, you have to visit service from time to time), so these changes could be looked through graphs.\n\nBeanserver blaster is a part of a Tetra Stats, that decoupled into a serverside script. It provides full Tetra League leaderboard, allowing Tetra Stats to sort leaderboard by any metric and build scatter chart, that allows user to analyse Tetra League trends. It also provides history of Tetra League ranks cutoffs, which can be viewed by user via graph as well.\n\nThere is a plans to add replay analysis and tournaments history, so stay tuned!\n\nService is not associated with TETR.IO or osk in any capacity.'; String get appVersion => 'App Version'; String build({required Object build}) => 'Build ${build}'; String get GHrepo => 'GitHub Repository'; String get submitAnIssue => 'Submit an issue'; String get credits => 'Credits'; String get authorAndDeveloper => 'Autor & developer'; String get providedFormulas => 'Provided formulas'; String get providedS1history => 'Provided S1 history'; String get inoue => 'Inoue (replay grabber)'; String get zhCNlocale => 'Simplfied Chinise locale'; String get supportHim => 'Support him!'; } // Path: stats class _StringsStatsEn { _StringsStatsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get registrationDate => 'Registration Date'; String get gametime => 'Time Played'; String get ogp => 'Online Games Played'; String get ogw => 'Online Games Won'; String get followers => 'Followers'; late final _StringsStatsXpEn xp = _StringsStatsXpEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsTrEn tr = _StringsStatsTrEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsGlickoEn glicko = _StringsStatsGlickoEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsRdEn rd = _StringsStatsRdEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsGlixareEn glixare = _StringsStatsGlixareEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsS1trEn s1tr = _StringsStatsS1trEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsGpEn gp = _StringsStatsGpEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsGwEn gw = _StringsStatsGwEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsWinrateEn winrate = _StringsStatsWinrateEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsApmEn apm = _StringsStatsApmEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsPpsEn pps = _StringsStatsPpsEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsVsEn vs = _StringsStatsVsEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsAppEn app = _StringsStatsAppEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsVsapmEn vsapm = _StringsStatsVsapmEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsDssEn dss = _StringsStatsDssEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsDspEn dsp = _StringsStatsDspEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsAppdspEn appdsp = _StringsStatsAppdspEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsCheeseEn cheese = _StringsStatsCheeseEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsGbeEn gbe = _StringsStatsGbeEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsNyaappEn nyaapp = _StringsStatsNyaappEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsAreaEn area = _StringsStatsAreaEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsEtrEn etr = _StringsStatsEtrEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsEtraccEn etracc = _StringsStatsEtraccEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsOpenerEn opener = _StringsStatsOpenerEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsPlonkEn plonk = _StringsStatsPlonkEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsStrideEn stride = _StringsStatsStrideEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsInfdsEn infds = _StringsStatsInfdsEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsAltitudeEn altitude = _StringsStatsAltitudeEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsClimbSpeedEn climbSpeed = _StringsStatsClimbSpeedEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsPeakClimbSpeedEn peakClimbSpeed = _StringsStatsPeakClimbSpeedEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsKosEn kos = _StringsStatsKosEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsB2bEn b2b = _StringsStatsB2bEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsFinesseEn finesse = _StringsStatsFinesseEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsFinesseFaultsEn finesseFaults = _StringsStatsFinesseFaultsEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsTotalTimeEn totalTime = _StringsStatsTotalTimeEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsLevelEn level = _StringsStatsLevelEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsPiecesEn pieces = _StringsStatsPiecesEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsSppEn spp = _StringsStatsSppEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsKpEn kp = _StringsStatsKpEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsKppEn kpp = _StringsStatsKppEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsKpsEn kps = _StringsStatsKpsEn._(_root); String blitzScore({required Object p}) => '${p} points'; String levelUpRequirement({required Object p}) => 'Level up requirement: ${p}'; String get piecesTotal => 'Total pieces placed'; String get piecesWithPerfectFinesse => 'Placed with perfect finesse'; String get score => 'Score'; String get lines => 'Lines'; String get pcs => 'Perfect Clears'; String get holds => 'Holds'; String get spike => 'Top Spike'; String top({required Object percentage}) => 'Top ${percentage}'; String topRank({required Object rank}) => 'Top rank: ${rank}'; String get floor => 'Floor'; String get split => 'Split'; String get total => 'Total'; String get sent => 'Sent'; String get received => 'Received'; String get placement => 'Placement'; String qpWithMods({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, one: 'With 1 mod', two: 'With ${n} mods', few: 'With ${n} mods', many: 'With ${n} mods', other: 'With ${n} mods', ); String inputs({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} key presses', one: '${n} key press', two: '${n} key presses', few: '${n} key presses', many: '${n} key presses', other: '${n} key presses', ); String tspinsTotal({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} T-spins total', one: '${n} T-spin total', two: '${n} T-spins total', few: '${n} T-spins total', many: '${n} T-spins total', other: '${n} T-spins total', ); String linesCleared({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} lines cleared', one: '${n} line cleared', two: '${n} lines cleared', few: '${n} lines cleared', many: '${n} lines cleared', other: '${n} lines cleared', ); late final _StringsStatsGraphsEn graphs = _StringsStatsGraphsEn._(_root); String players({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} players', one: '${n} player', two: '${n} players', few: '${n} players', many: '${n} players', other: '${n} players', ); String games({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} games', one: '${n} game', two: '${n} games', few: '${n} games', many: '${n} games', other: '${n} games', ); late final _StringsStatsLineClearEn lineClear = _StringsStatsLineClearEn._(_root); late final _StringsStatsLineClearsEn lineClears = _StringsStatsLineClearsEn._(_root); String get mini => 'Mini'; String get tSpin => 'T-spin'; String get tSpins => 'T-spins'; String get spin => 'Spin'; String get spins => 'Spins'; } // Path: stats.xp class _StringsStatsXpEn { _StringsStatsXpEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'XP'; String get full => 'Experience Points'; } // Path: stats.tr class _StringsStatsTrEn { _StringsStatsTrEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'TR'; String get full => 'Tetra Rating'; } // Path: stats.glicko class _StringsStatsGlickoEn { _StringsStatsGlickoEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Glicko'; String get full => 'Glicko'; } // Path: stats.rd class _StringsStatsRdEn { _StringsStatsRdEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'RD'; String get full => 'Rating Deviation'; } // Path: stats.glixare class _StringsStatsGlixareEn { _StringsStatsGlixareEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'GXE'; String get full => 'GLIXARE'; } // Path: stats.s1tr class _StringsStatsS1trEn { _StringsStatsS1trEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'S1 TR'; String get full => 'Season 1 like TR'; } // Path: stats.gp class _StringsStatsGpEn { _StringsStatsGpEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'GP'; String get full => 'Games Played'; } // Path: stats.gw class _StringsStatsGwEn { _StringsStatsGwEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'GW'; String get full => 'Games Won'; } // Path: stats.winrate class _StringsStatsWinrateEn { _StringsStatsWinrateEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'WR%'; String get full => 'Win Rate'; } // Path: stats.apm class _StringsStatsApmEn { _StringsStatsApmEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'APM'; String get full => 'Attack Per Minute'; } // Path: stats.pps class _StringsStatsPpsEn { _StringsStatsPpsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'PPS'; String get full => 'Pieces Per Second'; } // Path: stats.vs class _StringsStatsVsEn { _StringsStatsVsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'VS'; String get full => 'Versus Score'; } // Path: stats.app class _StringsStatsAppEn { _StringsStatsAppEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'APP'; String get full => 'Attack Per Piece'; } // Path: stats.vsapm class _StringsStatsVsapmEn { _StringsStatsVsapmEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'VS/APM'; String get full => 'VS / APM'; } // Path: stats.dss class _StringsStatsDssEn { _StringsStatsDssEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'DS/S'; String get full => 'Downstack Per Second'; } // Path: stats.dsp class _StringsStatsDspEn { _StringsStatsDspEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'DS/P'; String get full => 'Downstack Per Piece'; } // Path: stats.appdsp class _StringsStatsAppdspEn { _StringsStatsAppdspEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'APP+DSP'; String get full => 'APP + DSP'; } // Path: stats.cheese class _StringsStatsCheeseEn { _StringsStatsCheeseEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Cheese'; String get full => 'Cheese Index'; } // Path: stats.gbe class _StringsStatsGbeEn { _StringsStatsGbeEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'GbE'; String get full => 'Garbage Efficiency'; } // Path: stats.nyaapp class _StringsStatsNyaappEn { _StringsStatsNyaappEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'wAPP'; String get full => 'Weigente APP'; } // Path: stats.area class _StringsStatsAreaEn { _StringsStatsAreaEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Area'; String get full => 'Area'; } // Path: stats.etr class _StringsStatsEtrEn { _StringsStatsEtrEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'eTR'; String get full => 'Estimated TR'; } // Path: stats.etracc class _StringsStatsEtraccEn { _StringsStatsEtraccEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => '±eTR'; String get full => 'Accuracy of Estimated TR'; } // Path: stats.opener class _StringsStatsOpenerEn { _StringsStatsOpenerEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Opener'; String get full => 'Opener'; } // Path: stats.plonk class _StringsStatsPlonkEn { _StringsStatsPlonkEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Plonk'; String get full => 'Plonk'; } // Path: stats.stride class _StringsStatsStrideEn { _StringsStatsStrideEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Stride'; String get full => 'Stride'; } // Path: stats.infds class _StringsStatsInfdsEn { _StringsStatsInfdsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Inf. DS'; String get full => 'Infinite Downstack'; } // Path: stats.altitude class _StringsStatsAltitudeEn { _StringsStatsAltitudeEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'm'; String get full => 'Altitude'; } // Path: stats.climbSpeed class _StringsStatsClimbSpeedEn { _StringsStatsClimbSpeedEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'CSP'; String get full => 'Climb Speed'; String get gaugetTitle => 'Climb\nSpeed'; } // Path: stats.peakClimbSpeed class _StringsStatsPeakClimbSpeedEn { _StringsStatsPeakClimbSpeedEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Peak CSP'; String get full => 'Peak Climb Speed'; String get gaugetTitle => 'Peak'; } // Path: stats.kos class _StringsStatsKosEn { _StringsStatsKosEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'KO\'s'; String get full => 'Knockouts'; } // Path: stats.b2b class _StringsStatsB2bEn { _StringsStatsB2bEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'B2B'; String get full => 'Back-To-Back'; } // Path: stats.finesse class _StringsStatsFinesseEn { _StringsStatsFinesseEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'F'; String get full => 'Finesse'; String get widgetTitle => 'inesse'; } // Path: stats.finesseFaults class _StringsStatsFinesseFaultsEn { _StringsStatsFinesseFaultsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'FF'; String get full => 'Finesse Faults'; } // Path: stats.totalTime class _StringsStatsTotalTimeEn { _StringsStatsTotalTimeEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Time'; String get full => 'Total Time'; String get widgetTitle => 'otal Time'; } // Path: stats.level class _StringsStatsLevelEn { _StringsStatsLevelEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'Lvl'; String get full => 'Level'; } // Path: stats.pieces class _StringsStatsPiecesEn { _StringsStatsPiecesEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'P'; String get full => 'Pieces'; } // Path: stats.spp class _StringsStatsSppEn { _StringsStatsSppEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'SPP'; String get full => 'Score Per Piece'; } // Path: stats.kp class _StringsStatsKpEn { _StringsStatsKpEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'KP'; String get full => 'Key presses'; } // Path: stats.kpp class _StringsStatsKppEn { _StringsStatsKppEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'KPP'; String get full => 'Key presses Per Piece'; } // Path: stats.kps class _StringsStatsKpsEn { _StringsStatsKpsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get short => 'KPS'; String get full => 'Key presses Per Second'; } // Path: stats.graphs class _StringsStatsGraphsEn { _StringsStatsGraphsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get attack => 'Attack'; String get speed => 'Speed'; String get defense => 'Defense'; String get cheese => 'Cheese'; } // Path: stats.lineClear class _StringsStatsLineClearEn { _StringsStatsLineClearEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get single => 'Single'; String get double => 'Double'; String get triple => 'Triple'; String get quad => 'Quad'; String get penta => 'Penta'; String get hexa => 'Hexa'; String get hepta => 'Hepta'; String get octa => 'Octa'; String get ennea => 'Ennea'; String get deca => 'Deca'; String get hendeca => 'Hendeca'; String get dodeca => 'Dodeca'; String get triadeca => 'Triadeca'; String get tessaradeca => 'Tessaradeca'; String get pentedeca => 'Pentedeca'; String get hexadeca => 'Hexadeca'; String get heptadeca => 'Heptadeca'; String get octadeca => 'Octadeca'; String get enneadeca => 'Enneadeca'; String get eicosa => 'Eicosa'; String get kagaris => 'Kagaris'; } // Path: stats.lineClears class _StringsStatsLineClearsEn { _StringsStatsLineClearsEn._(this._root); final Translations _root; // ignore: unused_field // Translations String get zero => 'Zeros'; String get single => 'Singles'; String get double => 'Doubles'; String get triple => 'Triples'; String get quad => 'Quads'; String get penta => 'Pentas'; } /// Flat map(s) containing all translations. /// Only for edge cases! For simple maps, use the map function of this library. extension on Translations { dynamic _flatMapFunction(String path) { switch (path) { case 'locales.en': return 'English'; case 'locales.ru': return 'Russian (Русский)'; case 'locales.zh-CN': return 'Simplified Chinese (简体中文)'; case 'gamemodes.league': return 'Tetra League'; case 'gamemodes.zenith': return 'Quick Play'; case 'gamemodes.zenithex': return 'Quick Play Expert'; case 'gamemodes.40l': return '40 Lines'; case 'gamemodes.blitz': return 'Blitz'; case 'gamemodes.5mblast': return '5,000,000 Blast'; case 'gamemodes.zen': return 'Zen'; case 'destinations.home': return 'Home'; case 'destinations.graphs': return 'Graphs'; case 'destinations.leaderboards': return 'Leaderboards'; case 'destinations.cutoffs': return 'Cutoffs'; case 'destinations.calc': return 'Calculator'; case 'destinations.info': return 'Info Center'; case 'destinations.data': return 'Saved Data'; case 'destinations.settings': return 'Settings'; case 'goBackButton': return 'Go Back'; case 'nanow': return 'Not avaliable for now...'; case 'seasonEnds': return ({required Object countdown}) => 'Season ends in ${countdown}'; case 'seasonEnded': return 'Season has ended'; case 'overallPB': return ({required Object pb}) => 'Overall PB: ${pb}'; case 'gamesUntilRanked': return ({required Object left}) => '${left} games until being ranked'; case 'numOfVictories': return ({required Object wins}) => '~${wins} victories'; case 'promotionOnNextWin': return 'Promotion on next win'; case 'numOfdefeats': return ({required Object losses}) => '~${losses} defeats'; case 'demotionOnNextLoss': return 'Demotion on next loss'; case 'records': return 'Records'; case 'nerdStats': return 'Nerd Stats'; case 'playstyles': return 'Playstyles'; case 'horoscopes': return 'Horoscopes'; case 'season': return 'Season'; case 'smooth': return 'Smooth'; case 'dateAndTime': return 'Date & Time'; case 'TLfullLBnote': return 'Heavy, but allows you to sort players by their stats and filter them by ranks'; case 'rank': return 'Rank'; case 'verdictGeneral': return ({required Object n, required Object verdict, required Object rank}) => '${n} ${verdict} of ${rank} rank avg'; case 'verdictBetter': return 'ahead'; case 'verdictWorse': return 'behind'; case 'localStanding': return 'local'; case 'xp.title': return 'XP Level'; case 'xp.progressToNextLevel': return ({required Object percentage}) => 'Progress to next level: ${percentage}'; case 'xp.progressTowardsGoal': return ({required Object goal, required Object percentage, required Object left}) => 'Progress from 0 XP to level ${goal}: ${percentage} (${left} XP left)'; case 'gametime.title': return 'Exact gametime'; case 'gametime.gametimeAday': return ({required Object gametime}) => '${gametime} a day in average'; case 'gametime.breakdown': return ({required Object years, required Object months, required Object days, required Object minutes, required Object seconds}) => 'It\'s ${years} years,\nor ${months} months,\nor ${days} days,\nor ${minutes} minutes\nor ${seconds} seconds'; case 'track': return 'Track'; case 'stopTracking': return 'Stop tracking'; case 'supporter': return ({required Object tier}) => 'Supporter tier ${tier}'; case 'comparingWith': return ({required Object newDate, required Object oldDate}) => 'Data from ${newDate} comparing with ${oldDate}'; case 'compare': return 'Compare'; case 'comparison': return 'Comparison'; case 'general': return 'General'; case 'badges': return 'Badges'; case 'obtainDate': return ({required Object date}) => 'Obtained ${date}'; case 'assignedManualy': return 'That badge was assigned manualy by TETR.IO admins'; case 'distinguishment': return 'Distinguishment'; case 'bigRedBanned': return 'BANNED'; case 'normalBanned': return 'Banned'; case 'bigRedBadStanding': return 'BAD STANDING'; case 'copiedToClipboard': return 'Copied to clipboard!'; case 'bio': return 'Bio'; case 'news': return 'News'; case 'newsParts.leaderboardStart': return 'Got '; case 'newsParts.leaderboardMiddle': return 'on '; case 'newsParts.personalbest': return 'Got a new PB in '; case 'newsParts.personalbestMiddle': return 'of '; case 'newsParts.badgeStart': return 'Obtained a '; case 'newsParts.badgeEnd': return 'badge'; case 'newsParts.rankupStart': return 'Obtained '; case 'newsParts.rankupMiddle': return ({required Object r}) => '${r} rank '; case 'newsParts.rankupEnd': return 'in Tetra League'; case 'newsParts.tetoSupporter': return 'TETR.IO supporter'; case 'newsParts.supporterStart': return 'Become a '; case 'newsParts.supporterGiftStart': return 'Received the gift of '; case 'newsParts.unknownNews': return ({required Object type}) => 'Unknown news of type ${type}'; case 'copyUserID': return 'Click to copy user ID'; case 'searchHint': return 'Username or ID'; case 'searchButton': return 'Search'; case 'trackedPlayers': return 'Tracked Players'; case 'standing': return 'Standing'; case 'previousSeasons': return 'Previous Seasons'; case 'recent': return 'Recent'; case 'top': return 'Top'; case 'noRecord': return 'No record'; case 'sprintAndBlitsRelevance': return ({required Object date}) => 'Relevance: ${date}'; case 'snackBarMessages.stateRemoved': return ({required Object date}) => '${date} state was removed from database!'; case 'snackBarMessages.matchRemoved': return ({required Object date}) => '${date} match was removed from database!'; case 'snackBarMessages.notForWeb': return 'Function is not available for web version'; case 'snackBarMessages.importSuccess': return 'Import successful'; case 'snackBarMessages.importCancelled': return 'Import was cancelled'; case 'errors.noRecords': return 'No records'; case 'errors.notEnoughData': return 'Not enough data'; case 'errors.noHistorySaved': return 'No history saved'; case 'errors.connection': return ({required Object code, required Object message}) => 'Some issue with connection: ${code} ${message}'; case 'errors.noSuchUser': return 'No such user'; case 'errors.noSuchUserSub': return 'Either you mistyped something, or the account no longer exists'; case 'errors.discordNotAssigned': return 'No user assigned to given Discord ID'; case 'errors.discordNotAssignedSub': return 'Make sure you provided valid ID'; case 'errors.history': return 'History for that player is missing'; case 'errors.actionSuggestion': return 'Perhaps, you want to'; case 'errors.p1nkl0bst3rTLmatches': return 'No Tetra League matches was found'; case 'errors.clientException': return 'No internet connection'; case 'errors.forbidden': return 'Your IP address is blocked'; case 'errors.forbiddenSub': return ({required Object nickname}) => 'If you are using VPN or Proxy, turn it off. If this does not help, reach out to ${nickname}'; case 'errors.tooManyRequests': return 'You have been rate limited.'; case 'errors.tooManyRequestsSub': return 'Wait a few moments and try again'; case 'errors.internal': return 'Something happened on the tetr.io side'; case 'errors.internalSub': return 'osk, probably, already aware about it'; case 'errors.internalWebVersion': return 'Something happened on the tetr.io side (or on oskware_bridge, idk honestly)'; case 'errors.internalWebVersionSub': return 'If osk status page says that everything is ok, let dan63047 know about this issue'; case 'errors.oskwareBridge': return 'Something happened with oskware_bridge'; case 'errors.oskwareBridgeSub': return 'Let dan63047 know'; case 'errors.p1nkl0bst3rForbidden': return 'Third party API blocked your IP address'; case 'errors.p1nkl0bst3rTooManyRequests': return 'Too many requests to third party API. Try again later'; case 'errors.p1nkl0bst3rinternal': return 'Something happened on the p1nkl0bst3r side'; case 'errors.p1nkl0bst3rinternalWebVersion': return 'Something happened on the p1nkl0bst3r side (or on oskware_bridge, idk honestly)'; case 'errors.replayAlreadySaved': return 'Replay already saved'; case 'errors.replayExpired': return 'Replay expired and not available anymore'; case 'errors.replayRejected': return 'Third party API blocked your IP address'; case 'actions.cancel': return 'Cancel'; case 'actions.submit': return 'Submit'; case 'actions.ok': return 'OK'; case 'actions.apply': return 'Apply'; case 'actions.refresh': return 'Refresh'; case 'graphsDestination.fetchAndsaveTLHistory': return 'Get player history'; case 'graphsDestination.fetchAndSaveOldTLmatches': return 'Get Tetra League matches history'; case 'graphsDestination.fetchAndsaveTLHistoryResult': return ({required Object number}) => '${number} states was found'; case 'graphsDestination.fetchAndSaveOldTLmatchesResult': return ({required Object number}) => '${number} matches was found'; case 'graphsDestination.gamesPlayed': return ({required Object games}) => '${games} played'; case 'graphsDestination.dateAndTime': return 'Date & Time'; case 'graphsDestination.filterModaleTitle': return 'Filter ranks on graph'; case 'filterModale.all': return 'All'; case 'cutoffsDestination.title': return 'Tetra League State'; case 'cutoffsDestination.relevance': return ({required Object timestamp}) => 'as of ${timestamp}'; case 'cutoffsDestination.actual': return 'Actual'; case 'cutoffsDestination.target': return 'Target'; case 'cutoffsDestination.cutoffTR': return 'Cutoff TR'; case 'cutoffsDestination.targetTR': return 'Target TR'; case 'cutoffsDestination.state': return 'State'; case 'cutoffsDestination.advanced': return 'Advanced'; case 'cutoffsDestination.players': return ({required Object n}) => 'Players (${n})'; case 'cutoffsDestination.moreInfo': return 'More Info'; case 'cutoffsDestination.NumberOne': return ({required Object tr}) => '№ 1 is ${tr} TR'; case 'cutoffsDestination.inflated': return ({required Object tr}) => 'Inflated on ${tr} TR'; case 'cutoffsDestination.notInflated': return 'Not inflated'; case 'cutoffsDestination.deflated': return ({required Object tr}) => 'Deflated on ${tr} TR'; case 'cutoffsDestination.notDeflated': return 'Not deflated'; case 'cutoffsDestination.wellDotDotDot': return 'Well...'; case 'cutoffsDestination.fromPlace': return ({required Object n}) => 'from № ${n}'; case 'cutoffsDestination.viewButton': return 'View'; case 'rankView.rankTitle': return ({required Object rank}) => '${rank} rank data'; case 'rankView.everyoneTitle': return 'Entire leaderboard'; case 'rankView.trRange': return 'TR Range'; case 'rankView.supposedToBe': return 'Supposed to be'; case 'rankView.gap': return ({required Object value}) => '${value} gap'; case 'rankView.deflationGap': return 'Deflation gap'; case 'rankView.inflationGap': return 'Inflation gap'; case 'rankView.LBposRange': return 'LB pos range'; case 'rankView.overpopulated': return ({required Object players}) => 'Overpopulated by a ${players}'; case 'rankView.underpopulated': return ({required Object players}) => 'Underpopulated by a ${players}'; case 'rankView.PlayersEqualSupposedToBe': return 'cute'; case 'rankView.avgStats': return 'Average Stats'; case 'rankView.avgNerdStats': return 'Average Nerd Stats'; case 'rankView.minimums': return 'Minimums'; case 'rankView.maximums': return 'Maximums'; case 'tlMatchView.match': return 'Match'; case 'tlMatchView.vs': return 'vs'; case 'tlMatchView.winner': return 'Winner'; case 'tlMatchView.roundNumber': return ({required Object n}) => 'Round ${n}'; case 'tlMatchView.statsFor': return 'Stats for'; case 'tlMatchView.numberOfRounds': return 'Number of rounds'; case 'tlMatchView.matchLength': return 'Match Length'; case 'tlMatchView.roundLength': return 'Round Length'; case 'tlMatchView.matchStats': return 'Match stats'; case 'tlMatchView.downloadReplay': return 'Download .ttrm replay'; case 'tlMatchView.openReplay': return 'Open replay in TETR.IO'; case 'calcDestination.tip': return 'Enter values and press "Calc" to see Nerd Stats for them'; case 'calcDestination.statsCalcButton': return 'Calc'; case 'calcDestination.damageCalcTip': return 'Click on the actions on the left to add them here'; case 'calcDestination.actions': return 'Actions'; case 'calcDestination.results': return 'Results'; case 'calcDestination.rules': return 'Rules'; case 'calcDestination.noSpinClears': return 'No Spin Clears'; case 'calcDestination.spins': return 'Spins'; case 'calcDestination.miniSpins': return 'Mini spins'; case 'calcDestination.noLineclear': return 'No lineclear (Break Combo)'; case 'calcDestination.custom': return 'Custom'; case 'calcDestination.multiplier': return 'Multiplier'; case 'calcDestination.pcDamage': return 'Perfect Clear Damage'; case 'calcDestination.comboTable': return 'Combo Table'; case 'calcDestination.b2bChaining': return 'Back-To-Back Chaining'; case 'calcDestination.surgeStartAtB2B': return 'Starts at B2B'; case 'calcDestination.surgeStartAmount': return 'Start amount'; case 'calcDestination.totalDamage': return 'Total damage'; case 'calcDestination.lineclears': return 'Lineclears'; case 'calcDestination.combo': return 'Combo'; case 'calcDestination.surge': return 'Surge'; case 'calcDestination.pcs': return 'PCs'; case 'infoDestination.title': return 'Information Center'; case 'infoDestination.sprintAndBlitzAverages': return '40 Lines & Blitz Averages'; case 'infoDestination.sprintAndBlitzAveragesDescription': return 'Since calculating 40 Lines & Blitz averages is tedious process, it gets updated only once in a while. Click on the title of this card to see the full 40 Lines & Blitz averages table'; case 'infoDestination.tetraStatsWiki': return 'Tetra Stats Wiki'; case 'infoDestination.tetraStatsWikiDescription': return 'Find more information about Tetra Stats functions and statictic, that it provides'; case 'infoDestination.about': return 'About Tetra Stats'; case 'infoDestination.aboutDescription': return 'Developed by dan63\n'; case 'leaderboardsDestination.title': return 'Leaderboards'; case 'leaderboardsDestination.tl': return 'Tetra League (Current Season)'; case 'leaderboardsDestination.fullTL': return 'Tetra League (Current Season, full one)'; case 'leaderboardsDestination.ar': return 'Acievement Points'; case 'leaderboardsDestination.fullTLnote': return 'Heavy, but allows you to sort players by their stats and filter them by ranks'; case 'settingsDestination.title': return 'Settings'; case 'settingsDestination.timestamps': return 'Timestamps'; case 'settingsDestination.timestampsDescription': return 'You can choose, in which way timestamps shows time'; case 'settingsDestination.timestampsAbsoluteGMT': return 'Absolute (GMT)'; case 'settingsDestination.timestampsAbsoluteLocalTime': return 'Absolute (Your timezone)'; case 'settingsDestination.timestampsRelative': return 'Relative'; case 'settingsDestination.exportDB': return 'Export local database'; case 'settingsDestination.desktopExportAlertTitle': return 'Desktop export'; case 'settingsDestination.desktopExportText': return 'It seems like you using this app on desktop. Check your documents folder, you should find "TetraStats.db". Copy it somewhere'; case 'settingsDestination.androidExportAlertTitle': return 'Android export'; case 'settingsDestination.androidExportText': return ({required Object exportedDB}) => 'Exported.\n${exportedDB}'; case 'settingsDestination.importDB': return 'Import local database'; case 'settingsDestination.importDBDescription': return 'Restore your backup. Notice that already stored database will be overwritten.'; case 'settingsDestination.importWrongFileType': return 'Wrong file type'; case 'homeNavigation.overview': return 'Overview'; case 'homeNavigation.standing': return 'Standing'; case 'homeNavigation.seasons': return 'Seasons'; case 'homeNavigation.mathces': return 'Matches'; case 'homeNavigation.pb': return 'PB'; case 'homeNavigation.normal': return 'Normal'; case 'homeNavigation.expert': return 'Expert'; case 'homeNavigation.expertRecords': return 'Ex Records'; case 'graphsNavigation.history': return 'Player History'; case 'graphsNavigation.league': return 'League State'; case 'graphsNavigation.cutoffs': return 'Cutoffs History'; case 'calcNavigation.stats': return 'Stats Calculator'; case 'calcNavigation.damage': return 'Damage Calculator'; case 'aboutView.title': return 'About Tetra Stats'; case 'aboutView.about': return 'Tetra Stats is a service, that works with TETR.IO Tetra Channel API, providing data from it and calculating some addtitional metrics, based on this data. Service allows user to track their progress in Tetra League with "Track" function, which records every Tetra League change into local database (not automatically, you have to visit service from time to time), so these changes could be looked through graphs.\n\nBeanserver blaster is a part of a Tetra Stats, that decoupled into a serverside script. It provides full Tetra League leaderboard, allowing Tetra Stats to sort leaderboard by any metric and build scatter chart, that allows user to analyse Tetra League trends. It also provides history of Tetra League ranks cutoffs, which can be viewed by user via graph as well.\n\nThere is a plans to add replay analysis and tournaments history, so stay tuned!\n\nService is not associated with TETR.IO or osk in any capacity.'; case 'aboutView.appVersion': return 'App Version'; case 'aboutView.build': return ({required Object build}) => 'Build ${build}'; case 'aboutView.GHrepo': return 'GitHub Repository'; case 'aboutView.submitAnIssue': return 'Submit an issue'; case 'aboutView.credits': return 'Credits'; case 'aboutView.authorAndDeveloper': return 'Autor & developer'; case 'aboutView.providedFormulas': return 'Provided formulas'; case 'aboutView.providedS1history': return 'Provided S1 history'; case 'aboutView.inoue': return 'Inoue (replay grabber)'; case 'aboutView.zhCNlocale': return 'Simplfied Chinise locale'; case 'aboutView.supportHim': return 'Support him!'; case 'stats.registrationDate': return 'Registration Date'; case 'stats.gametime': return 'Time Played'; case 'stats.ogp': return 'Online Games Played'; case 'stats.ogw': return 'Online Games Won'; case 'stats.followers': return 'Followers'; case 'stats.xp.short': return 'XP'; case 'stats.xp.full': return 'Experience Points'; case 'stats.tr.short': return 'TR'; case 'stats.tr.full': return 'Tetra Rating'; case 'stats.glicko.short': return 'Glicko'; case 'stats.glicko.full': return 'Glicko'; case 'stats.rd.short': return 'RD'; case 'stats.rd.full': return 'Rating Deviation'; case 'stats.glixare.short': return 'GXE'; case 'stats.glixare.full': return 'GLIXARE'; case 'stats.s1tr.short': return 'S1 TR'; case 'stats.s1tr.full': return 'Season 1 like TR'; case 'stats.gp.short': return 'GP'; case 'stats.gp.full': return 'Games Played'; case 'stats.gw.short': return 'GW'; case 'stats.gw.full': return 'Games Won'; case 'stats.winrate.short': return 'WR%'; case 'stats.winrate.full': return 'Win Rate'; case 'stats.apm.short': return 'APM'; case 'stats.apm.full': return 'Attack Per Minute'; case 'stats.pps.short': return 'PPS'; case 'stats.pps.full': return 'Pieces Per Second'; case 'stats.vs.short': return 'VS'; case 'stats.vs.full': return 'Versus Score'; case 'stats.app.short': return 'APP'; case 'stats.app.full': return 'Attack Per Piece'; case 'stats.vsapm.short': return 'VS/APM'; case 'stats.vsapm.full': return 'VS / APM'; case 'stats.dss.short': return 'DS/S'; case 'stats.dss.full': return 'Downstack Per Second'; case 'stats.dsp.short': return 'DS/P'; case 'stats.dsp.full': return 'Downstack Per Piece'; case 'stats.appdsp.short': return 'APP+DSP'; case 'stats.appdsp.full': return 'APP + DSP'; case 'stats.cheese.short': return 'Cheese'; case 'stats.cheese.full': return 'Cheese Index'; case 'stats.gbe.short': return 'GbE'; case 'stats.gbe.full': return 'Garbage Efficiency'; case 'stats.nyaapp.short': return 'wAPP'; case 'stats.nyaapp.full': return 'Weigente APP'; case 'stats.area.short': return 'Area'; case 'stats.area.full': return 'Area'; case 'stats.etr.short': return 'eTR'; case 'stats.etr.full': return 'Estimated TR'; case 'stats.etracc.short': return '±eTR'; case 'stats.etracc.full': return 'Accuracy of Estimated TR'; case 'stats.opener.short': return 'Opener'; case 'stats.opener.full': return 'Opener'; case 'stats.plonk.short': return 'Plonk'; case 'stats.plonk.full': return 'Plonk'; case 'stats.stride.short': return 'Stride'; case 'stats.stride.full': return 'Stride'; case 'stats.infds.short': return 'Inf. DS'; case 'stats.infds.full': return 'Infinite Downstack'; case 'stats.altitude.short': return 'm'; case 'stats.altitude.full': return 'Altitude'; case 'stats.climbSpeed.short': return 'CSP'; case 'stats.climbSpeed.full': return 'Climb Speed'; case 'stats.climbSpeed.gaugetTitle': return 'Climb\nSpeed'; case 'stats.peakClimbSpeed.short': return 'Peak CSP'; case 'stats.peakClimbSpeed.full': return 'Peak Climb Speed'; case 'stats.peakClimbSpeed.gaugetTitle': return 'Peak'; case 'stats.kos.short': return 'KO\'s'; case 'stats.kos.full': return 'Knockouts'; case 'stats.b2b.short': return 'B2B'; case 'stats.b2b.full': return 'Back-To-Back'; case 'stats.finesse.short': return 'F'; case 'stats.finesse.full': return 'Finesse'; case 'stats.finesse.widgetTitle': return 'inesse'; case 'stats.finesseFaults.short': return 'FF'; case 'stats.finesseFaults.full': return 'Finesse Faults'; case 'stats.totalTime.short': return 'Time'; case 'stats.totalTime.full': return 'Total Time'; case 'stats.totalTime.widgetTitle': return 'otal Time'; case 'stats.level.short': return 'Lvl'; case 'stats.level.full': return 'Level'; case 'stats.pieces.short': return 'P'; case 'stats.pieces.full': return 'Pieces'; case 'stats.spp.short': return 'SPP'; case 'stats.spp.full': return 'Score Per Piece'; case 'stats.kp.short': return 'KP'; case 'stats.kp.full': return 'Key presses'; case 'stats.kpp.short': return 'KPP'; case 'stats.kpp.full': return 'Key presses Per Piece'; case 'stats.kps.short': return 'KPS'; case 'stats.kps.full': return 'Key presses Per Second'; case 'stats.blitzScore': return ({required Object p}) => '${p} points'; case 'stats.levelUpRequirement': return ({required Object p}) => 'Level up requirement: ${p}'; case 'stats.piecesTotal': return 'Total pieces placed'; case 'stats.piecesWithPerfectFinesse': return 'Placed with perfect finesse'; case 'stats.score': return 'Score'; case 'stats.lines': return 'Lines'; case 'stats.pcs': return 'Perfect Clears'; case 'stats.holds': return 'Holds'; case 'stats.spike': return 'Top Spike'; case 'stats.top': return ({required Object percentage}) => 'Top ${percentage}'; case 'stats.topRank': return ({required Object rank}) => 'Top rank: ${rank}'; case 'stats.floor': return 'Floor'; case 'stats.split': return 'Split'; case 'stats.total': return 'Total'; case 'stats.sent': return 'Sent'; case 'stats.received': return 'Received'; case 'stats.placement': return 'Placement'; case 'stats.qpWithMods': return ({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, one: 'With 1 mod', two: 'With ${n} mods', few: 'With ${n} mods', many: 'With ${n} mods', other: 'With ${n} mods', ); case 'stats.inputs': return ({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} key presses', one: '${n} key press', two: '${n} key presses', few: '${n} key presses', many: '${n} key presses', other: '${n} key presses', ); case 'stats.tspinsTotal': return ({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} T-spins total', one: '${n} T-spin total', two: '${n} T-spins total', few: '${n} T-spins total', many: '${n} T-spins total', other: '${n} T-spins total', ); case 'stats.linesCleared': return ({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} lines cleared', one: '${n} line cleared', two: '${n} lines cleared', few: '${n} lines cleared', many: '${n} lines cleared', other: '${n} lines cleared', ); case 'stats.graphs.attack': return 'Attack'; case 'stats.graphs.speed': return 'Speed'; case 'stats.graphs.defense': return 'Defense'; case 'stats.graphs.cheese': return 'Cheese'; case 'stats.players': return ({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} players', one: '${n} player', two: '${n} players', few: '${n} players', many: '${n} players', other: '${n} players', ); case 'stats.games': return ({required num n}) => (_root.$meta.cardinalResolver ?? PluralResolvers.cardinal('en'))(n, zero: '${n} games', one: '${n} game', two: '${n} games', few: '${n} games', many: '${n} games', other: '${n} games', ); case 'stats.lineClear.single': return 'Single'; case 'stats.lineClear.double': return 'Double'; case 'stats.lineClear.triple': return 'Triple'; case 'stats.lineClear.quad': return 'Quad'; case 'stats.lineClear.penta': return 'Penta'; case 'stats.lineClear.hexa': return 'Hexa'; case 'stats.lineClear.hepta': return 'Hepta'; case 'stats.lineClear.octa': return 'Octa'; case 'stats.lineClear.ennea': return 'Ennea'; case 'stats.lineClear.deca': return 'Deca'; case 'stats.lineClear.hendeca': return 'Hendeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.dodeca': return 'Dodeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.triadeca': return 'Triadeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.tessaradeca': return 'Tessaradeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.pentedeca': return 'Pentedeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.hexadeca': return 'Hexadeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.heptadeca': return 'Heptadeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.octadeca': return 'Octadeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.enneadeca': return 'Enneadeca'; case 'stats.lineClear.eicosa': return 'Eicosa'; case 'stats.lineClear.kagaris': return 'Kagaris'; case 'stats.lineClears.zero': return 'Zeros'; case 'stats.lineClears.single': return 'Singles'; case 'stats.lineClears.double': return 'Doubles'; case 'stats.lineClears.triple': return 'Triples'; case 'stats.lineClears.quad': return 'Quads'; case 'stats.lineClears.penta': return 'Pentas'; case 'stats.mini': return 'Mini'; case 'stats.tSpin': return 'T-spin'; case 'stats.tSpins': return 'T-spins'; case 'stats.spin': return 'Spin'; case 'stats.spins': return 'Spins'; case 'countries.': return 'Worldwide'; case 'countries.AF': return 'Afghanistan'; case 'countries.AX': return 'Åland Islands'; case 'countries.AL': return 'Albania'; case 'countries.DZ': return 'Algeria'; case 'countries.AS': return 'American Samoa'; case 'countries.AD': return 'Andorra'; case 'countries.AO': return 'Angola'; case 'countries.AI': return 'Anguilla'; case 'countries.AQ': return 'Antarctica'; case 'countries.AG': return 'Antigua and Barbuda'; case 'countries.AR': return 'Argentina'; case 'countries.AM': return 'Armenia'; case 'countries.AW': return 'Aruba'; case 'countries.AU': return 'Australia'; case 'countries.AT': return 'Austria'; case 'countries.AZ': return 'Azerbaijan'; case 'countries.BS': return 'Bahamas'; case 'countries.BH': return 'Bahrain'; case 'countries.BD': return 'Bangladesh'; case 'countries.BB': return 'Barbados'; case 'countries.BY': return 'Belarus'; case 'countries.BE': return 'Belgium'; case 'countries.BZ': return 'Belize'; case 'countries.BJ': return 'Benin'; case 'countries.BM': return 'Bermuda'; case 'countries.BT': return 'Bhutan'; case 'countries.BO': return 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of'; case 'countries.BA': return 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'; case 'countries.BW': return 'Botswana'; case 'countries.BV': return 'Bouvet Island'; case 'countries.BR': return 'Brazil'; case 'countries.IO': return 'British Indian Ocean Territory'; case 'countries.BN': return 'Brunei Darussalam'; case 'countries.BG': return 'Bulgaria'; case 'countries.BF': return 'Burkina Faso'; case 'countries.BI': return 'Burundi'; case 'countries.KH': return 'Cambodia'; case 'countries.CM': return 'Cameroon'; case 'countries.CA': return 'Canada'; case 'countries.CV': return 'Cape Verde'; case 'countries.BQ': return 'Caribbean Netherlands'; case 'countries.KY': return 'Cayman Islands'; case 'countries.CF': return 'Central African Republic'; case 'countries.TD': return 'Chad'; case 'countries.CL': return 'Chile'; case 'countries.CN': return 'China'; case 'countries.CX': return 'Christmas Island'; case 'countries.CC': return 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'; case 'countries.CO': return 'Colombia'; case 'countries.KM': return 'Comoros'; case 'countries.CG': return 'Congo'; case 'countries.CD': return 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the'; case 'countries.CK': return 'Cook Islands'; case 'countries.CR': return 'Costa Rica'; case 'countries.CI': return 'Côte d\'Ivoire'; case 'countries.HR': return 'Croatia'; case 'countries.CU': return 'Cuba'; case 'countries.CW': return 'Curaçao'; case 'countries.CY': return 'Cyprus'; case 'countries.CZ': return 'Czech Republic'; case 'countries.DK': return 'Denmark'; case 'countries.DJ': return 'Djibouti'; case 'countries.DM': return 'Dominica'; case 'countries.DO': return 'Dominican Republic'; case 'countries.EC': return 'Ecuador'; case 'countries.EG': return 'Egypt'; case 'countries.SV': return 'El Salvador'; case 'countries.GB-ENG': return 'England'; case 'countries.GQ': return 'Equatorial Guinea'; case 'countries.ER': return 'Eritrea'; case 'countries.EE': return 'Estonia'; case 'countries.ET': return 'Ethiopia'; case 'countries.EU': return 'Europe'; case 'countries.FK': return 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'; case 'countries.FO': return 'Faroe Islands'; case 'countries.FJ': return 'Fiji'; case 'countries.FI': return 'Finland'; case 'countries.FR': return 'France'; case 'countries.GF': return 'French Guiana'; case 'countries.PF': return 'French Polynesia'; case 'countries.TF': return 'French Southern Territories'; case 'countries.GA': return 'Gabon'; case 'countries.GM': return 'Gambia'; case 'countries.GE': return 'Georgia'; case 'countries.DE': return 'Germany'; case 'countries.GH': return 'Ghana'; case 'countries.GI': return 'Gibraltar'; case 'countries.GR': return 'Greece'; case 'countries.GL': return 'Greenland'; case 'countries.GD': return 'Grenada'; case 'countries.GP': return 'Guadeloupe'; case 'countries.GU': return 'Guam'; case 'countries.GT': return 'Guatemala'; case 'countries.GG': return 'Guernsey'; case 'countries.GN': return 'Guinea'; case 'countries.GW': return 'Guinea-Bissau'; case 'countries.GY': return 'Guyana'; case 'countries.HT': return 'Haiti'; case 'countries.HM': return 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands'; case 'countries.VA': return 'Holy See (Vatican City State)'; case 'countries.HN': return 'Honduras'; case 'countries.HK': return 'Hong Kong'; case 'countries.HU': return 'Hungary'; case 'countries.IS': return 'Iceland'; case 'countries.IN': return 'India'; case 'countries.ID': return 'Indonesia'; case 'countries.IR': return 'Iran, Islamic Republic of'; case 'countries.IQ': return 'Iraq'; case 'countries.IE': return 'Ireland'; case 'countries.IM': return 'Isle of Man'; case 'countries.IL': return 'Israel'; case 'countries.IT': return 'Italy'; case 'countries.JM': return 'Jamaica'; case 'countries.JP': return 'Japan'; case 'countries.JE': return 'Jersey'; case 'countries.JO': return 'Jordan'; case 'countries.KZ': return 'Kazakhstan'; case 'countries.KE': return 'Kenya'; case 'countries.KI': return 'Kiribati'; case 'countries.KP': return 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of'; case 'countries.KR': return 'Korea, Republic of'; case 'countries.XK': return 'Kosovo'; case 'countries.KW': return 'Kuwait'; case 'countries.KG': return 'Kyrgyzstan'; case 'countries.LA': return 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic'; case 'countries.LV': return 'Latvia'; case 'countries.LB': return 'Lebanon'; case 'countries.LS': return 'Lesotho'; case 'countries.LR': return 'Liberia'; case 'countries.LY': return 'Libya'; case 'countries.LI': return 'Liechtenstein'; case 'countries.LT': return 'Lithuania'; case 'countries.LU': return 'Luxembourg'; case 'countries.MO': return 'Macao'; case 'countries.MK': return 'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of'; case 'countries.MG': return 'Madagascar'; case 'countries.MW': return 'Malawi'; case 'countries.MY': return 'Malaysia'; case 'countries.MV': return 'Maldives'; case 'countries.ML': return 'Mali'; case 'countries.MT': return 'Malta'; case 'countries.MH': return 'Marshall Islands'; case 'countries.MQ': return 'Martinique'; case 'countries.MR': return 'Mauritania'; case 'countries.MU': return 'Mauritius'; case 'countries.YT': return 'Mayotte'; case 'countries.MX': return 'Mexico'; case 'countries.FM': return 'Micronesia, Federated States of'; case 'countries.MD': return 'Moldova, Republic of'; case 'countries.MC': return 'Monaco'; case 'countries.ME': return 'Montenegro'; case 'countries.MA': return 'Morocco'; case 'countries.MN': return 'Mongolia'; case 'countries.MS': return 'Montserrat'; case 'countries.MZ': return 'Mozambique'; case 'countries.MM': return 'Myanmar'; case 'countries.NA': return 'Namibia'; case 'countries.NR': return 'Nauru'; case 'countries.NP': return 'Nepal'; case 'countries.NL': return 'Netherlands'; case 'countries.AN': return 'Netherlands Antilles'; case 'countries.NC': return 'New Caledonia'; case 'countries.NZ': return 'New Zealand'; case 'countries.NI': return 'Nicaragua'; case 'countries.NE': return 'Niger'; case 'countries.NG': return 'Nigeria'; case 'countries.NU': return 'Niue'; case 'countries.NF': return 'Norfolk Island'; case 'countries.GB-NIR': return 'Northern Ireland'; case 'countries.MP': return 'Northern Mariana Islands'; case 'countries.NO': return 'Norway'; case 'countries.OM': return 'Oman'; case 'countries.PK': return 'Pakistan'; case 'countries.PW': return 'Palau'; case 'countries.PS': return 'Palestine'; case 'countries.PA': return 'Panama'; case 'countries.PG': return 'Papua New Guinea'; case 'countries.PY': return 'Paraguay'; case 'countries.PE': return 'Peru'; case 'countries.PH': return 'Philippines'; case 'countries.PN': return 'Pitcairn'; case 'countries.PL': return 'Poland'; case 'countries.PT': return 'Portugal'; case 'countries.PR': return 'Puerto Rico'; case 'countries.QA': return 'Qatar'; case 'countries.RE': return 'Réunion'; case 'countries.RO': return 'Romania'; case 'countries.RU': return 'Russian Federation'; case 'countries.RW': return 'Rwanda'; case 'countries.BL': return 'Saint Barthélemy'; case 'countries.SH': return 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha'; case 'countries.KN': return 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'; case 'countries.LC': return 'Saint Lucia'; case 'countries.MF': return 'Saint Martin'; case 'countries.PM': return 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'; case 'countries.VC': return 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'; case 'countries.WS': return 'Samoa'; case 'countries.SM': return 'San Marino'; case 'countries.ST': return 'Sao Tome and Principe'; case 'countries.SA': return 'Saudi Arabia'; case 'countries.GB-SCT': return 'Scotland'; case 'countries.SN': return 'Senegal'; case 'countries.RS': return 'Serbia'; case 'countries.SC': return 'Seychelles'; case 'countries.SL': return 'Sierra Leone'; case 'countries.SG': return 'Singapore'; case 'countries.SX': return 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)'; case 'countries.SK': return 'Slovakia'; case 'countries.SI': return 'Slovenia'; case 'countries.SB': return 'Solomon Islands'; case 'countries.SO': return 'Somalia'; case 'countries.ZA': return 'South Africa'; case 'countries.GS': return 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'; case 'countries.SS': return 'South Sudan'; case 'countries.ES': return 'Spain'; case 'countries.LK': return 'Sri Lanka'; case 'countries.SD': return 'Sudan'; case 'countries.SR': return 'Suriname'; case 'countries.SJ': return 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands'; case 'countries.SZ': return 'Swaziland'; case 'countries.SE': return 'Sweden'; case 'countries.CH': return 'Switzerland'; case 'countries.SY': return 'Syrian Arab Republic'; case 'countries.TW': return 'Taiwan'; case 'countries.TJ': return 'Tajikistan'; case 'countries.TZ': return 'Tanzania, United Republic of'; case 'countries.TH': return 'Thailand'; case 'countries.TL': return 'Timor-Leste'; case 'countries.TG': return 'Togo'; case 'countries.TK': return 'Tokelau'; case 'countries.TO': return 'Tonga'; case 'countries.TT': return 'Trinidad and Tobago'; case 'countries.TN': return 'Tunisia'; case 'countries.TR': return 'Turkey'; case 'countries.TM': return 'Turkmenistan'; case 'countries.TC': return 'Turks and Caicos Islands'; case 'countries.TV': return 'Tuvalu'; case 'countries.UG': return 'Uganda'; case 'countries.UA': return 'Ukraine'; case 'countries.AE': return 'United Arab Emirates'; case 'countries.GB': return 'United Kingdom'; case 'countries.US': return 'United States'; case 'countries.UY': return 'Uruguay'; case 'countries.UM': return 'US Minor Outlying Islands'; case 'countries.UZ': return 'Uzbekistan'; case 'countries.VU': return 'Vanuatu'; case 'countries.VE': return 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of'; case 'countries.VN': return 'Vietnam'; case 'countries.VG': return 'Virgin Islands, British'; case 'countries.VI': return 'Virgin Islands, U.S.'; case 'countries.GB-WLS': return 'Wales'; case 'countries.WF': return 'Wallis and Futuna Islands'; case 'countries.EH': return 'Western Sahara'; case 'countries.YE': return 'Yemen'; case 'countries.ZM': return 'Zambia'; case 'countries.ZW': return 'Zimbabwe'; case 'countries.XX': return 'Unknown'; case 'countries.XM': return 'The Moon'; default: return null; } } }