import 'dart:math'; import 'tetrio.dart'; // I want to implement those fancy TWC stats // So, i'm going to read replay for things class Garbage{ // charsys where??? late int sent; late int recived; late int attack; late int cleared; Garbage({ required this.sent, required this.recived, required this.attack, required this.cleared }); Garbage.fromJson(Map json){ sent = json['sent']; recived = json['recived']; attack = json['attack']; cleared = json['cleared']; } Garbage.toJson(){ // наху надо } } class ReplayStats{ late int seed; late int linesCleared; late int inputs; late int holds; late int score; late int topCombo; late int topBtB; late int tspins; late Clears clears; late Garbage garbage; late Finesse finesse; late int kills; ReplayStats({ required this.seed, required this.linesCleared, required this.inputs, required this.holds, required this.score, required this.topCombo, required this.topBtB, required this.tspins, required this.clears, required this.garbage, required this.finesse, required this.kills, }); ReplayStats.fromJson(Map json){ seed = json['seed']; linesCleared = json['lines']; inputs = json['inputs']; holds = json['holds']; score = json['score']; topCombo = json['topcombo']; topBtB = json['topbtb']; tspins = json['tspins']; clears = Clears.fromJson(json['clears']); garbage = Garbage.fromJson(json['garbage']); finesse = Finesse.fromJson(json['finesse']); kills = json['kills']; } } class ReplayData{ late String id; late List endcontext; late List> stats; late List roundLengths; // in frames ReplayData({ required, required this.endcontext, required this.stats, required this.roundLengths }); ReplayData.fromJson(Map json){ // завтра разберусь, // пока что знаю, что тут будет for loop, который чекает replay["data"] } }