import 'dart:math'; import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart'; import 'tetrio.dart'; // I want to implement those fancy TWC stats // So, i'm going to read replay for things int biggestSpikeFromReplay(events){ int previousIGEeventFrame = -1; int spikeCounter = 0; int biggestSpike = 0; for (var event in events){ if (event["type"] == "ige" && event["data"]["data"]["type"] == "interaction"){ if (previousIGEeventFrame.isNegative){ spikeCounter = event['data']['data']['data']['amt']; biggestSpike = spikeCounter; }else{ if (event['data']['data']['frame'] - previousIGEeventFrame < 60){ spikeCounter = spikeCounter + event['data']['data']['data']['amt'] as int; }else{ spikeCounter = event['data']['data']['data']['amt']; } biggestSpike = max(biggestSpike, spikeCounter); } previousIGEeventFrame = event['data']['data']['frame']; } } return biggestSpike; } class Garbage{ // charsys where??? late int sent; late int recived; late int attack; late int cleared; Garbage({ required this.sent, required this.recived, required this.attack, required this.cleared }); Garbage.fromJson(Map json){ sent = json['sent']; recived = json['received']; attack = json['attack']; cleared = json['cleared']; } Garbage.toJson(){ // наху надо } Garbage operator + (Garbage other){ return Garbage(sent: sent + other.sent, recived: recived + other.recived, attack: attack + other.attack, cleared: cleared + other.cleared); } } class ReplayStats{ late int seed; late int linesCleared; late int piecesPlaced; late int inputs; late int holds; late int score; late int topCombo; late int topBtB; late int topSpike; late int tspins; late double roundLength; // in seconds late Clears clears; late Garbage garbage; late Finesse finesse; double get finessePercentage => finesse.perfectPieces / piecesPlaced; ReplayStats({ required this.seed, required this.linesCleared, required this.piecesPlaced, required this.inputs, required this.holds, required this.score, required this.topCombo, required this.topBtB, required this.topSpike, required this.tspins, required this.roundLength, required this.clears, required this.garbage, required this.finesse, }); ReplayStats.fromJson(Map json, int inputTopSpike, int framesLength){ seed = json['seed']; linesCleared = json['lines']; piecesPlaced = json['piecesplaced']; inputs = json['inputs']; holds = json['holds']; score = json['score']; topCombo = json['topcombo']; topBtB = json['topbtb']; topSpike = inputTopSpike; tspins = json['tspins']; roundLength = framesLength / 60; clears = Clears.fromJson(json['clears']); garbage = Garbage.fromJson(json['garbage']); finesse = Finesse.fromJson(json['finesse']); } double get kpp => inputs / piecesPlaced; double get kps => inputs / roundLength; double get spp => score / piecesPlaced; ReplayStats.createEmpty(){ seed = -1; linesCleared = 0; piecesPlaced = 0; inputs = 0; holds = 0; score = 0; topCombo = 0; topBtB = 0; topSpike = 0; tspins = 0; roundLength = 0.0; clears = Clears(singles: 0, doubles: 0, triples: 0, quads: 0, pentas: 0, allClears: 0, tSpinZeros: 0, tSpinSingles: 0, tSpinDoubles: 0, tSpinTriples: 0, tSpinPentas: 0, tSpinQuads: 0, tSpinMiniZeros: 0, tSpinMiniSingles: 0, tSpinMiniDoubles: 0); garbage = Garbage(sent: 0, recived: 0, attack: 0, cleared: 0); finesse = Finesse(combo: 0, faults: 0, perfectPieces: 0); } ReplayStats operator + (ReplayStats other){ return ReplayStats(seed: -1, linesCleared: linesCleared + other.linesCleared, piecesPlaced: piecesPlaced + other.piecesPlaced, inputs: inputs + other.inputs, holds: holds + other.holds, score: score + other.score, topCombo: max(topCombo, other.topCombo), topBtB: max(topBtB, other.topBtB), topSpike: max(topSpike, other.topSpike), tspins: tspins + other.tspins, roundLength: roundLength + other.roundLength, clears: clears + other.clears, garbage: garbage + other.garbage, finesse: finesse + other.finesse ); } } class ReplayData{ late String id; late Map rawJson; late List endcontext; late List> stats; late List totalStats; late List> roundWinners; late List roundLengths; // in frames late int totalLength; // in frames ReplayData({ required, required this.endcontext, required this.stats, required this.totalStats, required this.roundWinners, required this.roundLengths, required this.totalLength }){ rawJson = {}; } ReplayData.fromJson(Map json){ rawJson = json; id = json['_id']; endcontext = [EndContextMulti.fromJson(json['endcontext'][0]), EndContextMulti.fromJson(json['endcontext'][1])]; roundLengths = []; totalLength = 0; stats = []; roundWinners = []; totalStats = [ReplayStats.createEmpty(), ReplayStats.createEmpty()]; for(var round in json['data']) { int firstInEndContext = round['replays'][0]["events"].last['data']['export']['options']['gameid'].startsWith(endcontext[0].userId) ? 0 : 1; int secondInEndContext = round['replays'][1]["events"].last['data']['export']['options']['gameid'].startsWith(endcontext[1].userId) ? 1 : 0; roundLengths.add(max(round['replays'][0]['frames'], round['replays'][1]['frames'])); totalLength = totalLength + max(round['replays'][0]['frames'], round['replays'][1]['frames']); int winner = round['board'].indexWhere((element) => element['success'] == true); roundWinners.add([round['board'][winner]['id'], round['board'][winner]['username']]); ReplayStats playerOne = ReplayStats.fromJson(round['replays'][firstInEndContext]['events'].last['data']['export']['stats'], biggestSpikeFromReplay(round['replays'][secondInEndContext]['events']), round['replays'][firstInEndContext]['frames']); // (events contain recived attacks) ReplayStats playerTwo = ReplayStats.fromJson(round['replays'][secondInEndContext]['events'].last['data']['export']['stats'], biggestSpikeFromReplay(round['replays'][firstInEndContext]['events']), round['replays'][secondInEndContext]['frames']); stats.add([playerOne, playerTwo]); totalStats[0] = totalStats[0] + playerOne; totalStats[1] = totalStats[1] + playerTwo; } } Map toJson(){ final Map data = {}; data['_id'] = id; data['endcontext'] = [endcontext[0].toJson(), endcontext[1].toJson()]; data['data'] = []; for(var round in rawJson['data']) { List eventsPlayerOne = round['replays'][0]['events']; List eventsPlayerTwo = round['replays'][1]['events']; eventsPlayerOne.removeWhere((v) => (v['type'] == 'ige' && v['data']['data']['type'] != 'interaction') || (v['type'] != 'end' && v['type'] != 'ige')); eventsPlayerTwo.removeWhere((v) => (v['type'] == 'ige' && v['data']['data']['type'] != 'interaction') || (v['type'] != 'end' && v['type'] != 'ige')); data['data'].add({'board': round['board'], 'replays': [ {'frames': round['replays'][0]['frames'], 'events': eventsPlayerOne}, {'frames': round['replays'][1]['frames'], 'events': eventsPlayerTwo} ]}); } return data; } } // can't belive i have to implement that difficult shit class Event{ int id; int frame; String type; //dynamic data; Event(, this.frame, this.type); } class Keypress{ String key; double subframe; Keypress(this.key, this.subframe); } class EventKeyPress extends Event{ Keypress data; EventKeyPress(, super.frame, super.type,; } class IGE{ int id; int frame; String type; int amount; IGE(, this.frame, this.type, this.amount); } class EventIGE extends Event{ IGE data; EventIGE(, super.frame, super.type,; } class TetrioRNG{ late double _t; TetrioRNG(int seed){ _t = seed % 2147483647; if (_t <= 0) _t += 2147483646; } int next(){ _t = 16807 * _t % 2147483647; return _t.toInt(); } double nextFloat(){ return (next() - 1) / 2147483646; } List shuffleList(List array){ int length = array.length; if (length == 0) return []; for (; --length > 0;){ int swapIndex = ((nextFloat()) * (length + 1)).toInt(); Tetromino tmp = array[length]; array[length] = array[swapIndex]; array[swapIndex] = tmp; } return array; } } enum Tetromino{ Z, L, O, S, I, J, T, garbage, empty } List tetrominoes = [Tetromino.Z, Tetromino.L, Tetromino.O, Tetromino.S, Tetromino.I, Tetromino.J, Tetromino.T]; List>> shapes = [ [ // Z [Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1)], [Vector2(2, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(1, 2)], [Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 2), Vector2(2, 2)], [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(0, 2)] ], [ // L [Vector2(2, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1)], [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 2), Vector2(2, 2)], [Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(0, 2)], [Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 2)] ], [ // O [Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1)], [Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1)], [Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1)], [Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1)] ], [ // S [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(2, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1)], [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(2, 2)], [Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(0, 2), Vector2(1, 2)], [Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 2)] ], [ // I [Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(3, 1)], [Vector2(2, 0), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(2, 2), Vector2(2, 3)], [Vector2(0, 2), Vector2(1, 2), Vector2(2, 2), Vector2(3, 2)], [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 2), Vector2(1, 3)] ], [ // J [Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1)], [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(2, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 2)], [Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(2, 2)], [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(0, 2), Vector2(1, 2)] ], [ // T [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1)], [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(1, 2)], [Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(2, 1), Vector2(1, 2)], [Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 2)] ] ]; List spawnPositionFixes = [Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 1), Vector2(1, 1)]; const Map garbage = { "single": 0, "double": 1, "triple": 2, "quad": 4, "penta": 5, "t-spin": 0, "t-spin single": 2, "t-spin double": 4, "t-spin triple": 6, "t-spin quad": 10, "t-spin penta": 12, "t-spin mini": 0, "t-spin mini single": 0, "t-spin mini double": 1, "allclear": 10 }; int btbBonus = 1; double btbLog = 0.8; double comboBonus = 0.25; int comboMinifier = 1; double comboMinifierLog = 1.25; List comboTable = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5];