40 lines + blitz + other info tabs done

This commit is contained in:
dan63047 2023-06-04 18:10:20 +03:00
parent 1d88643331
commit ca1722e340
4 changed files with 953 additions and 612 deletions

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@ -68,10 +68,7 @@ class TetrioPlayer {
double get level =>
pow((xp / 500), 0.6) +
(xp / (5000 + (max(0, xp - 4 * pow(10, 6)) / 5000))) +
double get level => pow((xp / 500), 0.6) + (xp / (5000 + (max(0, xp - 4 * pow(10, 6)) / 5000))) + 1;
TetrioPlayer.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, DateTime stateTime) {
userId = json['_id'];
@ -96,33 +93,25 @@ class TetrioPlayer {
bannerRevision = json['banner_revision'];
bio = json['bio'];
connections = Connections.fromJson(json['connections']);
distinguishment = json['distinguishment'] != null
? Distinguishment.fromJson(json['distinguishment'])
: null;
friendCount = json['friend_count'] != null ? json['friend_count'] : 0;
badstanding = json['badstanding'] != null ? json['badstanding'] : null;
Future<void> getRecords() async {
distinguishment = json['distinguishment'] != null ? Distinguishment.fromJson(json['distinguishment']) : null;
friendCount = json['friend_count'] ?? 0;
var url = Uri.https('ch.tetr.io', 'api/users/$userId/records');
final response = await http.get(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
if (jsonDecode(response.body)['data']['records']['40l']['record'] !=
null) {
if (jsonDecode(response.body)['data']['records']['blitz']['record'] !=
null) {
zen = TetrioZen.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body)['data']['zen']);
Future response = http.get(url);
response.then((value) {
if (value.statusCode == 200) {
Map jsonRecords = jsonDecode(value.body);
sprint = jsonRecords['data']['records']['40l']['record'] != null
? [RecordSingle.fromJson(jsonRecords['data']['records']['40l']['record'], jsonRecords['data']['records']['40l']['rank'])]
: [];
blitz = jsonRecords['data']['records']['blitz']['record'] != null
? [RecordSingle.fromJson(jsonRecords['data']['records']['blitz']['record'], jsonRecords['data']['records']['blitz']['rank'])]
: [];
zen = TetrioZen.fromJson(jsonRecords['data']['zen']);
} else {
// If the server did not return a 200 OK response,
// then throw an exception.
throw Exception('Failed to fetch player');
badstanding = json['badstanding'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
@ -195,7 +184,7 @@ class Badge {
Badge.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
badgeId = json['id'];
label = json['label'];
ts = json['ts'] != null ? DateTime.parse(json['ts']) : null;
ts = (json['ts'] != null && json['ts'] is String) ? DateTime.parse(json['ts']) : null;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
@ -224,8 +213,7 @@ class Connections {
Connections.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
discord =
json['discord'] != null ? Discord.fromJson(json['discord']) : null;
discord = json['discord'] != null ? Discord.fromJson(json['discord']) : null;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
@ -326,8 +314,7 @@ class Finesse {
late int faults;
late int perfectPieces;
{required this.combo, required this.faults, required this.perfectPieces});
Finesse({required this.combo, required this.faults, required this.perfectPieces});
Finesse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
combo = json['combo'];
@ -345,42 +332,48 @@ class Finesse {
class EndContextSingle {
String? gameType;
int? topBtB;
int? topCombo;
int? holds;
int? inputs;
int? level;
int? piecesPlaced;
int? lines;
int? score;
int? seed;
Duration? finalTime;
int? tSpins;
Clears? clears;
Finesse? finesse;
late String gameType;
late int topBtB;
late int topCombo;
late int holds;
late int inputs;
late int level;
late int piecesPlaced;
late int lines;
late int score;
late int seed;
late Duration finalTime;
late int tSpins;
late Clears clears;
late Finesse finesse;
double get pps => piecesPlaced / (finalTime.inMicroseconds / 1000000);
double get kpp => inputs / piecesPlaced;
double get spp => score / piecesPlaced;
double get kps => inputs / (finalTime.inMicroseconds / 1000000);
double get finessePercentage => finesse.perfectPieces / piecesPlaced;
{required this.gameType,
required this.topBtB,
required this.topCombo,
required this.holds,
required this.inputs,
required this.level,
required this.piecesPlaced,
required this.lines,
required this.score,
required this.seed,
required this.finalTime,
required this.tSpins,
required this.clears,
required this.finesse});
EndContextSingle.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
seed = json['seed'];
lines = json['lines'];
inputs = json['inputs'];
holds = json['holds'];
holds = json['holds'] ?? 0;
finalTime = doubleMillisecondsToDuration(json['finalTime'].toDouble());
score = json['score'];
level = json['level'];
@ -388,9 +381,8 @@ class EndContextSingle {
topBtB = json['topbtb'];
tSpins = json['tspins'];
piecesPlaced = json['piecesplaced'];
clears = json['clears'] != null ? Clears.fromJson(json['clears']) : null;
finesse =
json['finesse'] != null ? Finesse.fromJson(json['finesse']) : null;
clears = Clears.fromJson(json['clears']);
finesse = Finesse.fromJson(json['finesse']);
gameType = json['gametype'];
@ -406,12 +398,8 @@ class EndContextSingle {
data['topbtb'] = topBtB;
data['tspins'] = tSpins;
data['piecesplaced'] = piecesPlaced;
if (clears != null) {
data['clears'] = clears!.toJson();
if (finesse != null) {
data['finesse'] = finesse!.toJson();
data['clears'] = clears.toJson();
data['finesse'] = finesse.toJson();
data['finalTime'] = finalTime;
data['gametype'] = gameType;
return data;
@ -426,13 +414,7 @@ class Handling {
late bool cancel;
late bool safeLock;
{required this.arr,
required this.das,
required this.sdf,
required this.dcd,
required this.cancel,
required this.safeLock});
Handling({required this.arr, required this.das, required this.sdf, required this.dcd, required this.cancel, required this.safeLock});
Handling.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
arr = json['arr'];
@ -455,6 +437,92 @@ class Handling {
class NerdStats {
final double _apm;
final double _pps;
final double _vs;
late double app;
late double vsapm;
late double dss;
late double dsp;
late double appdsp;
late double cheese;
late double gbe;
late double nyaapp;
late double area;
NerdStats(this._apm, this._pps, this._vs) {
app = _apm / (_pps * 60);
vsapm = _vs / _apm;
dss = (_vs / 100) - (_apm / 60);
dsp = ((_vs / 100) - (_apm / 60)) / _pps;
appdsp = app + dsp;
cheese = (dsp * 150) + (((_vs / _apm) - 2) * 50) + (0.6 - app) * 125;
gbe = ((app * dss) / _pps) * 2;
nyaapp = app - 5 * tan(radians((cheese / -30) + 1));
area = _apm * 1 + _pps * 45 + _vs * 0.444 + app * 185 + dss * 175 + dsp * 450 + gbe * 315;
class EstTr {
final double _apm;
final double _pps;
final double _vs;
final double _rating;
final double _rd;
final double _app;
final double _dss;
final double _dsp;
final double _gbe;
late double esttr;
late double srarea;
late double statrank;
EstTr(this._apm, this._pps, this._vs, this._rating, this._rd, this._app, this._dss, this._dsp, this._gbe) {
srarea = (_apm * 0) + (_pps * 135) + (_vs * 0) + (_app * 290) + (_dss * 0) + (_dsp * 700) + (_gbe * 0);
statrank = 11.2 * atan((srarea - 93) / 130) + 1;
if (statrank <= 0) statrank = 0.001;
double estglicko = (4.0867 * srarea + 186.68);
double temp = (1500 - estglicko) * pi;
double temp2 = pow((15.9056943314 * (pow(_rd, 2)) + 3527584.25978), 0.5) as double;
double temp3 = 1 + pow(10, (temp / temp2)) as double;
esttr = 25000 / temp3;
class Playstyle {
final double _apm;
final double _pps;
final double _vs;
final double _rd;
final double _app;
final double _vsapm;
final double _dss;
final double _dsp;
final double _gbe;
final double _srarea;
final double _statrank;
late double opener;
late double plonk;
late double stride;
late double infds;
Playstyle(this._apm, this._pps, this._vs, this._rd, this._app, this._vsapm, this._dss, this._dsp, this._gbe, this._srarea, this._statrank) {
double nmapm = ((_apm / _srarea) / ((0.069 * pow(1.0017, (pow(_statrank, 5) / 4700))) + _statrank / 360)) - 1;
double nmpps = ((_pps / _srarea) / (0.0084264 * pow(2.14, (-2 * (_statrank / 2.7 + 1.03))) - _statrank / 5750 + 0.0067)) - 1;
double nmvs = ((_vs / _srarea) / (0.1333 * pow(1.0021, ((pow(_statrank, 7) * (_statrank / 16.5)) / 1400000)) + _statrank / 133)) - 1;
double nmapp = (_app / (0.1368803292 * pow(1.0024, (pow(_statrank, 5) / 2800)) + _statrank / 54)) - 1;
double nmdss = (_dss / (0.01436466667 * pow(4.1, ((_statrank - 9.6) / 2.9)) + _statrank / 140 + 0.01)) - 1;
double nmdsp = (_dsp / (0.02136327583 * pow(14, ((_statrank - 14.75) / 3.9)) + _statrank / 152 + 0.022)) - 1;
double nmgbe = (_gbe / (_statrank / 350 + 0.005948424455 * pow(3.8, ((_statrank - 6.1) / 4)) + 0.006)) - 1;
double nmvsapm = (_vsapm / (-pow(((_statrank - 16) / 36), 2) + 2.133)) - 1;
opener = ((nmapm + nmpps * 0.75 + nmvsapm * -10 + nmapp * 0.75 + nmdsp * -0.25) / 3.5) + 0.5;
plonk = ((nmgbe + nmapp + nmdsp * 0.75 + nmpps * -1) / 2.73) + 0.5;
stride = ((nmapm * -0.25 + nmpps + nmapp * -2 + nmdsp * -0.5) * 0.79) + 0.5;
infds = ((nmdsp + nmapp * -0.75 + nmapm * 0.5 + nmvsapm * 1.5 + nmpps * 0.5) * 0.9) + 0.5;
class EndContextMulti {
String? userId;
int? naturalOrder;
@ -489,8 +557,7 @@ class EndContextMulti {
EndContextMulti.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
userId = json['user']['_id'];
handling =
json['handling'] != null ? Handling.fromJson(json['handling']) : null;
handling = json['handling'] != null ? Handling.fromJson(json['handling']) : null;
success = json['success'];
inputs = json['inputs'];
piecesPlaced = json['piecesplaced'];
@ -502,9 +569,7 @@ class EndContextMulti {
secondaryTracking = json['points']['secondaryAvgTracking'].cast<double>();
tertiaryTracking = json['points']['tertiaryAvgTracking'].cast<double>();
extra = json['points']['extra']['vs'];
extraTracking = json['points']['extraAvgTracking']
extraTracking = json['points']['extraAvgTracking']['aggregatestats___vsscore'].cast<double>();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
@ -522,8 +587,7 @@ class EndContextMulti {
data['points']['secondary'] = secondary;
data['points']['tertiary'] = tertiary;
data['points']['extra']['vs'] = extra;
data['points']['extraAvgTracking']['aggregatestats___vsscore'] =
data['points']['extraAvgTracking']['aggregatestats___vsscore'] = extraTracking;
return data;
@ -548,6 +612,9 @@ class TetraLeagueAlpha {
double? apm;
double? pps;
double? vs;
NerdStats? nerdStats;
EstTr? estTr;
Playstyle? playstyle;
List? records;
@ -594,45 +661,16 @@ class TetraLeagueAlpha {
nextRank = json['next_rank'];
nextAt = json['next_at'];
percentileRank = json['percentile_rank'];
nerdStats = (apm != null && pps != null && apm != null) ? NerdStats(apm!, pps!, vs!) : null;
estTr =
(nerdStats != null) ? EstTr(apm!, pps!, vs!, rating, (rd != null) ? rd! : 69, nerdStats!.app, nerdStats!.dss, nerdStats!.dsp, nerdStats!.gbe) : null;
playstyle = (nerdStats != null)
? Playstyle(apm!, pps!, vs!, (rd != null) ? rd! : 69, nerdStats!.app, nerdStats!.vsapm, nerdStats!.dss, nerdStats!.dsp, nerdStats!.gbe, estTr!.srarea,
: null;
double? get app => apm! / (pps! * 60);
double? get vsapm => vs! / apm!;
double? get dss => (vs! / 100) - (apm! / 60);
double? get dsp => ((vs! / 100) - (apm! / 60)) / pps!;
double? get appdsp => app! + dsp!;
double? get cheese =>
(dsp! * 150) + (((vs! / apm!) - 2) * 50) + (0.6 - app!) * 125;
double? get gbe => ((app! * dss!) / pps!) * 2;
double? get nyaapp => app! - 5 * tan(radians((cheese! / -30) + 1));
double? get area =>
apm! * 1 +
pps! * 45 +
vs! * 0.444 +
app! * 185 +
dss! * 175 +
dsp! * 450 +
gbe! * 315;
double? get esttr {
double srarea = (apm! * 0) +
(pps! * 135) +
(vs! * 0) +
(app! * 290) +
(dss! * 0) +
(dsp! * 700) +
(gbe! * 0);
double statrank = 11.2 * atan((srarea - 93) / 130) + 1;
if (statrank <= 0) statrank = 0.001;
double estglicko = (4.0867 * srarea + 186.68);
double temp = (1500 - estglicko) * pi;
double temp2 =
pow((15.9056943314 * (pow(rd!, 2)) + 3527584.25978), 0.5) as double;
double temp3 = 1 + pow(10, (temp / temp2)) as double;
return 25000 / temp3;
double? get esttracc => esttr! - rating;
double? get esttracc => (estTr != null) ? estTr!.esttr - rating : null;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = <String, dynamic>{};
@ -667,22 +705,15 @@ class RecordSingle {
EndContextSingle? endContext;
int? rank;
{required this.userId,
required this.replayId,
required this.ownId,
RecordSingle({required this.userId, required this.replayId, required this.ownId, this.timestamp, this.endContext, this.rank});
RecordSingle.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
RecordSingle.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, int? ran) {
ownId = json['_id'];
endContext = json['endcontext'] != null
? EndContextSingle.fromJson(json['endcontext'])
: null;
endContext = json['endcontext'] != null ? EndContextSingle.fromJson(json['endcontext']) : null;
replayId = json['replayid'];
timestamp = DateTime.parse(json['ts']);
userId = json['user']['_id'];
rank = ran;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ flutter:
- res/tetrio_badges/sfu_raccoon_1.png
- res/tetrio_badges/superlobby.png
- res/tetrio_badges/superlobby2.png
- res/tetrio_badges/taws_u50_1.png
- res/tetrio_badges/tawshdsl_uncapped.png
- res/tetrio_badges/tawsignite_expert.png
- res/tetrio_badges/tawslg.png

Binary file not shown.


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