import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/services/tetrio_crud.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/services/sqlite_db_controller.dart'; String _searchFor = ""; late TetrioPlayer me; DB db = DB(); TetrioService teto = TetrioService(); const allowedHeightForPlayerIdInPixels = 60.0; const allowedHeightForPlayerBioInPixels = 30.0; const givenTextHeightByScreenPercentage = 0.3; enum SampleItem { itemOne, itemTwo, itemThree } class MainView extends StatefulWidget { const MainView({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _MainViewState(); } class _MainViewState extends State { Future fetchTetrioPlayer(String user) async { var url = Uri.https('', 'api/users/$user');; final response = await http.get(url); // final response = await http.get(Uri.parse('')); if (response.statusCode == 200) { // If the server did return a 200 OK response, // then parse the JSON. return TetrioPlayer.fromJson( jsonDecode(response.body)['data']['user'], DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch( jsonDecode(response.body)['cache']['cached_at'], isUtc: true)); } else { // If the server did not return a 200 OK response, // then throw an exception. throw Exception('Failed to fetch player'); } } late Future me; @override void initState() { super.initState(); me = fetchTetrioPlayer("blaarg"); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( drawer: NavDrawer(), backgroundColor:, body: CustomScrollView( slivers: [ SliverAppBar( title: const Text("Tetra Stats"), floating: false, pinned: true, flexibleSpace: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(1000), child: "", fit: BoxFit.fitHeight, height: 256, ), ), LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constraints) { return Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ if (constraints.maxHeight * givenTextHeightByScreenPercentage > allowedHeightForPlayerBioInPixels) const Text("dan63047", style: TextStyle( fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", color: Colors.white, fontSize: 42)) else const Text("dan63047", style: TextStyle( fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", color: Colors.white, fontSize: 36)), if (constraints.maxHeight * givenTextHeightByScreenPercentage > allowedHeightForPlayerIdInPixels) const Text( "6098518e3d5155e6ec429cdc", style: TextStyle( fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Condensed", color: Colors.white, fontSize: 14), ), if (constraints.maxHeight * givenTextHeightByScreenPercentage > allowedHeightForPlayerBioInPixels) const Text( "osk, please, if my supporter ends, let me use :petthekagari: in the chat", style: TextStyle( fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", color: Colors.white, fontSize: 16, ), softWrap: true), ], ); }) ], ), expandedHeight: 400, backgroundColor:, actions: [ IconButton( onPressed: () {}, icon: const Icon(, tooltip: "Search player", ), PopupMenuButton( itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) => >[ const PopupMenuItem( value: SampleItem.itemOne, child: Text('Item 1'), ), const PopupMenuItem( value: SampleItem.itemTwo, child: Text('Item 2'), ), const PopupMenuItem( value: SampleItem.itemThree, child: Text('Item 3'), ), ], ), ], ), SliverList( delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate( (context, index) => ListTile( title: Text('Item #$index'), tileColor: Colors.transparent, textColor: Colors.white, ), childCount: 1000, ), ), ], ), ); } } class NavDrawer extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Drawer( child: ListView( padding:, children: [ const DrawerHeader( child: Text( 'Side menu', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 25), ), decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Color.fromARGB(255, 40, 44, 41), image: DecorationImage( fit: BoxFit.fill, image: AssetImage('assets/images/cover.jpg'))), ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.input), title: const Text('Welcome'), onTap: () => {}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.verified_user), title: const Text('Profile'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.settings), title: const Text('Settings'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.border_color), title: const Text('Feedback'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.exit_to_app), title: const Text('Logout'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.input), title: const Text('Welcome'), onTap: () => {}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.verified_user), title: const Text('Profile'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.settings), title: const Text('Settings'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.border_color), title: const Text('Feedback'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.exit_to_app), title: const Text('Logout'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.input), title: const Text('Welcome'), onTap: () => {}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.verified_user), title: const Text('Profile'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.settings), title: const Text('Settings'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.border_color), title: const Text('Feedback'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.exit_to_app), title: const Text('Logout'), onTap: () => {Navigator.of(context).pop()}, ), ], ), ); } }