import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide Badge; import 'package:flutter_markdown/flutter_markdown.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_charts/charts.dart'; import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_gauges/gauges.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/badge.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/beta_record.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/cutoff_tetrio.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/distinguishment.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/est_tr.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/nerd_stats.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/news.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/news_entry.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/p1nkl0bst3r.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/playstyle.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/record_extras.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/record_single.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/singleplayer_stream.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/summaries.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetra_league.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetra_league_beta_stream.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio_constants.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio_player.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio_player_from_leaderboard.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio_players_leaderboard.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/gen/strings.g.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/services/crud_exceptions.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/utils/colors_functions.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/utils/numers_formats.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/utils/relative_timestamps.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/utils/text_shadow.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/views/singleplayer_record_view.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/views/tl_match_view.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/widgets/finesse_thingy.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/widgets/graphs.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/widgets/lineclears_thingy.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/widgets/list_tile_trailing_stats.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/widgets/sp_trailing_stats.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/widgets/text_timestamp.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/main.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/widgets/tl_progress_bar.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/widgets/user_thingy.dart'; import 'package:transparent_image/transparent_image.dart'; var fDiff = NumberFormat("+#,###.####;-#,###.####"); late Future _data; late Future _newsData; class MainView extends StatefulWidget { final String? player; /// The very first view, that user see when he launch this programm. /// By default it loads my or defined in preferences user stats, but /// if [player] username or id provided, it loads his stats. Also it hides menu drawer and three dots menu. const MainView({super.key, this.player}); @override State createState() => _MainState(); } enum Page {home, leaderboards, leagueAverages, calculator, settings} enum Cards {overview, tetraLeague, quickPlay, sprint, blitz} enum CardMod {info, records, ex, exRecords} Map cardsTitles = { Cards.overview: "Overview", Cards.tetraLeague: t.tetraLeague, Cards.quickPlay: t.quickPlay, //Cards.quickPlayExpert: "${t.quickPlay} ${}", Cards.sprint: t.sprint, Cards.blitz: t.blitz, //Cards.other: t.other }; late ScrollController controller; class _MainState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { int destination = 0; String _searchFor = "6098518e3d5155e6ec429cdc"; final TextEditingController _searchController = TextEditingController(); @override void initState() {; controller = ScrollController(); changePlayer(_searchFor); super.initState(); } Future _getData() async { TetrioPlayer player; try{ if (_searchFor.startsWith("ds:")){ player = await teto.fetchPlayer(_searchFor.substring(3), isItDiscordID: true); // we trying to get him with that }else{ player = await teto.fetchPlayer(_searchFor); // Otherwise it's probably a user id or username } }on TetrioPlayerNotExist{ return FetchResults(false, null, [], null, null, TetrioPlayerNotExist()); } late Summaries summaries; late Cutoffs cutoffs; List requests = await Future.wait([ teto.fetchSummaries(player.userId), teto.fetchCutoffsBeanserver(), ]); List states = await teto.getStates(player.userId, season: currentSeason); summaries = requests[0]; cutoffs = requests[1]; bool isTracking = await teto.isPlayerTracking(player.userId); if (isTracking){ // if tracked - save data to local DB await teto.storeState(summaries.league); } return FetchResults(true, player, states, summaries, cutoffs, null); } void changePlayer(String player) { setState(() { _searchFor = player; _data = _getData(); _newsData = teto.fetchNews(_searchFor); }); } @override void dispose() { controller.dispose(); _searchController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } NavigationRailDestination getDestinationButton(IconData icon, String title){ return NavigationRailDestination( icon: Tooltip( message: title, child: Icon(icon) ), selectedIcon: Icon(icon), label: Text(title), ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( drawer: SearchDrawer(changePlayer: changePlayer, controller: _searchController), body: LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { return Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ TweenAnimationBuilder( child: NavigationRail( leading: FloatingActionButton( elevation: 0, onPressed: () { Scaffold.of(context).openDrawer(); }, child: const Icon(, ), trailing: IconButton( onPressed: () { // Add your onPressed code here! }, icon: const Icon(Icons.more_horiz_rounded), ), destinations: [ getDestinationButton(Icons.home, "Home"), getDestinationButton(Icons.data_thresholding_outlined, "Graphs"), getDestinationButton(Icons.leaderboard, "Leaderboards"), getDestinationButton(Icons.compress, "Cutoffs"), getDestinationButton(Icons.calculate, "Calc"), getDestinationButton(Icons.info_outline, "Information"), getDestinationButton(, "Saved Data"), getDestinationButton(Icons.settings, "Settings"), ], selectedIndex: destination, onDestinationSelected: (value) { setState(() { destination = value; }); }, ), duration: Durations.long4, tween: Tween(begin: 0, end: 1), curve: Easing.standard, builder: (context, value, child) { return Container( transform: Matrix4.translationValues(-80+value*80, 0, 0), child: Opacity(opacity: value, child: child), ); }, ), Expanded( child: switch (destination){ 0 => DestinationHome(searchFor: _searchFor, constraints: constraints), 1 => DestinationGraphs(searchFor: _searchFor, constraints: constraints), 2 => DestinationLeaderboards(constraints: constraints), 3 => DestinationCutoffs(constraints: constraints), _ => Text("Unknown destination $destination") }, ) ]); }, )); } } class FetchCutoffsResults{ late bool success; CutoffsTetrio? cutoffs; Exception? exception; FetchCutoffsResults(this.success, this.cutoffs, this.exception); } class DestinationCutoffs extends StatefulWidget{ final BoxConstraints constraints; const DestinationCutoffs({super.key, required this.constraints}); @override State createState() => _DestinationCutoffsState(); } class _DestinationCutoffsState extends State { Future fetch() async { TetrioPlayerFromLeaderboard top1; CutoffsTetrio cutoffs; List requests = await Future.wait([ teto.fetchCutoffsTetrio(), teto.fetchTopOneFromTheLeaderboard(), ]); cutoffs = requests[0]; top1 = requests[1];["top1"] = CutoffTetrio( pos: 1, percentile: 0.00, tr:, targetTr: 25000, apm: top1.apm, pps: top1.pps, vs: top1.vs, count: 1, countPercentile: 0.0 ); return cutoffs; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FutureBuilder( future: fetch(), builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ return SingleChildScrollView( child: Column( children: [ Card( child: Center(child: Text("Tetra League State")), ), Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 8.0, 20.0, 8.0), child: SfLinearGauge( minimum: 0.00000000, maximum: 25000.0000, showTicks: false, showLabels: false, ranges: [ for (var cutoff in!.data.keys) LinearGaugeRange( position: LinearElementPosition.outside, startValue:!.data[cutoff]!.tr, startWidth: 20.0, endWidth: 20.0, endValue: switch (cutoff){ "top1" => 25000.00, "x+" =>!.data["top1"]!.tr, _ =>!.data[ranks[ranks.indexOf(cutoff)+1]]!.tr }, color: cutoff != "top1" ? rankColors[cutoff] : null, // shaderCallback: (bounds) { // return ImageShader(Image.file(""), TileMode.repeated, TileMode.repeated, Matrix4.identity().storage); // }, ), for (var cutoff in!.data.keys) LinearGaugeRange( position: LinearElementPosition.inside, startValue:!.data[cutoff]!.targetTr, endValue: switch (cutoff){ "top1" => 25000.00, "x+" =>!.data["top1"]!.targetTr, _ =>!.data[ranks[ranks.indexOf(cutoff)+1]]!.targetTr }, color: cutoff != "top1" ? rankColors[cutoff] : null, ) ], ), ), ), Card( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Table( defaultVerticalAlignment: TableCellVerticalAlignment.middle, border: TableBorder.all(color: Colors.grey.shade900), columnWidths: const { 0: FixedColumnWidth(48), 1: FixedColumnWidth(155), 2: FixedColumnWidth(140), 3: FixedColumnWidth(160), 4: FixedColumnWidth(150), 5: FixedColumnWidth(90), 6: FixedColumnWidth(130), 7: FixedColumnWidth(120), 8: FixedColumnWidth(125), 9: FixedColumnWidth(70), }, children: [ TableRow( children: [ Text("Rank", textAlign:, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("Cutoff TR", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), ), const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("Target TR", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.w100, color: Colors.white)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("State", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), ), const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("APM", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), ), const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("PPS", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), ), const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("VS", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), ), const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("Advanced", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("Players (${intf.format(!.total)})", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("More info", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), ), ] ), for (String rank in!.data.keys) if (rank != "top1") TableRow( decoration: BoxDecoration(gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [rankColors[rank]!.withAlpha(200), rankColors[rank]!.withAlpha(100)])), children: [ Container(decoration: BoxDecoration(boxShadow: [BoxShadow(color:, blurRadius: 32.0, blurStyle: BlurStyle.inner)]), child: Image.asset("res/tetrio_tl_alpha_ranks/$rank.png", height: 48)), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text(f2.format(!.data[rank]!.tr), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white, shadows: textShadow)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text(f2.format(!.data[rank]!.targetTr), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.w100, color: Colors.white, shadows: textShadow)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: RichText( textAlign: TextAlign.right, text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w100, color: Colors.white, shadows: textShadow), children: [ if (rank == "x+") TextSpan(text: "№ 1 is ${f2.format(!.data["top1"]!.tr)} TR", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white60, shadows: null)) else TextSpan(text:!.data[ranks[ranks.indexOf(rank)+1]]!.tr >!.data[ranks[ranks.indexOf(rank)+1]]!.targetTr ? "Inflated from ${NumberFormat.compact().format(!.data[rank]!.targetTr)} TR" : "Not inflated", style: TextStyle(color:!.data[ranks[ranks.indexOf(rank)+1]]!.tr >!.data[ranks[ranks.indexOf(rank)+1]]!.targetTr ? Colors.white :Colors.white60, shadows: null)), TextSpan(text: "\n", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white60, shadows: null)), if (rank == "d") TextSpan(text: "Well...", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white60, shadows: null)) else TextSpan(text:!.data[rank]!.tr <!.data[rank]!.targetTr ? "Deflated untill ${NumberFormat.compact().format(!.data[rank]!.targetTr)} TR" : "Not deflated", style: TextStyle(color:!.data[rank]!.tr <!.data[rank]!.targetTr ? Colors.white : Colors.white60, shadows: null)) ] )), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text([rank]?.apm != null ? f2.format(!.data[rank]!.apm) : "-.--", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w100, color:[rank]?.apm != null ? Colors.white : Colors.grey, shadows: textShadow)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text([rank]?.pps != null ? f2.format(!.data[rank]!.pps) : "-.--", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w100, color:[rank]?.pps != null ? Colors.white : Colors.grey, shadows: textShadow)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text([rank]?.vs != null ? f2.format(!.data[rank]!.vs) : "-.--", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w100, color:[rank]?.vs != null ? Colors.white : Colors.grey, shadows: textShadow)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Text("${[rank]?.apm != null &&[rank]?.pps != null ? f3.format(!.data[rank]!.apm! / (!.data[rank]!.pps! * 60)) : "-.---"} APP\n${[rank]?.apm != null &&[rank]?.vs != null ? f3.format(!.data[rank]!.vs! /!.data[rank]!.apm!) : "-.---"} VS/APM", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w100, color:[rank]?.apm != null &&[rank]?.pps != null &&[rank]?.vs != null ? Colors.white : Colors.grey, shadows: textShadow)), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: RichText( textAlign: TextAlign.right, text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w100, color: Colors.white, shadows: textShadow), children: [ TextSpan(text: intf.format(!.data[rank]!.count)), TextSpan(text: " (${f2.format(!.data[rank]!.countPercentile * 100)}%)", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white60, shadows: null)), TextSpan(text: "\n(from № ${intf.format(!.data[rank]!.pos)})", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white60, shadows: null)) ] )) ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: TextButton(child: Text("View", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), onPressed: () { },), ), ] ) ], ), Text(t.sprintAndBlitsRelevance(date: timestamp(!.timestamp))) ], ), ) ] ), ); } if (snapshot.hasError){ return FutureError(snapshot); } } return Text("huh?"); } ); } } class DestinationLeaderboards extends StatefulWidget{ final BoxConstraints constraints; const DestinationLeaderboards({super.key, required this.constraints}); @override State createState() => _DestinationLeaderboardsState(); } enum Leaderboards{ tl, xp, ar, sprint, blitz, zenith, zenithex, } class _DestinationLeaderboardsState extends State { //Duration postSeasonLeft = seasonStart.difference(; final Map leaderboards = { "Tetra League", Leaderboards.xp: "XP", "Acievement Points", Leaderboards.sprint: "40 Lines", Leaderboards.blitz: "Blitz", Leaderboards.zenith: "Quick Play", Leaderboards.zenithex: "Quick Play Expert", }; Leaderboards _currentLb =; final StreamController> _dataStreamController = StreamController>(); late final ScrollController _scrollController; Stream> get dataStream =>; List list = []; bool _isFetchingData = false; String? prisecter; Future _fetchData() async { if (_isFetchingData) { // Avoid fetching new data while already fetching return; } try { _isFetchingData = true; setState(() {}); final items = switch(_currentLb){ => await teto.fetchTetrioLeaderboard(prisecter: prisecter), Leaderboards.xp => await teto.fetchTetrioLeaderboard(prisecter: prisecter, lb: "xp"), => await teto.fetchTetrioLeaderboard(prisecter: prisecter, lb: "ar"), Leaderboards.sprint => await teto.fetchTetrioRecordsLeaderboard(prisecter: prisecter), Leaderboards.blitz => await teto.fetchTetrioRecordsLeaderboard(prisecter: prisecter, lb: "blitz_global"), Leaderboards.zenith => await teto.fetchTetrioRecordsLeaderboard(prisecter: prisecter, lb: "zenith_global"), Leaderboards.zenithex => await teto.fetchTetrioRecordsLeaderboard(prisecter: prisecter, lb: "zenithex_global"), }; list.addAll(items); _dataStreamController.add(list); prisecter = list.last.prisecter.toString(); } catch (e) { _dataStreamController.addError(e); } finally { // Set to false when data fetching is complete _isFetchingData = false; setState(() {}); } } @override void initState() { super.initState(); _scrollController = ScrollController(); _fetchData(); _scrollController.addListener(() { _scrollController.addListener(() { final maxScroll = _scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent; final currentScroll = _scrollController.position.pixels; if (currentScroll == maxScroll) { // When the last item is fully visible, load the next page. _fetchData(); } }); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Row( children: [ SizedBox( width: 350.0, height: widget.constraints.maxHeight, child: Column( children: [ const Card( child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Spacer(), Text("Leaderboards", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 36)), Spacer() ], ), ), Expanded( child: ListView.builder( itemCount: leaderboards.length, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) { return Card( surfaceTintColor: theme.colorScheme.primary, child: ListTile( title: Text(leaderboards.values.elementAt(index)), onTap: () { _currentLb = leaderboards.keys.elementAt(index); list.clear(); prisecter = null; _fetchData(); }, ), ); } ), ), ], ), ), SizedBox( width: widget.constraints.maxWidth - 350 - 88, child: Card( child: StreamBuilder>( stream: dataStream, builder:(context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ return Column( children: [ Text(leaderboards[_currentLb]!, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, height: 0.9)), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), Expanded( child: ListView.builder( controller: _scrollController, itemCount: list.length, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index){ return ListTile( leading: Text(intf.format(index+1)), title: Text(![index].username, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 22)), trailing: Text(switch (_currentLb){ => "${f2.format(![index].tr)} TR", Leaderboards.xp => "LVL ${f2.format(![index].level)}", => "${intf.format(![index].ar)} AR", Leaderboards.sprint => get40lTime(![index].stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), Leaderboards.blitz => intf.format(![index].stats.score), Leaderboards.zenith => "${f2.format(![index].stats.zenith!.altitude)} m", Leaderboards.zenithex => "${f2.format(![index].stats.zenith!.altitude)} m" }, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 28)), subtitle: Text(switch (_currentLb){ => "${f2.format(![index].apm)} APM, ${f2.format(![index].pps)} PPS, ${f2.format(![index].vs)} VS, ${f2.format(![index]} APP, ${f2.format(![index].nerdStats.vsapm)} VS/APM", Leaderboards.xp => "${f2.format(![index].xp)} XP${![index].playtime.isNegative ? "" : ", ${playtime(![index].playtime)} of gametime"}", => "${![index].ar_counts}", Leaderboards.sprint => "${intf.format(![index].stats.finesse.faults)} FF, ${f2.format(![index].stats.kpp)} KPP, ${f2.format(![index].stats.pps)} PPS, ${intf.format(![index].stats.piecesPlaced)} P", Leaderboards.blitz => "lvl ${![index].stats.level}, ${f2.format(![index].stats.pps)} PPS, ${f2.format(![index].stats.spp)} SPP", Leaderboards.zenith => "${f2.format(![index].aggregateStats.apm)} APM, ${f2.format(![index].aggregateStats.pps)} PPS, ${intf.format(![index].stats.kills)} KO's, ${f2.format(![index].stats.cps)} climb speed (${f2.format(![index].stats.zenith!.peakrank)} peak), ${intf.format(![index].stats.topBtB)} B2B", Leaderboards.zenithex => "${f2.format(![index].aggregateStats.apm)} APM, ${f2.format(![index].aggregateStats.pps)} PPS, ${intf.format(![index].stats.kills)} KO's, ${f2.format(![index].stats.cps)} climb speed (${f2.format(![index].stats.zenith!.peakrank)} peak), ${intf.format(![index].stats.topBtB)} B2B" }, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontSize: 12)), ); } ), ), ], ); } if (snapshot.hasError){ return FutureError(snapshot); } } return Text("huh?"); }, ), ), ), ], ); } } class DestinationGraphs extends StatefulWidget{ final String searchFor; //final Function setState; final BoxConstraints constraints; const DestinationGraphs({super.key, required this.searchFor, required this.constraints}); @override State createState() => _DestinationGraphsState(); } enum Graph{ history, leagueState, leagueCutoffs } class _DestinationGraphsState extends State { bool fetchData = false; bool _gamesPlayedInsteadOfDateAndTime = false; late ZoomPanBehavior _zoomPanBehavior; late TooltipBehavior _historyTooltipBehavior; late TooltipBehavior _tooltipBehavior; late TooltipBehavior _leagueTooltipBehavior; String yAxisTitle = ""; bool _smooth = false; final List> _yAxis = [for (MapEntry e in chartsShortTitles.entries) DropdownMenuItem(value: e.key, child: Text(e.value))]; Graph _graph = Graph.history; Stats _Ychart =; Stats _Xchart =; int _season = currentSeason-1; //Duration postSeasonLeft = seasonStart.difference(; @override void initState(){ _historyTooltipBehavior = TooltipBehavior( color:, borderColor: Colors.white, enable: true, animationDuration: 0, builder: (dynamic data, dynamic point, dynamic series, int pointIndex, int seriesIndex) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0), child: Text( "${f4.format(data.stat)} $yAxisTitle", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 20), ), ), Text(_gamesPlayedInsteadOfDateAndTime ? t.gamesPlayed(games: data.gamesPlayed)) : timestamp(data.timestamp)) ], ), ); } ); _tooltipBehavior = TooltipBehavior( color:, borderColor: Colors.white, enable: true, animationDuration: 0, builder: (dynamic data, dynamic point, dynamic series, int pointIndex, int seriesIndex) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0), child: Text( "${data.nickname} (${data.rank.toUpperCase()})", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 20), ), ), Text('${f4.format(data.x)} ${chartsShortTitles[_Xchart]}\n${f4.format(data.y)} ${chartsShortTitles[_Ychart]}') ], ), ); } ); _leagueTooltipBehavior = TooltipBehavior( color:, borderColor: Colors.white, enable: true, animationDuration: 0, builder: (dynamic data, dynamic point, dynamic series, int pointIndex, int seriesIndex) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0), child: Text( "${f4.format(point.y)} $yAxisTitle", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 20), ), ), Text(timestamp(data.ts)) ], ), ); } ); _zoomPanBehavior = ZoomPanBehavior( enablePinching: true, enableSelectionZooming: true, enableMouseWheelZooming : true, enablePanning: true, ); super.initState(); } Future>>> getHistoryData(bool fetchHistory) async { if(fetchHistory){ try{ var history = await teto.fetchAndsaveTLHistory(widget.searchFor); if (context.mounted) ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(t.fetchAndsaveTLHistoryResult(number: history.length)))); }on TetrioHistoryNotExist{ if (context.mounted) ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(t.noHistorySaved))); }on P1nkl0bst3rForbidden { if (context.mounted) ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(t.errors.p1nkl0bst3rForbidden))); }on P1nkl0bst3rInternalProblem { if (context.mounted) ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(t.errors.p1nkl0bst3rinternal))); }on P1nkl0bst3rTooManyRequests{ if (context.mounted) ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(t.errors.p1nkl0bst3rTooManyRequests))); } } List> states = await Future.wait>([ teto.getStates(widget.searchFor, season: 1), teto.getStates(widget.searchFor, season: 2), ]); List>> historyData = []; // [season][metric][spot] for (int season = 0; season < currentSeason; season++){ if (states[season].length >= 2){ Map> statsMap = {}; for (var stat in Stats.values) statsMap[stat] = [for (var tl in states[season]) if (tl.getStatByEnum(stat) != null) _HistoryChartSpot(tl.timestamp, tl.gamesPlayed, tl.rank, tl.getStatByEnum(stat)!.toDouble())]; historyData.add(statsMap); }else{ historyData.add({}); break; } } fetchData = false; return historyData; } Future> getTetraLeagueData(Stats x, Stats y) async { TetrioPlayersLeaderboard leaderboard = await teto.fetchTLLeaderboard(); List<_MyScatterSpot> _spots = [ for (TetrioPlayerFromLeaderboard entry in leaderboard.leaderboard) _MyScatterSpot( entry.getStatByEnum(x).toDouble(), entry.getStatByEnum(y).toDouble(), entry.userId, entry.username, entry.rank, rankColors[entry.rank]??Colors.white ) ]; return _spots; } Widget getHistoryGraph(){ return FutureBuilder>>>( future: getHistoryData(fetchData), builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ List<_HistoryChartSpot> selectedGraph =![_season][_Ychart]!; yAxisTitle = chartsShortTitles[_Ychart]!; return SfCartesianChart( tooltipBehavior: _historyTooltipBehavior, zoomPanBehavior: _zoomPanBehavior, primaryXAxis: _gamesPlayedInsteadOfDateAndTime ? const NumericAxis() : const DateTimeAxis(), primaryYAxis: const NumericAxis( rangePadding: ChartRangePadding.additional, ), margin: const EdgeInsets.all(0), series: [ if (_gamesPlayedInsteadOfDateAndTime) StepLineSeries<_HistoryChartSpot, int>( enableTooltip: true, dataSource: selectedGraph, animationDuration: 0, opacity: _smooth ? 0 : 1, xValueMapper: (_HistoryChartSpot data, _) => data.gamesPlayed, yValueMapper: (_HistoryChartSpot data, _) => data.stat, color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, trendlines:[ Trendline( isVisible: _smooth, period: (selectedGraph.length/175).floor(), type: TrendlineType.movingAverage, color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary) ], ) else StepLineSeries<_HistoryChartSpot, DateTime>( enableTooltip: true, dataSource: selectedGraph, animationDuration: 0, opacity: _smooth ? 0 : 1, xValueMapper: (_HistoryChartSpot data, _) => data.timestamp, yValueMapper: (_HistoryChartSpot data, _) => data.stat, color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, trendlines:[ Trendline( isVisible: _smooth, period: (selectedGraph.length/175).floor(), type: TrendlineType.movingAverage, color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary) ], ), ], ); }else{ return FutureError(snapshot); } } } ); } Widget getLeagueState (){ return FutureBuilder>( future: getTetraLeagueData(_Xchart, _Ychart), builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ return SfCartesianChart( tooltipBehavior: _tooltipBehavior, zoomPanBehavior: _zoomPanBehavior, //primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(), series: [ ScatterSeries( enableTooltip: true, dataSource:, animationDuration: 0, pointColorMapper: (data, _) => data.color, xValueMapper: (data, _) => data.x, yValueMapper: (data, _) => data.y, onPointTap: (point) => Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => MainView(player:![point.pointIndex!].nickname), maintainState: false)), ) ], ); }else{ return FutureError(snapshot); } } } ); } Widget getCutoffsHistory(){ return FutureBuilder>( future: teto.fetchCutoffsHistory(), builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ yAxisTitle = chartsShortTitles[_Ychart]!; return SfCartesianChart( tooltipBehavior: _leagueTooltipBehavior, zoomPanBehavior: _zoomPanBehavior, primaryXAxis: const DateTimeAxis(), primaryYAxis: NumericAxis( // isInversed: true, maximum: switch (_Ychart){ => 25000.0, Stats.gxe => 100.00, _ => null }, ), margin: const EdgeInsets.all(0), series: [ for (String rank in ranks) StepLineSeries( enableTooltip: true, dataSource:, animationDuration: 0, //opacity: 0.5, xValueMapper: (Cutoffs data, _) => data.ts, yValueMapper: (Cutoffs data, _) => switch (_Ychart){ Stats.glicko => data.glicko[rank], Stats.gxe => data.gxe[rank], _ =>[rank] }, color: rankColors[rank]! ) ], ); }else{ return FutureError(snapshot); } } } ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.vertical, child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Card( child: Wrap( spacing: 20, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ if (_graph == Graph.history) Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Text("Season:", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 22))), DropdownButton( items: [for (int i = 1; i <= currentSeason; i++) DropdownMenuItem(value: i-1, child: Text("$i"))], value: _season, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { _season = value!; }); } ), ], ), if (_graph != Graph.leagueCutoffs) Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Text("X:", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 22))), DropdownButton( items: switch (_graph){ Graph.history => [DropdownMenuItem(value: false, child: Text("Date & Time")), DropdownMenuItem(value: true, child: Text("Games Played"))], Graph.leagueState => _yAxis, Graph.leagueCutoffs => [], }, value: _graph == Graph.history ? _gamesPlayedInsteadOfDateAndTime : _Xchart, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { if (_graph == Graph.history) _gamesPlayedInsteadOfDateAndTime = value! as bool; else _Xchart = value! as Stats; }); } ), ], ), Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Text("Y:", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 22))), DropdownButton( items: _graph == Graph.leagueCutoffs ? [DropdownMenuItem(value:, child: Text(chartsShortTitles[]!)), DropdownMenuItem(value: Stats.glicko, child: Text(chartsShortTitles[Stats.glicko]!)), DropdownMenuItem(value: Stats.gxe, child: Text(chartsShortTitles[Stats.gxe]!))] : _yAxis, value: _Ychart, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { _Ychart = value!; }); } ), ], ), if (_graph != Graph.leagueState) Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Checkbox(value: _smooth, checkColor:, onChanged: ((value) { setState(() { _smooth = value!; }); })), Text(t.smooth, style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 22)) ], ), IconButton(onPressed: () => _zoomPanBehavior.reset(), icon: const Icon(Icons.refresh), alignment:,) ], ), ), Card( child: SizedBox( width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 88, height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - 96, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(40, 30, 40, 30), child: switch (_graph){ Graph.history => getHistoryGraph(), Graph.leagueState => getLeagueState(), Graph.leagueCutoffs => getCutoffsHistory() }, ) ), ) ], ), ), SegmentedButton( showSelectedIcon: false, segments: >[ const ButtonSegment( value: Graph.history, label: Text('Player History')), ButtonSegment( value: Graph.leagueState, label: Text('League State')), ButtonSegment( value: Graph.leagueCutoffs, label: Text('League Cutoffs'), ), ], selected: {_graph}, onSelectionChanged: (Set newSelection) { setState(() { _graph = newSelection.first; switch (newSelection.first){ case Graph.leagueCutoffs: case Graph.history: _Ychart =; case Graph.leagueState: _Ychart = Stats.apm; } });}) ], ); } } class _HistoryChartSpot{ final DateTime timestamp; final int gamesPlayed; final String rank; final double stat; const _HistoryChartSpot(this.timestamp, this.gamesPlayed, this.rank, this.stat); } class _MyScatterSpot{ num x; num y; String id; String nickname; String rank; Color color; _MyScatterSpot(this.x, this.y,, this.nickname, this.rank, this.color); } class DestinationHome extends StatefulWidget{ final String searchFor; //final Function setState; final BoxConstraints constraints; const DestinationHome({super.key, required this.searchFor, required this.constraints}); @override State createState() => _DestinationHomeState(); } class FetchResults{ bool success; TetrioPlayer? player; List states; Summaries? summaries; Cutoffs? cutoffs; Exception? exception; FetchResults(this.success, this.player, this.states, this.summaries, this.cutoffs, this.exception); } class RecordSummary extends StatelessWidget{ final RecordSingle? record; final bool hideRank; final bool? betterThanRankAverage; final MapEntry? closestAverage; final bool? betterThanClosestAverage; final String? rank; const RecordSummary({super.key, required this.record, this.betterThanRankAverage, this.closestAverage, this.betterThanClosestAverage, this.rank, this.hideRank = false}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ if (closestAverage != null && record != null) Padding(padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Image.asset("res/tetrio_tl_alpha_ranks/${closestAverage!.key}.png", height: 96)) else !hideRank ? Image.asset("res/tetrio_tl_alpha_ranks/z.png", height: 96) : Container(), if (record != null) Column( crossAxisAlignment: hideRank ? : CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ RichText( textAlign: hideRank ? : TextAlign.start, text: TextSpan( text: switch(record!.gamemode){ "40l" => get40lTime(record!.stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), "blitz" => NumberFormat.decimalPattern().format(record!.stats.score), "5mblast" => get40lTime(record!.stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), "zenith" => "${f2.format(record!.stats.zenith!.altitude)} m", "zenithex" => "${f2.format(record!.stats.zenith!.altitude)} m", _ => record!.stats.score.toString() }, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white, height: 0.9), ), ), RichText( textAlign: hideRank ? : TextAlign.start, text: TextSpan( text: "", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, color: Colors.grey), children: [ if (rank != null && rank != "z" && rank != "x+") TextSpan(text: "${t.verdictGeneral(n: switch(record!.gamemode){ "40l" => readableTimeDifference(record!.stats.finalTime, sprintAverages[rank]!), "blitz" => readableIntDifference(record!.stats.score, blitzAverages[rank]!), _ => record!.stats.score.toString() }, verdict: betterThanRankAverage??false ? t.verdictBetter : t.verdictWorse, rank: rank!.toUpperCase())}\n", style: TextStyle( color: betterThanClosestAverage??false ? Colors.greenAccent : Colors.redAccent )) else if ((rank == null || rank == "z") && closestAverage != null) TextSpan(text: "${t.verdictGeneral(n: switch(record!.gamemode){ "40l" => readableTimeDifference(record!.stats.finalTime, closestAverage!.value), "blitz" => readableIntDifference(record!.stats.score, closestAverage!.value), _ => record!.stats.score.toString() }, verdict: betterThanClosestAverage??false ? t.verdictBetter : t.verdictWorse, rank: closestAverage!.key.toUpperCase())}\n", style: TextStyle( color: betterThanClosestAverage??false ? Colors.greenAccent : Colors.redAccent )), if (record!.rank != -1) TextSpan(text: "№ ${intf.format(record!.rank)}", style: TextStyle(color: getColorOfRank(record!.rank))), if (record!.rank != -1 && record!.countryRank != -1) const TextSpan(text: " • "), if (record!.countryRank != -1) TextSpan(text: "№ ${intf.format(record!.countryRank)} local", style: TextStyle(color: getColorOfRank(record!.countryRank))), const TextSpan(text: "\n"), TextSpan(text: timestamp(record!.timestamp)), ] ), ), ], ) else if (hideRank) RichText(text: const TextSpan( text: "---", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.grey), ), ) ], ); } } class LeagueCard extends StatelessWidget{ final TetraLeague league; final bool showSeasonNumber; const LeagueCard({super.key, required this.league, this.showSeasonNumber = false}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 8.0, 20.0, 12.0), child: Center( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ if (showSeasonNumber) Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.baseline, textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic, children: [ Text("Season ${league.season}", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, height: 0.9)), Spacer(), Text( "${seasonStarts.elementAtOrNull(league.season - 1) != null ? timestamp(seasonStarts[league.season - 1]) : "---"} — ${seasonEnds.elementAtOrNull(league.season - 1) != null ? timestamp(seasonEnds[league.season - 1]) : "---"}", textAlign:, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)), ], ) else Text("Tetra League", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, height: 0.9)), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), TLRatingThingy(userID: "", tlData: league, showPositions: true), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), Text("${league.apm != null ? f2.format(league.apm) : "-.--"} APM • ${league.pps != null ? f2.format(league.pps) : "-.--"} PPS • ${league.vs != null ? f2.format(league.vs) : "-.--"} VS • ${league.nerdStats != null ? f2.format(league.nerdStats!.app) : "-.--"} APP • ${league.nerdStats != null ? f2.format(league.nerdStats!.vsapm) : "-.--"} VS/APM", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)) ], ), ), ), ); } } class _DestinationHomeState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { Cards rightCard = Cards.overview; CardMod cardMod =; //Duration postSeasonLeft = seasonStart.difference(; late Map>> modeButtons; late MapEntry? closestAverageBlitz; late bool blitzBetterThanClosestAverage; late MapEntry? closestAverageSprint; late bool sprintBetterThanClosestAverage; late AnimationController _transition; late final Animation _offsetAnimation; bool? sprintBetterThanRankAverage; bool? blitzBetterThanRankAverage; Widget getOverviewCard(Summaries summaries){ return Column( children: [ const Card( child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0), child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text("Overview", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)), ], ), ), ), ), LeagueCard(league: summaries.league), Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Expanded( child: Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 8.0, 20.0, 12.0), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ const Text("40 Lines", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, height: 0.9)), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), RecordSummary(record: summaries.sprint, betterThanClosestAverage: sprintBetterThanClosestAverage, betterThanRankAverage: sprintBetterThanRankAverage, closestAverage: closestAverageSprint, rank: summaries.league.percentileRank), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), Text("${summaries.sprint != null ? intf.format(summaries.sprint!.stats.piecesPlaced) : "---"} P • ${summaries.sprint != null ? f2.format(summaries.sprint!.stats.pps) : "---"} PPS • ${summaries.sprint != null ? f2.format(summaries.sprint!.stats.kpp) : "---"} KPP", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)) ], ), ), ), ), Expanded( child: Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 8.0, 20.0, 12.0), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ const Text("Blitz", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, height: 0.9)), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), RecordSummary(record: summaries.blitz, betterThanClosestAverage: blitzBetterThanClosestAverage, betterThanRankAverage: blitzBetterThanRankAverage, closestAverage: closestAverageBlitz, rank: summaries.league.percentileRank), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), Text("Level ${summaries.blitz != null ? intf.format(summaries.blitz!.stats.level): "--"} • ${summaries.blitz != null ? f2.format(summaries.blitz!.stats.spp) : "-.--"} SPP • ${summaries.blitz != null ? f2.format(summaries.blitz!.stats.pps) : "---"} PPS", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)) ], ), ), ), ), ], ), Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Expanded( child: Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 8.0, 20.0, 14.0), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ const Text("QP", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, height: 0.9)), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), RecordSummary(record: summaries.zenith, hideRank: true), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), Text("Overall PB: ${(summaries.achievements.isNotEmpty && summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 18).v != null) ? f2.format(summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 18).v!) : "-.--"} m", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)) ], ), ), ), ), Expanded( child: Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 8.0, 20.0, 14.0), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ const Text("QP Expert", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, height: 0.9)), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), RecordSummary(record: summaries.zenithEx, hideRank: true,), const Divider(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 158, 158, 158)), Text("Overall PB: ${(summaries.achievements.isNotEmpty && summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 19).v != null) ? f2.format(summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 19).v!) : "-.--"} m", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)) ], ), ), ), ), ], ), Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Expanded( child: Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 8.0, 20.0, 14.0), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ const Text("Zen", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, height: 0.9)), Text("Level ${intf.format(summaries.zen.level)}", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white)), Text("Score ${intf.format(summaries.zen.score)}"), Text("Level up requirement: ${intf.format(summaries.zen.scoreRequirement)}", style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)) ], ), ), ), ), Expanded( child: Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 0.0, 20.0, 20.0), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Stack( alignment: AlignmentDirectional.bottomStart, children: [ const Text("f", style: TextStyle( fontStyle: FontStyle.italic, fontSize: 65, height: 1.2, )), const Positioned(left: 25, top: 20, child: Text("inesse", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended"))), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.0), child: Text("${(summaries.achievements.isNotEmpty && summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 4).v != null && summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 1).v != null) ? f3.format(summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 4).v!/summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 1).v! * 100) : "--.---"}%", style: const TextStyle( //shadows: textShadow, fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white )), ) ], ), Row( children: [ const Text("Total pieces placed:"), const Spacer(), Text((summaries.achievements.isNotEmpty && summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 1).v != null) ? intf.format(summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 1).v!) : "---"), ], ), Row( children: [ const Text(" - Placed with perfect finesse:"), const Spacer(), Text((summaries.achievements.isNotEmpty && summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 4).v != null) ? intf.format(summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 4).v!) : "---"), ], ) ], ), ), ), ), ], ), if (summaries.achievements.isNotEmpty) Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0.0), child: Column( children: [ if (summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 16).v != null) Row( children: [ const Text("Total height climbed in QP"), const Spacer(), Text("${f2.format(summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 16).v!)} m"), ], ), if (summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 17).v != null) Row( children: [ const Text("KO's in QP"), const Spacer(), Text(intf.format(summaries.achievements.firstWhere((e) => e.k == 17).v!)), ], ) ], ), ), ), ] ); } Widget getTetraLeagueCard(TetraLeague data, Cutoffs? cutoffs, List states){ TetraLeague? toCompare = states.length >= 2 ? states.elementAtOrNull(states.length-2) : null; return Column( children: [ Card( //surfaceTintColor: rankColors[data.rank], child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0), child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text(t.tetraLeague, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)), //Text("${states.last.timestamp} ${}", textAlign: ], ), ), ), ), TetraLeagueThingy(league: data, toCompare: toCompare, cutoffs: cutoffs), if (data.nerdStats != null) Card( //surfaceTintColor: rankColors[data.rank], child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const Spacer(), Text(t.nerdStats, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)), const Spacer() ], ), ), if (data.nerdStats != null) NerdStatsThingy(nerdStats: data.nerdStats!, oldNerdStats: toCompare?.nerdStats), if (data.nerdStats != null) GraphsThingy(nerdStats: data.nerdStats!, playstyle: data.playstyle!, apm: data.apm!, pps: data.pps!, vs: data.vs!) ], ); } Widget getPreviousSeasonsList(Map pastLeague){ return Column( children: [ Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0), child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text("Previous Seasons", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)), //Text("${t.seasonStarts} ${countdown(postSeasonLeft)}", textAlign: ], ), ), ), ), for (var key in pastLeague.keys) Card( child: LeagueCard(league: pastLeague[key]!, showSeasonNumber: true), ) ], ); } Widget getListOfRecords(String recentStream, String topStream, BoxConstraints constraints){ return Column( children: [ const Card( child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0), child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text("Records", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)), //Text("${t.seasonStarts} ${countdown(postSeasonLeft)}", textAlign: ], ), ), ), ), Card( clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, child: DefaultTabController(length: 2, child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const TabBar( tabs: [ Tab(text: "Recent"), Tab(text: "Top"), ], ), SizedBox( height: 400, child: TabBarView( children: [ FutureBuilder( future: teto.fetchStream(widget.searchFor, recentStream), builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ return Column( children: [ for (int i = 0; i <!.records.length; i++) ListTile( onTap: () => Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SingleplayerRecordView(record:!.records[i]))), leading: Text( switch (!.records[i].gamemode){ "40l" => "40L", "blitz" => "BLZ", "5mblast" => "5MB", "zenith" => "QP", "zenithex" => "QPE", String() => "huh", }, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, shadows: textShadow, height: 0.9) ), title: Text( switch (!.records[i].gamemode){ "40l" => get40lTime(!.records[i].stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), "blitz" => t.blitzScore(p: NumberFormat.decimalPattern().format(!.records[i].stats.score)), "5mblast" => get40lTime(!.records[i].stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), "zenith" => "${f2.format(!.records[i].stats.zenith!.altitude)} m${(!.records[i].extras as ZenithExtras).mods.isNotEmpty ? " (${t.withModsPlural(n: (!.records[i].extras as ZenithExtras).mods.length)})" : ""}", "zenithex" => "${f2.format(!.records[i].stats.zenith!.altitude)} m${(!.records[i].extras as ZenithExtras).mods.isNotEmpty ? " (${t.withModsPlural(n: (!.records[i].extras as ZenithExtras).mods.length)})" : ""}", String() => "huh", }, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 18)), subtitle: Text(timestamp(!.records[i].timestamp), style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, height: 0.85)), trailing: SpTrailingStats(!.records[i],!.records[i].gamemode) ) ], ); } if (snapshot.hasError){ return FutureError(snapshot); } } return const Text("what?"); }, ), FutureBuilder( future: teto.fetchStream(widget.searchFor, topStream), builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ return Column( children: [ for (int i = 0; i <!.records.length; i++) ListTile( onTap: () => Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SingleplayerRecordView(record:!.records[i]))), leading: Text( "#${i+1}", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28, shadows: textShadow, height: 0.9) ), title: Text( switch (!.records[i].gamemode){ "40l" => get40lTime(!.records[i].stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), "blitz" => t.blitzScore(p: NumberFormat.decimalPattern().format(!.records[i].stats.score)), "5mblast" => get40lTime(!.records[i].stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), "zenith" => "${f2.format(!.records[i].stats.zenith!.altitude)} m${(!.records[i].extras as ZenithExtras).mods.isNotEmpty ? " (${t.withModsPlural(n: (!.records[i].extras as ZenithExtras).mods.length)})" : ""}", "zenithex" => "${f2.format(!.records[i].stats.zenith!.altitude)} m${(!.records[i].extras as ZenithExtras).mods.isNotEmpty ? " (${t.withModsPlural(n: (!.records[i].extras as ZenithExtras).mods.length)})" : ""}", String() => "huh", }, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 18)), subtitle: Text(timestamp(!.records[i].timestamp), style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, height: 0.85)), trailing: SpTrailingStats(!.records[i],!.records[i].gamemode) ) ], ); } if (snapshot.hasError){ return FutureError(snapshot); } } return const Text("what?"); }, ), ] ), ) ], ), ) ), ], ); } Widget getRecentTLrecords(BoxConstraints constraints){ return Column( children: [ Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0), child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text(t.recent, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)), ], ), ), ), ), Card( clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, child: FutureBuilder( future: teto.fetchTLStream(widget.searchFor), builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ return SizedBox(height: constraints.maxHeight - 145, child: _TLRecords(userID: widget.searchFor, changePlayer: (){}, data:!.records, wasActiveInTL:!.records.isNotEmpty, oldMathcesHere: false)); } if (snapshot.hasError){ return FutureError(snapshot); } } return const Text("what?"); }, ), ), ], ); } Widget getZenithCard(RecordSingle? record){ return Column( children: [ Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0), child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text(t.quickPlay, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)), //Text("Leaderboard reset in ${countdown(postSeasonLeft)}", textAlign:, ], ), ), ), ), ZenithThingy(zenith: record), if (record != null) Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Card( child: Column( children: [ FinesseThingy(record.stats.finesse, record.stats.finessePercentage), LineclearsThingy(record.stats.clears, record.stats.lines, record.stats.holds, record.stats.tSpins, showMoreClears: true), if (record.gamemode == 'blitz') Text("${f2.format(record.stats.kpp)} KPP") ], ), ), ), Expanded( child: Card( child: SizedBox( width: 300, height: 318, child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Stack( alignment: AlignmentDirectional.bottomStart, children: [ const Text("T", style: TextStyle( fontStyle: FontStyle.italic, fontSize: 65, height: 1.2, )), const Positioned(left: 25, top: 20, child: Text("otal time", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended"))), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.0), child: Text(getMoreNormalTime(record.stats.finalTime), style: const TextStyle( shadows: textShadow, fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white )), ) ], ), SizedBox( width: 300.0, child: Table( columnWidths: const { 0: FixedColumnWidth(36) }, children: [ const TableRow( children: [ Text("Floor"), Text("Split", textAlign: TextAlign.right), Text("Total", textAlign: TextAlign.right), ] ), for (int i = 0; i < record.stats.zenith!.splits.length; i++) TableRow( children: [ Text((i+1).toString()), Text(record.stats.zenith!.splits[i] != ? getMoreNormalTime(record.stats.zenith!.splits[i]-(i-1 != -1 ? record.stats.zenith!.splits[i-1] : : "--:--.---", textAlign: TextAlign.right), Text(record.stats.zenith!.splits[i] != ? getMoreNormalTime(record.stats.zenith!.splits[i]) : "--:--.---", textAlign: TextAlign.right), ] ) ], ), ), ], ), ), ), ), ], ), if (record != null) Card( child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const Spacer(), Text(t.nerdStats, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)), const Spacer() ], ), ), if (record != null) NerdStatsThingy(nerdStats: record.aggregateStats.nerdStats), if (record != null) GraphsThingy(nerdStats: record.aggregateStats.nerdStats, playstyle: record.aggregateStats.playstyle, apm: record.aggregateStats.apm, pps: record.aggregateStats.pps, vs: record.aggregateStats.vs) ], ); } Widget getRecordCard(RecordSingle? record, bool? betterThanRankAverage, MapEntry? closestAverage, bool? betterThanClosestAverage, String? rank){ if (record == null) { return const Card( child: Center(child: Text("No record", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 42))), ); } return Column( children: [ Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0), child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text(switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => t.sprint, "blitz" => t.blitz, "5mblast" => "5,000,000 Blast", _ => record.gamemode }, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 42)) ], ), ), ), ), Card( child: Column( children: [ Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ if (closestAverage != null) Padding(padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8.0), child: Image.asset("res/tetrio_tl_alpha_ranks/${closestAverage.key}.png", height: 96) ), Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ RichText(text: TextSpan( text: switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => get40lTime(record.stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), "blitz" => NumberFormat.decimalPattern().format(record.stats.score), "5mblast" => get40lTime(record.stats.finalTime.inMicroseconds), _ => record.stats.score.toString() }, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white), ), ), RichText(text: TextSpan( text: "", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, color: Colors.grey), children: [ if (rank != null && rank != "z" && rank != "x+") TextSpan(text: "${t.verdictGeneral(n: switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => readableTimeDifference(record.stats.finalTime, sprintAverages[rank]!), "blitz" => readableIntDifference(record.stats.score, blitzAverages[rank]!), _ => record.stats.score.toString() }, verdict: betterThanRankAverage??false ? t.verdictBetter : t.verdictWorse, rank: rank.toUpperCase())}\n", style: TextStyle( color: betterThanClosestAverage??false ? Colors.greenAccent : Colors.redAccent )) else if ((rank == null || rank == "z" || rank == "x+") && closestAverage != null) TextSpan(text: "${t.verdictGeneral(n: switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => readableTimeDifference(record.stats.finalTime, closestAverage.value), "blitz" => readableIntDifference(record.stats.score, closestAverage.value), _ => record.stats.score.toString() }, verdict: betterThanClosestAverage??false ? t.verdictBetter : t.verdictWorse, rank: closestAverage.key.toUpperCase())}\n", style: TextStyle( color: betterThanClosestAverage??false ? Colors.greenAccent : Colors.redAccent )), if (record.rank != -1) TextSpan(text: "№ ${intf.format(record.rank)}", style: TextStyle(color: getColorOfRank(record.rank))), if (record.rank != -1) const TextSpan(text: " • "), if (record.countryRank != -1) TextSpan(text: "№ ${intf.format(record.countryRank)} local", style: TextStyle(color: getColorOfRank(record.countryRank))), if (record.countryRank != -1) const TextSpan(text: " • "), TextSpan(text: timestamp(record.timestamp)), ] ), ), ], ), ], ), Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Table( defaultColumnWidth:const IntrinsicColumnWidth(), children: [ TableRow(children: [ Text(switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => record.stats.piecesPlaced.toString(), "blitz" => record.stats.level.toString(), "5mblast" => NumberFormat.decimalPattern().format(record.stats.spp), _ => "What if " }, textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Text(switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => " Pieces", "blitz" => " Level", "5mblast" => " SPP", _ => " i wanted to" }, textAlign: TextAlign.left, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]), TableRow(children: [ Text(f2.format(record.stats.pps), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" PPS", textAlign: TextAlign.left, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]), TableRow(children: [ Text(switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => f2.format(record.stats.kpp), "blitz" => f2.format(record.stats.spp), "5mblast" => record.stats.piecesPlaced.toString(), _ => "but god said" }, textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Text(switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => " KPP", "blitz" => " SPP", "5mblast" => " Pieces", _ => " no" }, textAlign: TextAlign.left, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]) ], ), ), Expanded( child: Table( defaultColumnWidth:const IntrinsicColumnWidth(), children: [ TableRow(children: [ Text(intf.format(record.stats.inputs), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" Key presses", textAlign: TextAlign.left, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]), TableRow(children: [ Text(f2.format(record.stats.kps), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" KPS", textAlign: TextAlign.left, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]), TableRow(children: [ Text(switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => " ", "blitz" => record.stats.piecesPlaced.toString(), "5mblast" => record.stats.piecesPlaced.toString(), _ => "but god said" }, textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Text(switch(record.gamemode){ "40l" => " ", "blitz" => " Pieces", "5mblast" => " Pieces", _ => " no" }, textAlign: TextAlign.left, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]) ], ), ), ], ) ], ), ), Card( child: Center( child: Column( children: [ FinesseThingy(record.stats.finesse, record.stats.finessePercentage), LineclearsThingy(record.stats.clears, record.stats.lines, record.stats.holds, record.stats.tSpins), if (record.gamemode == 'blitz') Text("${f2.format(record.stats.kpp)} KPP") ], ), ), ) ] ); } @override initState(){ modeButtons = { Cards.overview: [ const ButtonSegment( value:, label: Text('General'), ), ], Cards.tetraLeague: [ const ButtonSegment( value:, label: Text('Standing'), ), const ButtonSegment( value: CardMod.ex, // yeah i misusing my own Enum shut the fuck up label: Text('Previous Seasons'), ), const ButtonSegment( value: CardMod.records, label: Text('Recent Matches'), ), ], Cards.quickPlay: [ const ButtonSegment( value:, label: Text('Normal'), ), const ButtonSegment( value: CardMod.records, label: Text('Records'), ), const ButtonSegment( value: CardMod.ex, label: Text('Expert'), ), const ButtonSegment( value: CardMod.exRecords, label: Text('Expert Records'), ) ], Cards.blitz: [ const ButtonSegment( value:, label: Text('PB'), ), const ButtonSegment( value: CardMod.records, label: Text('Records'), ) ], Cards.sprint: [ const ButtonSegment( value:, label: Text('PB'), ), const ButtonSegment( value: CardMod.records, label: Text('Records'), ) ] }; _transition = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: Durations.long4); // _transition.addListener((){ // setState(() { // }); // }); _offsetAnimation = Tween( begin:, end: const Offset(1.5, 0.0), ).animate(CurvedAnimation( parent: _transition, curve: Curves.elasticIn, )); super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FutureBuilder( future: _data, builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()); case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasError){ return FutureError(snapshot); } if (snapshot.hasData){ blitzBetterThanRankAverage = (!.summaries!.league.rank != "z" &&!.summaries!.blitz != null &&!.summaries!.league.rank != "x+") ?!.summaries!.blitz!.stats.score > blitzAverages[!.summaries!.league.rank]! : null; sprintBetterThanRankAverage = (!.summaries!.league.rank != "z" &&!.summaries!.sprint != null &&!.summaries!.league.rank != "x+") ?!.summaries!.sprint!.stats.finalTime < sprintAverages[!.summaries!.league.rank]! : null; if (!.summaries!.sprint != null) { closestAverageSprint = sprintAverages.entries.singleWhere((element) => element.value == sprintAverages.values.reduce((a, b) => (!.summaries!.sprint!.stats.finalTime).abs() < (b!.summaries!.sprint!.stats.finalTime).abs() ? a : b)); sprintBetterThanClosestAverage =!.summaries!.sprint!.stats.finalTime < closestAverageSprint!.value; } if (!.summaries!.blitz != null){ closestAverageBlitz = blitzAverages.entries.singleWhere((element) => element.value == blitzAverages.values.reduce((a, b) => (!.summaries!.blitz!.stats.score).abs() < (b!.summaries!.blitz!.stats.score).abs() ? a : b)); blitzBetterThanClosestAverage =!.summaries!.blitz!.stats.score > closestAverageBlitz!.value; } return TweenAnimationBuilder( duration: Durations.long4, tween: Tween(begin: 0, end: 1), curve: Easing.standard, builder: (context, value, child) { return Container( transform: Matrix4.translationValues(0, 600-value*600, 0), child: Opacity(opacity: value, child: child), ); }, child: Row( children: [ SizedBox( width: 450, child: Column( children: [ NewUserThingy(player:!.player!, showStateTimestamp: false, setState: setState), if (!.player!.badges.isNotEmpty) BadgesThingy(badges:!.player!.badges), if (!.player!.distinguishment != null) DistinguishmentThingy(!.player!.distinguishment!), if (!.player!.role == "bot") FakeDistinguishmentThingy(bot: true, botMaintainers:!.player!.botmaster), if (!.player!.role == "banned") FakeDistinguishmentThingy(banned: true) else if (!.player!.badstanding == true) FakeDistinguishmentThingy(badStanding: true), if (!.player!.bio != null) Card( child: Column( children: [ Row( children: [ const Spacer(), Text(, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended")), const Spacer() ], ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0), child: MarkdownBody(data:!.player!.bio!, styleSheet: MarkdownStyleSheet(textAlign:, ) ], ), ), //if (testNews != null && testNews!.news.isNotEmpty) Expanded( child: FutureBuilder( future: _newsData, builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState){ case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case return const Card(child: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator())); case ConnectionState.done: if (snapshot.hasData){ return NewsThingy(!); }else if (snapshot.hasError){ return FutureError(snapshot); } } return const Text("what?"); } ), ) ], ), ), SizedBox( width: widget.constraints.maxWidth - 450 - 80, child: Column( children: [ SizedBox( height: rightCard != Cards.overview ? widget.constraints.maxHeight - 64 : widget.constraints.maxHeight - 32, child: SingleChildScrollView( child: SlideTransition( position: _offsetAnimation, child: switch (rightCard){ Cards.overview => getOverviewCard(!.summaries!), Cards.tetraLeague => switch (cardMod){ => getTetraLeagueCard(!.summaries!.league,!.cutoffs,!.states), CardMod.ex => getPreviousSeasonsList(!.summaries!.pastLeague), CardMod.records => getRecentTLrecords(widget.constraints), _ => const Center(child: Text("huh?")) }, Cards.quickPlay => switch (cardMod){ => getZenithCard(!.zenith), CardMod.records => getListOfRecords("zenith/recent", "zenith/top", widget.constraints), CardMod.ex => getZenithCard(!.zenithEx), CardMod.exRecords => getListOfRecords("zenithex/recent", "zenithex/top", widget.constraints), }, Cards.sprint => switch (cardMod){ => getRecordCard(!.sprint, sprintBetterThanRankAverage, closestAverageSprint, sprintBetterThanClosestAverage,!.summaries!.league.rank), CardMod.records => getListOfRecords("40l/recent", "40l/top", widget.constraints), _ => const Center(child: Text("huh?")) }, Cards.blitz => switch (cardMod){ => getRecordCard(!.blitz, blitzBetterThanRankAverage, closestAverageBlitz, blitzBetterThanClosestAverage,!.summaries!.league.rank), CardMod.records => getListOfRecords("blitz/recent", "blitz/top", widget.constraints), _ => const Center(child: Text("huh?")) }, }, ), ), ), if (modeButtons[rightCard]!.length > 1) SegmentedButton( showSelectedIcon: false, selected: {cardMod}, segments: modeButtons[rightCard]!, onSelectionChanged: (p0) { setState(() { cardMod = p0.first; //_transition.; }); }, ), SegmentedButton( showSelectedIcon: false, segments: >[ const ButtonSegment( value: Cards.overview, //label: Text('Overview'), icon: Icon(Icons.calendar_view_day)), ButtonSegment( value: Cards.tetraLeague, //label: Text('Tetra League'), icon: SvgPicture.asset("res/icons/league.svg", height: 16, colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(theme.colorScheme.primary, BlendMode.modulate))), ButtonSegment( value: Cards.quickPlay, //label: Text('Quick Play'), icon: SvgPicture.asset("res/icons/qp.svg", height: 16, colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(theme.colorScheme.primary, BlendMode.modulate))), ButtonSegment( value: Cards.sprint, //label: Text('40 Lines'), icon: SvgPicture.asset("res/icons/40l.svg", height: 16, colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(theme.colorScheme.primary, BlendMode.modulate))), ButtonSegment( value: Cards.blitz, //label: Text('Blitz'), icon: SvgPicture.asset("res/icons/blitz.svg", height: 16, colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(theme.colorScheme.primary, BlendMode.modulate))), ], selected: {rightCard}, onSelectionChanged: (Set newSelection) { setState(() { cardMod =; rightCard = newSelection.first; });}) ], ) ) ], ), ); } } return const Text("End of FutureBuilder"); }, ); } } class NewsThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final News news; const NewsThingy(, {super.key}); ListTile getNewsTile(NewsEntry news){ Map gametypes = { "40l": t.sprint, "blitz": t.blitz, "5mblast": "5,000,000 Blast", "zenith": "Quick Play", "zenithex": "Quick Play Expert", }; // Individuly handle each entry type switch (news.type) { case "leaderboard": return ListTile( title: RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Eurostile Round', fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white), text: t.newsParts.leaderboardStart, children: [ TextSpan(text: "№${["rank"]} ", style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)), TextSpan(text: t.newsParts.leaderboardMiddle), TextSpan(text: "№${gametypes[["gametype"]]}", style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)), ] ) ), subtitle: Text(timestamp(news.timestamp)), ); case "personalbest": return ListTile( title: RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Eurostile Round', fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white), text: t.newsParts.personalbest, children: [ TextSpan(text: "${gametypes[["gametype"]]} ", style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)), TextSpan(text: t.newsParts.personalbestMiddle), TextSpan(text: switch (["gametype"]){ "blitz" => NumberFormat.decimalPattern().format(["result"]), "40l" => get40lTime((["result"]*1000).floor()), "5mblast" => get40lTime((["result"]*1000).floor()), "zenith" => "${f2.format(["result"])} m.", "zenithex" => "${f2.format(["result"])} m.", _ => "unknown" }, style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold) ), ] ) ), subtitle: Text(timestamp(news.timestamp)), leading: Image.asset( "res/icons/improvement-local.png", height: 48, width: 48, errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) { return Image.asset("res/icons/kagari.png", height: 64, width: 64); }, ), ); case "badge": return ListTile( title: RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Eurostile Round', fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white), text: t.newsParts.badgeStart, children: [ TextSpan(text: "${["label"]} ", style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)), TextSpan(text: t.newsParts.badgeEnd) ] ) ), subtitle: Text(timestamp(news.timestamp)), leading: Image.asset( "res/tetrio_badges/${["type"]}.png", height: 48, width: 48, errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) { return Image.asset("res/icons/kagari.png", height: 64, width: 64); }, ), ); case "rankup": return ListTile( title: RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Eurostile Round', fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white), text: t.newsParts.rankupStart, children: [ TextSpan(text: t.newsParts.rankupMiddle(r:["rank"].toString().toUpperCase()), style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)), TextSpan(text: t.newsParts.rankupEnd) ] ) ), subtitle: Text(timestamp(news.timestamp)), leading: Image.asset( "res/tetrio_tl_alpha_ranks/${["rank"]}.png", height: 48, width: 48, errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) { return Image.asset("res/icons/kagari.png", height: 64, width: 64); }, ), ); case "supporter": return ListTile( title: RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Eurostile Round', fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white), text: t.newsParts.supporterStart, children: [ TextSpan(text: t.newsParts.tetoSupporter, style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)) ] ) ), subtitle: Text(timestamp(news.timestamp)), leading: Image.asset( "res/icons/supporter-tag.png", height: 48, width: 48, errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) { return Image.asset("res/icons/kagari.png", height: 64, width: 64); }, ), ); case "supporter_gift": return ListTile( title: RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Eurostile Round', fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white), text: t.newsParts.supporterGiftStart, children: [ TextSpan(text: t.newsParts.tetoSupporter, style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)) ] ) ), subtitle: Text(timestamp(news.timestamp)), leading: Image.asset( "res/icons/supporter-tag.png", height: 48, width: 48, errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) { return Image.asset("res/icons/kagari.png", height: 64, width: 64); }, ), ); default: // if type is unknown return ListTile( title: Text(t.newsParts.unknownNews(type: news.type)), subtitle: Text(timestamp(news.timestamp)), ); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( child: SingleChildScrollView( child: Column( children: [ Row( children: [ const Spacer(), Text(, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended")), const Spacer() ] ), if ( const Center(child: Text("Empty list")) else for (NewsEntry entry in getNewsTile(entry) ], ), ), ); } } class DistinguishmentThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final Distinguishment distinguishment; const DistinguishmentThingy(this.distinguishment, {super.key}); List getDistinguishmentTitle(String? text) { // TWC champions don't have header in their distinguishments if (distinguishment.type == "twc") return [const TextSpan(text: "TETR.IO World Champion", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.yellowAccent))]; // In case if it missing for some other reason, return this if (text == null) return [const TextSpan(text: "Header is missing", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.redAccent))]; // Handling placeholders for logos var exploded = text.split(" "); // wtf PHP reference? List result = []; for (String shit in exploded){ switch (shit) { // if %% thingy was found, insert svg of icon case "%osk%": result.add(WidgetSpan(child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 8), child: SvgPicture.asset("res/icons/osk.svg", height: 28), ))); break; case "%tetrio%": result.add(WidgetSpan(child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 8), child: SvgPicture.asset("res/icons/tetrio-logo.svg", height: 28), ))); break; default: // if not, insert text span result.add(TextSpan(text: " $shit", style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.white))); } } return result; } /// Distinguishment title is barely predictable thing. /// Receives [text], which is footer and returns sets of widgets for RichText widget String getDistinguishmentSubtitle(String? text){ // TWC champions don't have footer in their distinguishments if (distinguishment.type == "twc") return "${distinguishment.detail} TETR.IO World Championship"; // In case if it missing for some other reason, return this if (text == null) return "Footer is missing"; // If everything ok, return as it is return text; } Color getCardTint(String type, String detail){ switch(type){ case "staff": switch(detail){ case "founder": return const Color(0xAAFD82D4); case "kagarin": return const Color(0xAAFF0060); case "team": return const Color(0xAAFACC2E); case "team-minor": return const Color(0xAAF5BD45); case "administrator": return const Color(0xAAFF4E8A); case "globalmod": return const Color(0xAAE878FF); case "communitymod": return const Color(0xAA4E68FB); case "alumni": return const Color(0xAA6057DB); default: return theme.colorScheme.surface; } case "champion": switch (detail){ case "blitz": case "40l": return const Color(0xAACCF5F6); case "league": return const Color(0xAAFFDB31); } case "twc": return const Color(0xAAFFDB31); default: return theme.colorScheme.surface; } return theme.colorScheme.surface; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( surfaceTintColor: getCardTint(distinguishment.type, distinguishment.detail??"null"), child: Column( children: [ Row( children: [ const Spacer(), Text(t.distinguishment, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended")), const Spacer() ], ), RichText( textAlign:, text: TextSpan( style: DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style, children: getDistinguishmentTitle(distinguishment.header), ), ), Text(getDistinguishmentSubtitle(distinguishment.footer), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 18), textAlign:, ], ), ); } } class FakeDistinguishmentThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final bool banned; final bool badStanding; final bool bot; final String? botMaintainers; FakeDistinguishmentThingy({super.key, this.banned = false, this.badStanding = false, = false, this.botMaintainers}); Color getCardTint(){ if (banned) return; if (badStanding) return Colors.redAccent; if (bot) return const Color.fromARGB(255, 60, 93, 55); return theme.colorScheme.surface; } InlineSpan getDistinguishmentTitle() { String text = ""; if (banned) text = "banned"; if (badStanding) text = "bad standing"; if (bot) text = "bot account"; return TextSpan(text: text.toUpperCase(), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.white)); } String getDistinguishmentSubtitle(){ if (banned) return "Bans are placed when TETR.IO rules or terms of service are broken"; if (badStanding) return "One or more recent bans on record"; if (bot) return "Operated by $botMaintainers"; return ""; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( surfaceTintColor: getCardTint(), child: Container( decoration: banned ? const BoxDecoration( gradient: LinearGradient( colors: [Colors.transparent, Color.fromARGB(171, 244, 67, 54), Color.fromARGB(171, 244, 67, 54)], stops: [0.1, 0.9, 0.01], tileMode: TileMode.mirror, begin: Alignment.topLeft, end: AlignmentDirectional(-0.95, -0.95) ) ) : null, child: Column( children: [ Center( child: RichText( textAlign:, text: TextSpan( style: DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style, children: [getDistinguishmentTitle()], ), ), ), Text(getDistinguishmentSubtitle(), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 18), textAlign:, ], ), ), ); } } class BadgesThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final List badges; const BadgesThingy({super.key, required this.badges}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( child: Column( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0.0), child: Row( children: [ const Text("Badges", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended")), const Spacer(), Text(intf.format(badges.length)) ], ), ), SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, child: Row( children: [ for (var badge in badges) IconButton( onPressed: () => showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( title: Text(badge.label, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended")), content: SingleChildScrollView( child: ListBody( children: [ Wrap( direction: Axis.horizontal, alignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, spacing: 25, children: [ Image.asset("res/tetrio_badges/${badge.badgeId}.png"), Text(badge.ts != null ? t.obtainDate(date: timestamp(badge.ts!)) : t.assignedManualy), ], ) ], ), ), actions: [ TextButton( child: Text(t.popupActions.ok), onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ], ); }, ), tooltip: badge.label, icon: Image.asset( "res/tetrio_badges/${badge.badgeId}.png", height: 32, errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) { return kIsWeb ? "${badge.badgeId}" : "${badge.badgeId}.png", height: 32, errorBuilder:(context, error, stackTrace) { return Image.asset("res/icons/kagari.png", height: 32, width: 32); } ); }, ) ) ], ), ) ], ), ); } } class NewUserThingy extends StatelessWidget { final TetrioPlayer player; final bool showStateTimestamp; final Function setState; const NewUserThingy({super.key, required this.player, required this.showStateTimestamp, required this.setState}); Color roleColor(String role){ switch (role){ case "sysop": return const Color.fromARGB(255, 23, 165, 133); case "admin": return const Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 78, 138); case "mod": return const Color.fromARGB(255, 204, 128, 242); case "halfmod": return const Color.fromARGB(255, 95, 118, 254); case "bot": return const Color.fromARGB(255, 60, 93, 55); case "banned": return const Color.fromARGB(255, 248, 28, 28); default: return Colors.white10; } } String fontStyle(int length){ if (length < 10) return "Eurostile Round Extended"; else if (length < 13) return "Eurostile Round"; else return "Eurostile Round Condensed"; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final t = Translations.of(context); return LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constraints) { double pfpHeight = 128; int xpTableID = 0; while (player.xp > xpTableScuffed.values.toList()[xpTableID]) { xpTableID++; } return Card( clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias, child: Column( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4.0), child: Container( constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 960), height: player.bannerRevision != null ? 218.0 : 138.0, child: Stack( //clipBehavior: Clip.none, children: [ // TODO: osk banner can cause memory leak if (player.bannerRevision != null) FadeInImage.memoryNetwork(image: kIsWeb ? "${player.userId}&rv=${player.bannerRevision}" : "${player.userId}.jpg?rv=${player.bannerRevision}", placeholder: kTransparentImage, fit: BoxFit.cover, height: 120, fadeInCurve: Easing.standard, fadeInDuration: Durations.long4 ), Positioned( top: player.bannerRevision != null ? 90.0 : 10.0, left: 16.0, child: ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(1000), child: player.role == "banned" ? Image.asset("res/avatars/tetrio_banned.png", fit: BoxFit.fitHeight, height: pfpHeight,) : player.avatarRevision != null ? FadeInImage.memoryNetwork(image: kIsWeb ? "${player.userId}&rv=${player.avatarRevision}" : "${player.userId}.jpg?rv=${player.avatarRevision}", fit: BoxFit.fitHeight, height: 128, placeholder: kTransparentImage, fadeInCurve: Easing.emphasizedDecelerate, fadeInDuration: Durations.long4) : Image.asset("res/avatars/tetrio_anon.png", fit: BoxFit.fitHeight, height: pfpHeight), ) ), Positioned( top: player.bannerRevision != null ? 120.0 : 40.0, left: 160.0, child: Tooltip( message: "${player.userId}\n(Click to copy user ID)", child: RichText(text: TextSpan(text: player.username, style: TextStyle( fontFamily: fontStyle(player.username.length), fontSize: 28, ), recognizer: TapGestureRecognizer()..onTap = (){ copyToClipboard(player.userId); ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(t.copiedToClipboard))); } ) ) ), ), Positioned( top: player.bannerRevision != null ? 160.0 : 80.0, left: 160.0, child: Row( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 4.0), child: Chip(label: Text(player.role.toUpperCase(), style: const TextStyle(shadows: textShadow),), padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0), color: WidgetStatePropertyAll(roleColor(player.role))), ), RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round"), children: [ if (player.friendCount > 0) const WidgetSpan(child: Icon(Icons.person), alignment: PlaceholderAlignment.middle, baseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic), if (player.friendCount > 0) TextSpan(text: "${intf.format(player.friendCount)} "), if (player.supporterTier > 0) WidgetSpan(child: Icon(player.supporterTier > 1 ? : Icons.star_border, color: player.supporterTier > 1 ? Colors.yellowAccent : Colors.white), alignment: PlaceholderAlignment.middle, baseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic), if (player.supporterTier > 0) TextSpan(text: player.supporterTier.toString(), style: TextStyle(color: player.supporterTier > 1 ? Colors.yellowAccent : Colors.white)), ] ) ) ], ), ), Positioned( top: player.bannerRevision != null ? 193.0 : 113.0, left: 160.0, child: SizedBox( width: 270, child: RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round"), children: [ if ( != null) TextSpan(text: "${t.countries[]} • "), TextSpan(text: player.registrationTime == null ? t.wasFromBeginning : timestamp(player.registrationTime!), style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)) ] ) ), ) ), Positioned( top: player.bannerRevision != null ? 126.0 : 46.0, right: 16.0, child: RichText( textAlign: TextAlign.end, text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round"), children: [ TextSpan(text: "Level ${(player.level.isNegative || player.level.isNaN) ? "---" : intf.format(player.level.floor())}", style: TextStyle(decoration: (player.level.isNegative || player.level.isNaN) ? null : TextDecoration.underline, decorationColor: Colors.white70, decorationStyle: TextDecorationStyle.dotted, color: (player.level.isNegative || player.level.isNaN) ? Colors.grey : Colors.white), recognizer: (player.level.isNegative || player.level.isNaN) ? null : TapGestureRecognizer()?..onTap = (){ showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) => AlertDialog( title: Text("Level ${intf.format(player.level.floor())}", textAlign:, content: SingleChildScrollView( child: ListBody(children: [ Text( "${NumberFormat.decimalPatternDigits(locale: LocaleSettings.currentLocale.languageCode, decimalDigits: 2).format(player.xp)} XP", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontWeight: FontWeight.bold) ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 8, 0, 8), child: SfLinearGauge( minimum: 0, maximum: 1, interval: 1, ranges: [ LinearGaugeRange(startValue: 0, endValue: player.level - player.level.floor(), color: Colors.cyanAccent), LinearGaugeRange(startValue: 0, endValue: (player.xp / xpTableScuffed.values.toList()[xpTableID]), color: Colors.redAccent, position: LinearElementPosition.cross) ], showTicks: true, showLabels: false ), ), Text("${t.statCellNum.xpProgress}: ${((player.level - player.level.floor()) * 100).toStringAsFixed(2)} %"), Text("${t.statCellNum.xpFrom0ToLevel(n: xpTableScuffed.keys.toList()[xpTableID])}: ${((player.xp / xpTableScuffed.values.toList()[xpTableID]) * 100).toStringAsFixed(2)} % (${NumberFormat.decimalPatternDigits(locale: LocaleSettings.currentLocale.languageCode, decimalDigits: 0).format(xpTableScuffed.values.toList()[xpTableID] - player.xp)} ${t.statCellNum.xpLeft})") ] ), ), actions: [ TextButton( child: const Text("OK"), onPressed: () {Navigator.of(context).pop();} ) ] ) ); }), const TextSpan(text:"\n"), TextSpan(text: player.gameTime.isNegative ? "-h --m" : playtime(player.gameTime), style: TextStyle(color: player.gameTime.isNegative ? Colors.grey : Colors.white, decoration: player.gameTime.isNegative ? null : TextDecoration.underline, decorationColor: Colors.white70, decorationStyle: TextDecorationStyle.dotted), recognizer: !player.gameTime.isNegative ? (TapGestureRecognizer()..onTap = (){ showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) => AlertDialog( title: Text(t.exactGametime, textAlign:, content: SingleChildScrollView( child: ListBody(children: [ Text( "${intf.format(player.gameTime.inDays)}d ${nonsecs.format(player.gameTime.inHours%24)}h ${nonsecs.format(player.gameTime.inMinutes%60)}m ${nonsecs.format(player.gameTime.inSeconds%60)}s ${nonsecs3.format(player.gameTime.inMilliseconds%1000)}ms ${nonsecs3.format(player.gameTime.inMicroseconds%1000)}μs", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 24) ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.0), child: Text("It's ${f4.format(player.gameTime.inSeconds/31536000)} years,"), ), Text("${f4.format(player.gameTime.inSeconds/2628000)} monts,"), Text("${f4.format(player.gameTime.inSeconds/3600)} hours,"), Text("${f2.format(player.gameTime.inMilliseconds/60000)} minutes,"), Text("${intf.format(player.gameTime.inSeconds)} seconds"), ] ), ), actions: [ TextButton( child: const Text("OK"), onPressed: () {Navigator.of(context).pop();} ) ] ) ); }) : null), const TextSpan(text:"\n"), TextSpan(text: player.gamesWon > -1 ? intf.format(player.gamesWon) : "---", style: TextStyle(color: player.gamesWon > -1 ? Colors.white : Colors.grey)), TextSpan(text: "/${player.gamesPlayed > -1 ? intf.format(player.gamesPlayed) : "---"}", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Condensed", color: Colors.grey)), ] ) ) ) ], ), ), ), Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Expanded(child: ElevatedButton.icon(onPressed: (){print("ok, and?");}, icon: const Icon(Icons.person_add), label: Text(t.track), style: const ButtonStyle(shape: WidgetStatePropertyAll(RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(bottomLeft: Radius.circular(12.0))))))), Expanded(child: ElevatedButton.icon(onPressed: (){print("ok, and?");}, icon: const Icon(Icons.balance), label: Text(, style: const ButtonStyle(shape: WidgetStatePropertyAll(RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(bottomRight: Radius.circular(12.0))))))) ], ) ], ), ); }); } } class SearchDrawer extends StatefulWidget{ final Function changePlayer; final TextEditingController controller; const SearchDrawer({super.key, required this.changePlayer, required this.controller}); @override State createState() => _SearchDrawerState(); } class _SearchDrawerState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Drawer( child: StreamBuilder( stream: teto.allPlayers, builder: (context, snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState) { case ConnectionState.none: case ConnectionState.waiting: case ConnectionState.done: case final allPlayers = ( != null) ? as Map : {}; allPlayers.remove(prefs.getString("player") ?? "6098518e3d5155e6ec429cdc"); // player from the home button will be delisted List keys = allPlayers.keys.toList(); return NestedScrollView( headerSliverBuilder: (BuildContext context, bool value){ return [ SliverToBoxAdapter( child: SearchBar( controller: widget.controller, hintText: "Hello", hintStyle: const WidgetStatePropertyAll(TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)), trailing: [ IconButton(onPressed: (){setState(() { widget.changePlayer(widget.controller.value.text); Navigator.of(context).pop(); });}, icon: const Icon( ], onSubmitted: (value) { setState(() { widget.changePlayer(value); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }); }, ), ), SliverToBoxAdapter( child: ListTile( title: Text(prefs.getString("player") ?? "dan63"), onTap: () { widget.changePlayer("6098518e3d5155e6ec429cdc"); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ) ]; }, body: ListView.builder( // Builds list of tracked players. itemCount: allPlayers.length, itemBuilder: (context, index) { var i = allPlayers.length-1-index; // Last players in this map are most recent ones, they are gonna be shown at the top. return ListTile( title: Text(allPlayers[keys[i]]??keys[i]), // Takes last known username from list of states onTap: () { widget.changePlayer(keys[i]); // changes to chosen player Navigator.of(context).pop(); // and closes itself. }, ); }) ); } } ) ); } } class TetraLeagueThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final TetraLeague league; final TetraLeague? toCompare; final Cutoffs? cutoffs; const TetraLeagueThingy({super.key, required this.league, this.toCompare, this.cutoffs}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( //surfaceTintColor: rankColors[league.rank], child: Column( children: [ TLRatingThingy(userID: "w", tlData: league, oldTl: toCompare, showPositions: true), TLProgress( tlData: league, previousRankTRcutoff: cutoffs != null ? cutoffs!.tr[league.rank != "z" ? league.rank : league.percentileRank] : null, nextRankTRcutoff: cutoffs != null ? (league.rank != "z" ? league.rank == "x+" : league.percentileRank == "x+") ? 25000 : cutoffs!.tr[ranks.elementAtOrNull(ranks.indexOf(league.rank != "z" ? league.rank : league.percentileRank)+1)] : null, previousRankTRcutoffTarget: league.rank != "z" ? rankTargets[league.rank] : null, nextRankTRcutoffTarget: (league.rank != "z" && league.rank != "x+") ? rankTargets[ranks.elementAtOrNull(ranks.indexOf(league.rank)+1)] : null, previousGlickoCutoff: cutoffs != null ? cutoffs!.glicko[league.rank != "z" ? league.rank : league.percentileRank] : null, nextRankGlickoCutoff: cutoffs != null ? (league.rank != "z" ? league.rank == "x+" : league.percentileRank == "x+") ? 25000 : cutoffs!.glicko[ranks.elementAtOrNull(ranks.indexOf(league.rank != "z" ? league.rank : league.percentileRank)+1)] : null, ), Row( // spacing: 25.0, // alignment: WrapAlignment.spaceAround, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Expanded( child: Center( child: Table( defaultColumnWidth:const IntrinsicColumnWidth(), children: [ TableRow(children: [ Text(f2.format(league.apm??0.00), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" APM", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), if (toCompare != null) Text(" (${comparef2.format(league.apm!-toCompare!.apm!)})", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21, color: getDifferenceColor(league.apm!-toCompare!.apm!))) ]), TableRow(children: [ Text(f2.format(league.pps??0.00), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" PPS", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), if (toCompare != null) Text(" (${comparef2.format(league.pps!-toCompare!.pps!)})", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21, color: getDifferenceColor(league.pps!-toCompare!.pps!))) ]), TableRow(children: [ Text(f2.format(league.vs??0.00), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" VS", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), if (toCompare != null) Text(" (${comparef2.format(league.vs!-toCompare!.vs!)})", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21, color: getDifferenceColor(league.vs!-toCompare!.vs!))) ]) ], ), ), ), SizedBox( height: 128.0, width: 128.0, child: ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(1000), child: SfRadialGauge( backgroundColor:, axes: [ RadialAxis( minimum: 0.0, maximum: 1.0, radiusFactor: 1.01, showTicks: true, showLabels: false, interval: 0.25, minorTicksPerInterval: 0, ranges:[ GaugeRange(startValue: 0, endValue: league.winrate, color: theme.colorScheme.primary) ], annotations: [ GaugeAnnotation(widget: Container(child: Text(percentage.format(league.winrate), textAlign:, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 25,fontWeight: FontWeight.bold))), angle: 90,positionFactor: 0.1 ), GaugeAnnotation(widget: Container(child: Text(t.statCellNum.winrate, textAlign:, angle: 270,positionFactor: 0.4 ), if (toCompare != null) GaugeAnnotation(widget: Container(child: Text(comparef2.format((league.winrate-toCompare!.winrate)*100), textAlign:, style: TextStyle(color: getDifferenceColor(league.winrate-toCompare!.winrate)))), angle: 90,positionFactor: 0.45 ) ], ) ] ), ), ), Expanded( child: Center( child: Table( defaultColumnWidth:const IntrinsicColumnWidth(), children: [ TableRow(children: [ //Text("APM: ", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Text(intf.format(league.gamesPlayed), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" Games", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), if (toCompare != null) Text(" (${comparef2.format(league.gamesPlayed-toCompare!.gamesPlayed)})", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21, color: Colors.grey)) ]), TableRow(children: [ //Text("PPS: ", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Text(intf.format(league.gamesWon), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" Won", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), if (toCompare != null) Text(" (${comparef2.format(league.gamesWon-toCompare!.gamesWon)})", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21, color: Colors.grey)) ]), TableRow(children: [ //Text("VS: ", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Tooltip(child: Text("${league.gxe.isNegative ? "---" : f3.format(league.gxe)}", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21, color: league.standingLocal.isNegative ? Colors.grey : Colors.white)), message: "${f2.format(league.s1tr)}",), Text(" GLIXARE", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21, color: league.standingLocal.isNegative ? Colors.grey : Colors.white)), if (toCompare != null) Text(" (${comparef.format(league.gxe-toCompare!.gxe)})", textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21, color: getDifferenceColor(league.standingLocal-toCompare!.standingLocal))) ]), ], ), ), ), ], ), ], ), ); } } class NerdStatsThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final NerdStats nerdStats; final NerdStats? oldNerdStats; const NerdStatsThingy({super.key, required this.nerdStats, this.oldNerdStats}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( child: Column( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12.0, 8.0, 12.0, 8.0), child: Row( crossAxisAlignment:, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ SizedBox( height: 256.0, width: 256.0, child: ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(1000), child: SfRadialGauge( backgroundColor:, axes: [ RadialAxis( startAngle: 200, endAngle: 340, minimum: 0.0, maximum: 1.0, radiusFactor: 1.01, showTicks: true, showLabels: false, interval: 0.1, //labelsPosition: ElementsPosition.outside, ranges:[ GaugeRange(startValue: 0, endValue:, color: theme.colorScheme.primary) ], annotations: [ GaugeAnnotation(widget: Container(child: RichText( textAlign:, text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round"), children: [ const TextSpan(text: "APP\n"), TextSpan(text: f3.format(, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 25, fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontWeight: FontWeight.w100)), if (oldNerdStats != null) TextSpan(text: "\n${comparef.format( - oldNerdStats!.app)}", style: TextStyle(color: getDifferenceColor( - oldNerdStats!.app))), ] ))), angle: 270,positionFactor: 0.5 ), ], ), RadialAxis( startAngle: 20, endAngle: 160, isInversed: true, minimum: 1.8, maximum: 2.4, radiusFactor: 1.01, showTicks: true, showLabels: false, interval: 0.1, //labelsPosition: ElementsPosition.outside, ranges:[ GaugeRange(startValue: 0, endValue: nerdStats.vsapm, color: theme.colorScheme.primary) ], annotations: [ GaugeAnnotation(widget: Container(child: RichText( textAlign:, text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round"), children: [ const TextSpan(text: "VS/APM\n"), TextSpan(text: f3.format(nerdStats.vsapm), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 25, fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontWeight: FontWeight.w100)), if (oldNerdStats != null) TextSpan(text: "\n${comparef.format(nerdStats.vsapm - oldNerdStats!.vsapm)}", style: TextStyle(color: getDifferenceColor(nerdStats.vsapm - oldNerdStats!.vsapm))), ] ))), angle: 90,positionFactor: 0.5 ) ], ) ] ), ), ), Expanded( child: Wrap( alignment:, spacing: 10.0, runSpacing: 10.0, runAlignment: WrapAlignment.start, children: [ GaugetThingy(value: nerdStats.dss, oldValue: oldNerdStats?.dss, min: 0, max: 1.0, tickInterval: .2, label: "DS/S", sideSize: 128.0, fractionDigits: 3, moreIsBetter: true), GaugetThingy(value: nerdStats.dsp, oldValue: oldNerdStats?.dsp, min: 0, max: 1.0, tickInterval: .2, label: "DS/P", sideSize: 128.0, fractionDigits: 3, moreIsBetter: true), GaugetThingy(value: nerdStats.appdsp, oldValue: oldNerdStats?.appdsp, min: 0, max: 1.2, tickInterval: .2, label: "APP+DS/P", sideSize: 128.0, fractionDigits: 3, moreIsBetter: true), GaugetThingy(value: nerdStats.cheese, oldValue: oldNerdStats?.cheese, min: -80, max: 80, tickInterval: 40, label: "Cheese", sideSize: 128.0, fractionDigits: 2, moreIsBetter: false), GaugetThingy(value: nerdStats.gbe, oldValue: oldNerdStats?.gbe, min: 0, max: 1.0, tickInterval: .2, label: "GbE", sideSize: 128.0, fractionDigits: 3, moreIsBetter: true), GaugetThingy(value: nerdStats.nyaapp, oldValue: oldNerdStats?.nyaapp, min: 0, max: 1.2, tickInterval: .2, label: "wAPP", sideSize: 128.0, fractionDigits: 3, moreIsBetter: true), GaugetThingy(value: nerdStats.area, oldValue: oldNerdStats?.area, min: 0, max: 1000, tickInterval: 100, label: "Area", sideSize: 128.0, fractionDigits: 1, moreIsBetter: true), ], ), ) ] ), ), ], ) ); } } class EstTrThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final EstTr estTr; const EstTrThingy({super.key, required this.estTr}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return const Card( //child: , ); } } class GraphsThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final double apm; final double pps; final double vs; final NerdStats nerdStats; final Playstyle playstyle; const GraphsThingy({super.key, required this.nerdStats, required this.playstyle, required this.apm, required this.pps, required this.vs}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.0), child: Center(child: Graphs(apm, pps, vs, nerdStats, playstyle)), ), ); } } class GaugetThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final double value; final double min; final double max; final double? oldValue; final bool moreIsBetter; final double tickInterval; final String label; final double sideSize; final int fractionDigits; GaugetThingy({super.key, required this.value, required this.min, required this.max, this.oldValue, required this.tickInterval, required this.label, required this.sideSize, required this.fractionDigits, required this.moreIsBetter}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.decimalPatternDigits(locale: LocaleSettings.currentLocale.languageCode, decimalDigits: fractionDigits); return ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(1000), child: SizedBox( height: sideSize, width: sideSize, child: SfRadialGauge( backgroundColor:, axes: [ RadialAxis( radiusFactor: 1.01, minimum: min, maximum: max, showTicks: true, showLabels: false, interval: tickInterval, //labelsPosition: ElementsPosition.outside, ranges:[ GaugeRange(startValue: 0, endValue: value, color: theme.colorScheme.primary) ], annotations: [ GaugeAnnotation(widget: Container(child: Text(f.format(value), textAlign:, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 25,fontWeight: FontWeight.bold))), angle: 90,positionFactor: 0.10 ), GaugeAnnotation(widget: Container(child: Text(label, textAlign:, style: const TextStyle(height: .9))), angle: 270,positionFactor: 0.4 ), if (oldValue != null) GaugeAnnotation(widget: Container(child: Text(comparef2.format(value-oldValue!), textAlign:, style: TextStyle(color: getDifferenceColor(moreIsBetter ? value-oldValue! : oldValue!-value)))), angle: 90,positionFactor: 0.45 ) ], ) ] ), ), ); } } class ZenithThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final RecordSingle? zenith; const ZenithThingy({super.key, required this.zenith}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(8.0, 0.0, 8.0, 0.0), child: Column( children: [ Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ RichText( text: TextSpan( text: zenith != null ? "${f2.format(zenith!.stats.zenith!.altitude)} m" : "--- m", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: zenith != null ? Colors.white : Colors.grey), ), ), if (zenith != null) RichText( text: TextSpan( text: "", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, color: Colors.grey), children: [ if (zenith!.rank != -1) TextSpan(text: "№ ${intf.format(zenith!.rank)}", style: TextStyle(color: getColorOfRank(zenith!.rank))), if (zenith!.rank != -1) const TextSpan(text: " • "), if (zenith!.countryRank != -1) TextSpan(text: "№ ${intf.format(zenith!.countryRank)} local", style: TextStyle(color: getColorOfRank(zenith!.countryRank))), if (zenith!.countryRank != -1) const TextSpan(text: " • "), TextSpan(text: timestamp(zenith!.timestamp)), ] ), ), ], ), if (zenith != null && (zenith!.extras as ZenithExtras).mods.isNotEmpty) Container(width: 16.0), if (zenith != null && (zenith!.extras as ZenithExtras).mods.isNotEmpty) for (String mod in (zenith!.extras as ZenithExtras).mods) Image.asset("res/icons/${mod}.png", height: 64.0) ], ), if (zenith != null) Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Center( child: Table( defaultColumnWidth:const IntrinsicColumnWidth(), children: [ TableRow(children: [ const Text("APM: ", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Text(f2.format(zenith!.aggregateStats.apm), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]), TableRow(children: [ const Text("PPS: ", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Text(f2.format(zenith!.aggregateStats.pps), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]), TableRow(children: [ const Text("VS: ", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), Text(f2.format(zenith!.aggregateStats.vs), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), ]) ], ), ), ), Expanded( child: Center( child: Table( defaultColumnWidth:const IntrinsicColumnWidth(), children: [ TableRow(children: [ Text(intf.format(zenith!.stats.kills), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" KO's", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)) ]), TableRow(children: [ Text(f2.format(zenith!.stats.cps), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" CPS", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)) ]), TableRow(children: [ Text(f2.format(zenith!.stats.zenith!.peakrank), textAlign: TextAlign.right, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 21)), const Text(" Peak CPS", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 21)) ]) ], ), ), ), ], ) ] ), ) ); } } class _TLRecords extends StatelessWidget { final String userID; final Function changePlayer; final List data; final bool wasActiveInTL; final bool oldMathcesHere; final bool separateScrollController; /// Widget, that displays Tetra League records. /// Accepts list of TL records ([data]) and [userID] of player from the view const _TLRecords({required this.userID, required this.changePlayer, required, required this.wasActiveInTL, required this.oldMathcesHere, this.separateScrollController = false}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (data.isEmpty) { return Center(child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Text(t.noRecords, style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28)), if (wasActiveInTL) Text(t.errors.actionSuggestion), if (wasActiveInTL) TextButton(onPressed: (){changePlayer(userID, fetchTLmatches: true);}, child: Text(t.fetchAndSaveOldTLmatches)) ], )); } bool bigScreen = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width >= 768; int length = data.length; return ListView.builder( physics: const AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics(), controller: separateScrollController ? ScrollController() : null, itemCount: oldMathcesHere ? length : length + 1, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) { if (index == length) { return Center(child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Text(t.noOldRecords(n: length), style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 28)), if (wasActiveInTL) Text(t.errors.actionSuggestion), if (wasActiveInTL) TextButton(onPressed: (){changePlayer(userID, fetchTLmatches: true);}, child: Text(t.fetchAndSaveOldTLmatches)) ], )); } var accentColor = data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => == userID).wins > data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => != userID).wins ? :; return Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( gradient: LinearGradient( stops: const [0, 0.05], colors: [accentColor, Colors.transparent] ) ), child: ListTile( leading: Text("${data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => == userID).wins} : ${data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => != userID).wins}", style: bigScreen ? const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: 28, shadows: textShadow) : const TextStyle(fontSize: 28, shadows: textShadow)), title: Text("vs. ${data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => != userID).username}"), subtitle: Text(timestamp(data[index].ts), style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)), trailing: TrailingStats( data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => == userID).stats.apm, data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => == userID).stats.pps, data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => == userID).stats.vs, data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => != userID).stats.apm, data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => != userID).stats.pps, data[index].results.leaderboard.firstWhere((element) => != userID).stats.vs, ), onTap: () => Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => TlMatchResultView(record: data[index], initPlayerId: userID))) //Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => TlMatchResultView(record: data[index], initPlayerId: userID))), ), ); }); } } class TLRatingThingy extends StatelessWidget{ final String userID; final TetraLeague tlData; final TetraLeague? oldTl; final double? topTR; final bool? showPositions; final DateTime? lastMatchPlayed; const TLRatingThingy({super.key, required this.userID, required this.tlData, this.oldTl, this.topTR, this.lastMatchPlayed, this.showPositions}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { bool oskKagariGimmick = prefs.getBool("oskKagariGimmick")??true; bool bigScreen = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width >= 768; String decimalSeparator = f4.symbols.DECIMAL_SEP; List formatedTR = f4.format(; List formatedGlicko = tlData.glicko != null ? f4.format(tlData.glicko).split(decimalSeparator) : ["---","--"]; List formatedPercentile = f4.format(tlData.percentile * 100).split(decimalSeparator); //DateTime now =; //bool beforeS1end = now.isBefore(seasonEnd); //int daysLeft = seasonEnd.difference(now).inDays; //int safeRD = min(100, (100 + ((tlData.rd! >= 100 && tlData.decaying) ? 7 : max(0, 7 - (lastMatchPlayed != null ? now.difference(lastMatchPlayed!).inDays : 7))) - daysLeft).toInt()); return Wrap( direction: Axis.horizontal, alignment: WrapAlignment.spaceAround, crossAxisAlignment:, clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge, children: [ (userID == "5e32fc85ab319c2ab1beb07c" && oskKagariGimmick) // he love her so much, you can't even imagine ? Image.asset("res/icons/kagari.png", height: 128) // Btw why she wearing Kazamatsuri high school uniform? : Image.asset("res/tetrio_tl_alpha_ranks/${tlData.rank}.png", height: 128), Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ RichText( text: TextSpan( style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 20, color: Colors.white, height: 0.9), children: (tlData.gamesPlayed > 9) ? switch(prefs.getInt("ratingMode")){ 1 => [ TextSpan(text: formatedGlicko[0], style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)), if (formatedGlicko.elementAtOrNull(1) != null) TextSpan(text: decimalSeparator + formatedGlicko[1]), TextSpan(text: " Glicko", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)) ], 2 => [ TextSpan(text: "${} ${formatedPercentile[0]}", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)), if (formatedPercentile.elementAtOrNull(1) != null) TextSpan(text: decimalSeparator + formatedPercentile[1]), TextSpan(text: " %", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)) ], _ => [ TextSpan(text: formatedTR[0], style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)), if (formatedTR.elementAtOrNull(1) != null) TextSpan(text: decimalSeparator + formatedTR[1]), TextSpan(text: " TR", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)) ], } : [TextSpan(text: "---\n", style: TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28, color: Colors.grey)), TextSpan(text: t.gamesUntilRanked(left: 10-tlData.gamesPlayed), style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontSize: 14)),] ) ), if (oldTl != null) RichText( textAlign:, softWrap: true, text: TextSpan( style: DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style, children: [ TextSpan(text: switch(prefs.getInt("ratingMode")){ 1 => "${fDiff.format(tlData.glicko! - oldTl!.glicko!)} Glicko", 2 => "${fDiff.format(tlData.percentile * 100 - oldTl!.percentile * 100)} %", _ => "${fDiff.format( - oldTl!.tr)} TR" }, style: TextStyle( color: getDifferenceColor(switch(prefs.getInt("ratingMode")){ 1 => tlData.glicko! - oldTl!.glicko!, 2 => tlData.percentile - oldTl!.percentile, _ => - oldTl!.tr }) ), ), const TextSpan(text: " • ", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)), TextSpan(text: switch(prefs.getInt("ratingMode")){ 1 => "${fDiff.format( - oldTl!.tr)} TR", _ => "${fDiff.format(tlData.glicko! - oldTl!.glicko!)} Glicko" }, style: TextStyle( color: getDifferenceColor(switch(prefs.getInt("ratingMode")){ 1 => - oldTl!.tr, _ => tlData.glicko! - oldTl!.glicko! }) ), ), const TextSpan(text: " • ", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)), TextSpan( text: "${fDiff.format(tlData.rd! - oldTl!.rd!)} RD", style: TextStyle(color: getDifferenceColor(oldTl!.rd! - tlData.rd!)) ) ], ), ), if (tlData.gamesPlayed > 9) Column( children: [ RichText( textAlign:, softWrap: true, text: TextSpan( style: DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style, children: [ TextSpan(text: prefs.getInt("ratingMode") == 2 ? "${f2.format(} TR • % ${t.rank}: ${tlData.percentileRank.toUpperCase()}" : "${} ${f2.format(tlData.percentile * 100)}% (${tlData.percentileRank.toUpperCase()})"), if (tlData.bestRank != "z") const TextSpan(text: " • "), if (tlData.bestRank != "z") TextSpan(text: "${t.topRank}: ${tlData.bestRank.toUpperCase()}"), if (topTR != null) TextSpan(text: " (${f2.format(topTR)} TR)"), TextSpan(text: " • ${prefs.getInt("ratingMode") == 1 ? "${f2.format(} TR • RD: " : "Glicko: ${tlData.glicko != null ? f2.format(tlData.glicko) : "---"}±"}"), TextSpan(text: f2.format(tlData.rd!), style: tlData.decaying ? TextStyle(color: tlData.rd! > 98 ? : Colors.yellow) : null), if (tlData.decaying) WidgetSpan(child: Icon(Icons.trending_up, color: tlData.rd! > 98 ? : Colors.yellow,), alignment: PlaceholderAlignment.middle, baseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic), //if (beforeS1end) tlData.rd! <= safeRD ? TextSpan(text: " (Safe)", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.greenAccent)) : TextSpan(text: " (> ${safeRD} RD !!!)", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.redAccent)) ], ), ), ], ), if (showPositions == true) RichText( textAlign: TextAlign.start, text: TextSpan( text: "", style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 14, color: Colors.grey), children: [ if (tlData.standing != -1) TextSpan(text: "№ ${intf.format(tlData.standing)}", style: TextStyle(color: getColorOfRank(tlData.standing))), if (tlData.standing != -1 || tlData.standingLocal != -1) const TextSpan(text: " • "), if (tlData.standingLocal != -1) TextSpan(text: "№ ${intf.format(tlData.standingLocal)} local", style: TextStyle(color: getColorOfRank(tlData.standingLocal))), if (tlData.standing != -1 && tlData.standingLocal != -1) const TextSpan(text: " • "), TextSpan(text: timestamp(tlData.timestamp)), ] ), ), ], ), ], ); } } class FutureError extends StatelessWidget{ final AsyncSnapshot snapshot; FutureError(this.snapshot); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Center(child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Text(snapshot.error.toString(), style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: "Eurostile Round", fontSize: 42, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), textAlign:, Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.0), child: Text(snapshot.stackTrace.toString(), textAlign:, ), ], ) ); } }