From 758439f9c4239aa19fde6d43ccc0b21a4c203ff5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dan63047 Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 23:21:49 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] fixed #1 + localized compare, calc, tl match views +20 stirngs, now 414 for one locale --- lib/gen/strings.g.dart | 104 +++++++++-- lib/views/calc_view.dart | 24 +-- lib/views/compare_view.dart | 80 +++++---- lib/views/tl_match_view.dart | 324 +--------------------------------- lib/widgets/tl_thingy.dart | 6 +- res/i18n/strings.i18n.json | 30 +++- res/i18n/strings_ru.i18n.json | 20 +++ 7 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 385 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/gen/strings.g.dart b/lib/gen/strings.g.dart index 3814419..b7bade2 100644 --- a/lib/gen/strings.g.dart +++ b/lib/gen/strings.g.dart @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /// Generated file. Do not edit. /// /// Locales: 2 -/// Strings: 788 (394 per locale) +/// Strings: 828 (414 per locale) /// -/// Built on 2023-07-12 at 15:22 UTC +/// Built on 2023-07-14 at 20:17 UTC // coverage:ignore-file // ignore_for_file: type=lint @@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ class _StringsEn implements BaseTranslations { String fetchDate({required Object date}) => 'Fetched ${date}'; String get exactGametime => 'Exact gametime'; String get bigRedBanned => 'BANNED'; + String get normalBanned => 'Banned'; String get bigRedBadStanding => 'BAD STANDING'; String get copiedToClipboard => 'Copied to clipboard!'; String get playerRoleAccount => ' account '; @@ -224,6 +225,23 @@ class _StringsEn implements BaseTranslations { String trackedPlayersEntry({required Object nickname, required Object numberOfStates}) => '${nickname}: ${numberOfStates} states'; String trackedPlayersDescription({required Object firstStateDate, required Object lastStateDate}) => 'From ${firstStateDate} until ${lastStateDate}'; String trackedPlayersStatesDeleted({required Object nickname}) => '${nickname} states was removed from database!'; + String averageXrank({required Object rankLetter}) => 'Average ${rankLetter} rank'; + String get vs => 'vs'; + String get registred => 'Registred'; + String get playedTL => 'Played Tetra League'; + String get winChance => 'Win Chance'; + String get byGlicko => 'By Glicko'; + String get byEstTR => 'By Est. TR'; + String get compareViewNoValues => 'Please, enter username, user ID, or APM-PPS-VS values (divider doesn\'t matter, only order matter) to both of fields'; + String compareViewWrongValue({required Object value}) => 'Falied to assign ${value}'; + String get mostRecentOne => 'Most recent one'; + String get yes => 'Yes'; + String get no => 'No'; + String get daysLater => 'days later'; + String get dayseBefore => 'days before'; + String get fromBeginning => 'From beginning'; + String get calc => 'Calc'; + String get calcViewNoValues => 'Enter values to calculate the stats'; late final _StringsStatCellNumEn statCellNum = _StringsStatCellNumEn._(_root); Map get playerRole => { 'user': 'User', @@ -517,7 +535,9 @@ class _StringsStatCellNumEn { String get apm => 'Attack\nPer Minute'; String get vs => 'Versus\nScore'; String get lbp => 'Leaderboard\nplacement'; + String get lbpShort => '№ in LB'; String get lbpc => 'Country LB\nplacement'; + String get lbpcShort => '№ in local LB'; String get gamesPlayed => 'Games\nplayed'; String get gamesWonTL => 'Games\nWon'; String get winrate => 'Winrate\nprecentage'; @@ -535,17 +555,17 @@ class _StringsStatCellNumEn { String get appDescription => '(Abbreviated as APP) Main efficiency metric. Tells how many attack you producing per piece'; String get vsapmDescription => 'Basically, tells how much and how efficient you using garbage in your attacks'; String get dss => 'Downstack\nPer Second'; - String get dssDescription => 'Downstack per Second measures how many garbage lines you clear in a second.'; + String get dssDescription => '(Abbreviated as DS/S) Downstack per Second measures how many garbage lines you clear in a second.'; String get dsp => 'Downstack\nPer Piece'; - String get dspDescription => 'Downstack per Piece measures how many garbage lines you clear per piece.'; + String get dspDescription => '(Abbreviated as DS/P) Downstack per Piece measures how many garbage lines you clear per piece.'; String get appdsp => 'APP + DS/P'; String get appdspDescription => 'Just a sum of Attack per Piece and Downstack per Piece.'; String get cheese => 'Cheese\nIndex'; - String get cheeseDescription => 'Cheese Index is an approximation how much clean / cheese garbage player sends. Lower = more clean. Higher = more cheese.\nInvented by kerrmunism'; + String get cheeseDescription => '(Abbreviated as Cheese) Cheese Index is an approximation how much clean / cheese garbage player sends. Lower = more clean. Higher = more cheese.\nInvented by kerrmunism'; String get gbe => 'Garbage\nEfficiency'; - String get gbeDescription => 'Garbage Efficiency measures how well player uses their garbage. Higher = better or they use their garbage more. Lower = they mostly send their garbage back at cheese or rarely clear garbage.\nInvented by Zepheniah and Dragonboy.'; + String get gbeDescription => '(Abbreviated as Gb Eff.) Garbage Efficiency measures how well player uses their garbage. Higher = better or they use their garbage more. Lower = they mostly send their garbage back at cheese or rarely clear garbage.\nInvented by Zepheniah and Dragonboy.'; String get nyaapp => 'Weighted\nAPP'; - String get nyaappDescription => 'Essentially, a measure of your ability to send cheese while still maintaining a high APP.\nInvented by Wertj.'; + String get nyaappDescription => '(Abbreviated as wAPP) Essentially, a measure of your ability to send cheese while still maintaining a high APP.\nInvented by Wertj.'; String get area => 'Area'; String get areaDescription => 'How much space your shape takes up on the graph, if you exclude the cheese and vs/apm sections'; String get estOfTR => 'Est. of TR'; @@ -644,6 +664,7 @@ class _StringsRu implements _StringsEn { @override String fetchDate({required Object date}) => 'На момент ${date}'; @override String get exactGametime => 'Время, проведённое в игре'; @override String get bigRedBanned => 'ЗАБАНЕН'; + @override String get normalBanned => 'Забанен'; @override String get bigRedBadStanding => 'ПЛОХАЯ РЕПУТАЦИЯ'; @override String get copiedToClipboard => 'Скопировано в буфер обмена!'; @override String get playerRoleAccount => ', аккаунт которого '; @@ -691,6 +712,23 @@ class _StringsRu implements _StringsEn { @override String trackedPlayersEntry({required Object nickname, required Object numberOfStates}) => '${nickname}: ${numberOfStates} состояний'; @override String trackedPlayersDescription({required Object firstStateDate, required Object lastStateDate}) => 'Начиная с ${firstStateDate} и заканчивая ${lastStateDate}'; @override String trackedPlayersStatesDeleted({required Object nickname}) => 'Состояния аккаунта ${nickname} были удалены из локальной базы данных!'; + @override String averageXrank({required Object rankLetter}) => 'Средний ${rankLetter} ранг'; + @override String get vs => 'против'; + @override String get registred => 'Зарегистрирован'; + @override String get playedTL => 'Играл в Тетра Лигу'; + @override String get winChance => 'Шансы на победу'; + @override String get byGlicko => 'По Glicko'; + @override String get byEstTR => 'По расч. TR'; + @override String get compareViewNoValues => 'Пожалуйста, введите никнейм, ID или значения APM-PPS-VS (неважно, какой разделитель, важен порядок) в оба поля'; + @override String compareViewWrongValue({required Object value}) => 'Не удалось получить ${value}'; + @override String get mostRecentOne => 'Самый последний'; + @override String get yes => 'Да'; + @override String get no => 'Нет'; + @override String get daysLater => 'дней позже'; + @override String get dayseBefore => 'дней до'; + @override String get fromBeginning => 'С начала'; + @override String get calc => 'Считать'; + @override String get calcViewNoValues => 'Введите значения, чтобы посчитать статистику'; @override late final _StringsStatCellNumRu statCellNum = _StringsStatCellNumRu._(_root); @override Map get playerRole => { 'user': 'Пользователь', @@ -984,7 +1022,9 @@ class _StringsStatCellNumRu implements _StringsStatCellNumEn { @override String get apm => 'Атака в\nМинуту'; @override String get vs => 'Показатель\nVersus'; @override String get lbp => 'Положение\nв рейтинге'; + @override String get lbpShort => '№ в рейтинге'; @override String get lbpc => 'Положение\nв рейтинге страны'; + @override String get lbpcShort => '№ по стране'; @override String get gamesPlayed => 'Игр\nСыграно'; @override String get gamesWonTL => 'Побед'; @override String get winrate => 'Процент\nпобед'; @@ -1090,6 +1130,7 @@ extension on _StringsEn { case 'fetchDate': return ({required Object date}) => 'Fetched ${date}'; case 'exactGametime': return 'Exact gametime'; case 'bigRedBanned': return 'BANNED'; + case 'normalBanned': return 'Banned'; case 'bigRedBadStanding': return 'BAD STANDING'; case 'copiedToClipboard': return 'Copied to clipboard!'; case 'playerRoleAccount': return ' account '; @@ -1137,6 +1178,23 @@ extension on _StringsEn { case 'trackedPlayersEntry': return ({required Object nickname, required Object numberOfStates}) => '${nickname}: ${numberOfStates} states'; case 'trackedPlayersDescription': return ({required Object firstStateDate, required Object lastStateDate}) => 'From ${firstStateDate} until ${lastStateDate}'; case 'trackedPlayersStatesDeleted': return ({required Object nickname}) => '${nickname} states was removed from database!'; + case 'averageXrank': return ({required Object rankLetter}) => 'Average ${rankLetter} rank'; + case 'vs': return 'vs'; + case 'registred': return 'Registred'; + case 'playedTL': return 'Played Tetra League'; + case 'winChance': return 'Win Chance'; + case 'byGlicko': return 'By Glicko'; + case 'byEstTR': return 'By Est. TR'; + case 'compareViewNoValues': return 'Please, enter username, user ID, or APM-PPS-VS values (divider doesn\'t matter, only order matter) to both of fields'; + case 'compareViewWrongValue': return ({required Object value}) => 'Falied to assign ${value}'; + case 'mostRecentOne': return 'Most recent one'; + case 'yes': return 'Yes'; + case 'no': return 'No'; + case 'daysLater': return 'days later'; + case 'dayseBefore': return 'days before'; + case 'fromBeginning': return 'From beginning'; + case 'calc': return 'Calc'; + case 'calcViewNoValues': return 'Enter values to calculate the stats'; case 'statCellNum.xpLevel': return 'XP Level'; case 'statCellNum.xpProgress': return 'Progress to next level'; case 'statCellNum.xpFrom0To5000': return 'Progress from 0 XP to level 5000'; @@ -1147,7 +1205,9 @@ extension on _StringsEn { case 'statCellNum.apm': return 'Attack\nPer Minute'; case 'statCellNum.vs': return 'Versus\nScore'; case 'statCellNum.lbp': return 'Leaderboard\nplacement'; + case 'statCellNum.lbpShort': return '№ in LB'; case 'statCellNum.lbpc': return 'Country LB\nplacement'; + case 'statCellNum.lbpcShort': return '№ in local LB'; case 'statCellNum.gamesPlayed': return 'Games\nplayed'; case 'statCellNum.gamesWonTL': return 'Games\nWon'; case 'statCellNum.winrate': return 'Winrate\nprecentage'; @@ -1165,17 +1225,17 @@ extension on _StringsEn { case 'statCellNum.appDescription': return '(Abbreviated as APP) Main efficiency metric. Tells how many attack you producing per piece'; case 'statCellNum.vsapmDescription': return 'Basically, tells how much and how efficient you using garbage in your attacks'; case 'statCellNum.dss': return 'Downstack\nPer Second'; - case 'statCellNum.dssDescription': return 'Downstack per Second measures how many garbage lines you clear in a second.'; + case 'statCellNum.dssDescription': return '(Abbreviated as DS/S) Downstack per Second measures how many garbage lines you clear in a second.'; case 'statCellNum.dsp': return 'Downstack\nPer Piece'; - case 'statCellNum.dspDescription': return 'Downstack per Piece measures how many garbage lines you clear per piece.'; + case 'statCellNum.dspDescription': return '(Abbreviated as DS/P) Downstack per Piece measures how many garbage lines you clear per piece.'; case 'statCellNum.appdsp': return 'APP + DS/P'; case 'statCellNum.appdspDescription': return 'Just a sum of Attack per Piece and Downstack per Piece.'; case 'statCellNum.cheese': return 'Cheese\nIndex'; - case 'statCellNum.cheeseDescription': return 'Cheese Index is an approximation how much clean / cheese garbage player sends. Lower = more clean. Higher = more cheese.\nInvented by kerrmunism'; + case 'statCellNum.cheeseDescription': return '(Abbreviated as Cheese) Cheese Index is an approximation how much clean / cheese garbage player sends. Lower = more clean. Higher = more cheese.\nInvented by kerrmunism'; case 'statCellNum.gbe': return 'Garbage\nEfficiency'; - case 'statCellNum.gbeDescription': return 'Garbage Efficiency measures how well player uses their garbage. Higher = better or they use their garbage more. Lower = they mostly send their garbage back at cheese or rarely clear garbage.\nInvented by Zepheniah and Dragonboy.'; + case 'statCellNum.gbeDescription': return '(Abbreviated as Gb Eff.) Garbage Efficiency measures how well player uses their garbage. Higher = better or they use their garbage more. Lower = they mostly send their garbage back at cheese or rarely clear garbage.\nInvented by Zepheniah and Dragonboy.'; case 'statCellNum.nyaapp': return 'Weighted\nAPP'; - case 'statCellNum.nyaappDescription': return 'Essentially, a measure of your ability to send cheese while still maintaining a high APP.\nInvented by Wertj.'; + case 'statCellNum.nyaappDescription': return '(Abbreviated as wAPP) Essentially, a measure of your ability to send cheese while still maintaining a high APP.\nInvented by Wertj.'; case 'statCellNum.area': return 'Area'; case 'statCellNum.areaDescription': return 'How much space your shape takes up on the graph, if you exclude the cheese and vs/apm sections'; case 'statCellNum.estOfTR': return 'Est. of TR'; @@ -1492,6 +1552,7 @@ extension on _StringsRu { case 'fetchDate': return ({required Object date}) => 'На момент ${date}'; case 'exactGametime': return 'Время, проведённое в игре'; case 'bigRedBanned': return 'ЗАБАНЕН'; + case 'normalBanned': return 'Забанен'; case 'bigRedBadStanding': return 'ПЛОХАЯ РЕПУТАЦИЯ'; case 'copiedToClipboard': return 'Скопировано в буфер обмена!'; case 'playerRoleAccount': return ', аккаунт которого '; @@ -1539,6 +1600,23 @@ extension on _StringsRu { case 'trackedPlayersEntry': return ({required Object nickname, required Object numberOfStates}) => '${nickname}: ${numberOfStates} состояний'; case 'trackedPlayersDescription': return ({required Object firstStateDate, required Object lastStateDate}) => 'Начиная с ${firstStateDate} и заканчивая ${lastStateDate}'; case 'trackedPlayersStatesDeleted': return ({required Object nickname}) => 'Состояния аккаунта ${nickname} были удалены из локальной базы данных!'; + case 'averageXrank': return ({required Object rankLetter}) => 'Средний ${rankLetter} ранг'; + case 'vs': return 'против'; + case 'registred': return 'Зарегистрирован'; + case 'playedTL': return 'Играл в Тетра Лигу'; + case 'winChance': return 'Шансы на победу'; + case 'byGlicko': return 'По Glicko'; + case 'byEstTR': return 'По расч. TR'; + case 'compareViewNoValues': return 'Пожалуйста, введите никнейм, ID или значения APM-PPS-VS (неважно, какой разделитель, важен порядок) в оба поля'; + case 'compareViewWrongValue': return ({required Object value}) => 'Не удалось получить ${value}'; + case 'mostRecentOne': return 'Самый последний'; + case 'yes': return 'Да'; + case 'no': return 'Нет'; + case 'daysLater': return 'дней позже'; + case 'dayseBefore': return 'дней до'; + case 'fromBeginning': return 'С начала'; + case 'calc': return 'Считать'; + case 'calcViewNoValues': return 'Введите значения, чтобы посчитать статистику'; case 'statCellNum.xpLevel': return 'Уровень\nопыта'; case 'statCellNum.xpProgress': return 'Прогресс до следующего уровня'; case 'statCellNum.xpFrom0To5000': return 'Прогресс от 0 XP до 5000 уровня'; @@ -1549,7 +1627,9 @@ extension on _StringsRu { case 'statCellNum.apm': return 'Атака в\nМинуту'; case 'statCellNum.vs': return 'Показатель\nVersus'; case 'statCellNum.lbp': return 'Положение\nв рейтинге'; + case 'statCellNum.lbpShort': return '№ в рейтинге'; case 'statCellNum.lbpc': return 'Положение\nв рейтинге страны'; + case 'statCellNum.lbpcShort': return '№ по стране'; case 'statCellNum.gamesPlayed': return 'Игр\nСыграно'; case 'statCellNum.gamesWonTL': return 'Побед'; case 'statCellNum.winrate': return 'Процент\nпобед'; diff --git a/lib/views/calc_view.dart b/lib/views/calc_view.dart index 89e4900..d2edd56 100644 --- a/lib/views/calc_view.dart +++ b/lib/views/calc_view.dart @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import 'package:fl_chart/fl_chart.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio.dart'; +import 'package:tetra_stats/gen/strings.g.dart'; double? apm; double? pps; @@ -50,9 +51,10 @@ class CalcState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final t = Translations.of(context); return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( - title: const Text("Stats Calculator"), + title: Text(t.statsCalc), ), backgroundColor:, body: SafeArea( @@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ class CalcState extends State { )), TextButton( onPressed: () => calc(), - child: const Text("Calc"), + child: Text(t.calc), ), ], ), @@ -106,19 +108,19 @@ class CalcState extends State { ]; }, body: nerdStats == null - ? const Text("Enter values to calculate the stats") + ? Text(t.calcViewNoValues) : ListView( children: [ - _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.app, label: "Attack Per Piece", fractionDigits: 3), + _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.app, label:'\n'), " "), fractionDigits: 3), _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.vsapm, label: "VS/APM", fractionDigits: 3), - _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.dss, label: "Downstack Per Second", fractionDigits: 3), - _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.dsp, label: "Downstack Per Piece", fractionDigits: 3), + _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.dss, label: t.statCellNum.dss.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), fractionDigits: 3), + _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.dsp, label: t.statCellNum.dsp.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), fractionDigits: 3), _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.appdsp, label: "APP + DS/P", fractionDigits: 3), - _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.cheese, label: "Cheese Index", fractionDigits: 3), - _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.gbe, label: "Garbage Efficiency", fractionDigits: 3), - _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.nyaapp, label: "Weighted APP", fractionDigits: 3), - _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.area, label: "Area", fractionDigits: 3), - _ListEntry(value: estTr!.esttr, label: "Est. of TR", fractionDigits: 3), + _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.cheese, label: t.statCellNum.cheese.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), fractionDigits: 3), + _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.gbe, label: t.statCellNum.gbe.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), fractionDigits: 3), + _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.nyaapp, label: t.statCellNum.nyaapp.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), fractionDigits: 3), + _ListEntry(value: nerdStats!.area, label: t.statCellNum.area.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), fractionDigits: 3), + _ListEntry(value: estTr!.esttr, label: t.statCellNum.estOfTR, fractionDigits: 3), Wrap( direction: Axis.horizontal, alignment: WrapAlignment.spaceAround, diff --git a/lib/views/compare_view.dart b/lib/views/compare_view.dart index 9657154..a7f4ce7 100644 --- a/lib/views/compare_view.dart +++ b/lib/views/compare_view.dart @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio.dart'; +import 'package:tetra_stats/gen/strings.g.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/services/tetrio_crud.dart'; enum Mode{ @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ List theGreenSide = [null, null, null]; // TetrioPlayer?, List theRedSide = [null, null, null]; final TetrioService teto = TetrioService(); -final DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.yMd().add_Hm(); +final DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.yMd(LocaleSettings.currentLocale.languageCode).add_Hm(); // ignore: unnecessary_string_escapes var numbersReg = RegExp(r'\d+(\.\d*)*'); @@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { return setState(() {}); }on Exception { ScaffoldMessenger.of(context) - .showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Falied to assign $user"))); + .showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(t.compareViewWrongValue(value: user)))); return; } } @@ -108,9 +109,9 @@ class CompareState extends State { } dStates.firstWhere((element) => element.value == player, orElse: () { dStates?.add(DropdownMenuItem( - value: player, child: const Text("Most recent one"))); + value: player, child: Text(t.mostRecentOne))); return DropdownMenuItem( - value: player, child: const Text("Most recent one")); + value: player, child: Text(t.mostRecentOne)); },); }on Exception { dStates = null; @@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { theRedSide = [player, dStates, player.tlSeason1]; } on Exception { ScaffoldMessenger.of(context) - .showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Falied to assign $user"))); + .showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(t.compareViewWrongValue(value: user)))); } _justUpdate(); } @@ -183,9 +184,9 @@ class CompareState extends State { } dStates.firstWhere((element) => element.value == player, orElse: () { dStates?.add(DropdownMenuItem( - value: player, child: const Text("Most recent one"))); + value: player, child: Text(t.mostRecentOne))); return DropdownMenuItem( - value: player, child: const Text("Most recent one")); + value: player, child: Text(t.mostRecentOne)); },); }on Exception { dStates = null; @@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final t = Translations.of(context); bool bigScreen = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 768; String titleGreenSide; String titleRedSide; @@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { titleGreenSide = "${theGreenSide[2].apm} APM, ${theGreenSide[2].pps} PPS, ${theGreenSide[2].vs} VS"; break; case Mode.averages: - titleGreenSide = "Average ${theGreenSide[2].rank.toUpperCase()} rank"; + titleGreenSide = t.averageXrank(rankLetter: theGreenSide[2].rank.toUpperCase()); break; } switch (redSideMode){ @@ -246,11 +248,11 @@ class CompareState extends State { titleRedSide = "${theRedSide[2].apm} APM, ${theRedSide[2].pps} PPS, ${theRedSide[2].vs} VS"; break; case Mode.averages: - titleRedSide = "Average ${theRedSide[2].rank.toUpperCase()} rank"; + titleRedSide = t.averageXrank(rankLetter: theRedSide[2].rank.toUpperCase());; break; } return Scaffold( - appBar: AppBar(title: Text("$titleGreenSide vs $titleRedSide")), + appBar: AppBar(title: Text("$titleGreenSide ${t.vs} $titleRedSide")), backgroundColor:, body: SafeArea( child: NestedScrollView( @@ -330,9 +332,9 @@ class CompareState extends State { CompareRegTimeThingy( greenSide: theGreenSide[0].registrationTime, redSide: theRedSide[0].registrationTime, - label: "Registred"), + label: t.registred), CompareThingy( - label: "Level", + label: t.statCellNum.level, greenSide: theGreenSide[0].level, redSide: theRedSide[0].level, higherIsBetter: true, @@ -349,14 +351,14 @@ class CompareState extends State { 1000000 / 60 / 60, - label: "Hours Played", + label: t.statCellNum.hoursPlayed.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), higherIsBetter: true, fractionDigits: 2, ), if (theGreenSide[0].gamesPlayed >= 0 && theRedSide[0].gamesPlayed >= 0) CompareThingy( - label: "Online Games", + label: t.statCellNum.onlineGames.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), greenSide: theGreenSide[0].gamesPlayed, redSide: theRedSide[0].gamesPlayed, higherIsBetter: true, @@ -364,13 +366,13 @@ class CompareState extends State { if (theGreenSide[0].gamesWon >= 0 && theRedSide[0].gamesWon >= 0) CompareThingy( - label: "Games Won", + label: t.statCellNum.gamesWon.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), greenSide: theGreenSide[0].gamesWon, redSide: theRedSide[0].gamesWon, higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Friends", + label: t.statCellNum.friends, greenSide: theGreenSide[0].friendCount, redSide: theRedSide[0].friendCount, higherIsBetter: true, @@ -385,7 +387,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { CompareBoolThingy( greenSide: theGreenSide[0].role == "banned", redSide: theRedSide[0].role == "banned", - label: "Banned", + label: t.normalBanned, trueIsBetter: false), (theGreenSide[2].gamesPlayed > 0 || greenSideMode == Mode.stats) && (theRedSide[2].gamesPlayed > 0 || redSideMode == Mode.stats) @@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 16), - child: Text("Tetra League", + child: Text(t.tetraLeague, style: TextStyle( fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)), @@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { if (greenSideMode != Mode.stats && redSideMode != Mode.stats) CompareThingy( - label: "Games Played", + label: t.statCellNum.gamesPlayed.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), greenSide: theGreenSide[2].gamesPlayed, redSide: theRedSide[2].gamesPlayed, higherIsBetter: true, @@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { if (greenSideMode != Mode.stats && redSideMode != Mode.stats) CompareThingy( - label: "Games Won", + label: t.statCellNum.gamesWonTL.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), greenSide: theGreenSide[2].gamesWon, redSide: theRedSide[2].gamesWon, higherIsBetter: true, @@ -462,7 +464,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { greenSideMode == Mode.player && redSideMode == Mode.player) CompareThingy( - label: "№ in LB", + label: t.statCellNum.lbpShort, greenSide: theGreenSide[2].standing, redSide: theRedSide[2].standing, higherIsBetter: false, @@ -472,7 +474,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { greenSideMode == Mode.player && redSideMode == Mode.player) CompareThingy( - label: "№ in local LB", + label: t.statCellNum.lbpcShort, greenSide: theGreenSide[2].standingLocal, redSide: theRedSide[2].standingLocal, @@ -510,7 +512,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { : CompareBoolThingy( greenSide: theGreenSide[2].gamesPlayed > 0, redSide: theRedSide[2].gamesPlayed > 0, - label: "Played Tetra League", + label: t.playedTL, trueIsBetter: false), const Divider(), if (theGreenSide[2].nerdStats != null && @@ -519,7 +521,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 16), - child: Text("Nerd Stats", + child: Text(t.nerdStats, style: TextStyle( fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)), @@ -561,7 +563,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Cheese", + label: t.statCellNum.cheese.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), greenSide: theGreenSide[2].nerdStats!.cheese, redSide: theRedSide[2].nerdStats!.cheese, @@ -569,14 +571,14 @@ class CompareState extends State { higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Garbage Eff.", + label: "Gb Eff.", greenSide: theGreenSide[2].nerdStats!.gbe, redSide: theRedSide[2].nerdStats!.gbe, fractionDigits: 3, higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Weighted APP", + label: "wAPP", greenSide: theGreenSide[2].nerdStats!.nyaapp, redSide: theRedSide[2].nerdStats!.nyaapp, @@ -591,7 +593,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Est. of TR", + label: t.statCellNum.estOfTR, greenSide: theGreenSide[2].estTr!.esttr, redSide: theRedSide[2].estTr!.esttr, fractionDigits: 2, @@ -602,7 +604,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { greenSideMode != Mode.stats && redSideMode != Mode.stats) CompareThingy( - label: "Acc. of Est.", + label: t.statCellNum.accOfEst, greenSide: theGreenSide[2].esttracc!, redSide: theRedSide[2].esttracc!, fractionDigits: 2, @@ -800,7 +802,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { const Divider(), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 16), - child: Text("Win Chance", + child: Text(t.winChance, style: TextStyle( fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)), @@ -808,7 +810,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { if (greenSideMode != Mode.stats && redSideMode != Mode.stats && theGreenSide[2].gamesPlayed > 9 && theRedSide[2].gamesPlayed > 9) CompareThingy( - label: "By Glicko", + label: t.byGlicko, greenSide: getWinrateByTR( theGreenSide[2].glicko!, theGreenSide[2].rd!, @@ -825,7 +827,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "By Est. TR", + label: t.byEstTR, greenSide: getWinrateByTR( theGreenSide[2].estTr!.estglicko, theGreenSide[2].rd ?? noTrRd, @@ -845,7 +847,7 @@ class CompareState extends State { ) ], ) - ] : [const Text("Please, enter username, user ID, or APM-PPS-VS values (divider doesn't matter) to both of fields")], + ] : [Text(t.compareViewNoValues)], ) ), ), @@ -893,7 +895,7 @@ class PlayerSelector extends StatelessWidget { underFieldString = "${data[2].apm} APM, ${data[2].pps} PPS, ${data[2].vs} VS"; break; case Mode.averages: - underFieldString = "Average ${data[2].rank.toUpperCase()} rank"; + underFieldString = t.averageXrank(rankLetter: data[2].rank.toUpperCase()); break; } } @@ -1105,7 +1107,7 @@ class CompareBoolThingy extends StatelessWidget { ], )), child: Text( - greenSide ? "Yes" : "No", + greenSide ? t.yes :, style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 22, shadows: [ @@ -1158,7 +1160,7 @@ class CompareBoolThingy extends StatelessWidget { ], )), child: Text( - redSide ? "Yes" : "No", + redSide ? t.yes :, style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 22, shadows: [ @@ -1266,7 +1268,7 @@ class CompareRegTimeThingy extends StatelessWidget { this.fractionDigits}); String verdict(DateTime? greenSide, DateTime? redSide) { - var f = NumberFormat("#,### days later;#,### days before"); + var f = NumberFormat("#,### ${t.daysLater};#,### ${t.dayseBefore}"); String result = "---"; if (greenSide != null && redSide != null) { result = f.format(greenSide.difference(redSide).inDays); @@ -1300,7 +1302,7 @@ class CompareRegTimeThingy extends StatelessWidget { ], )), child: Text( - greenSide != null ? f.format(greenSide!) : "From beginning", + greenSide != null ? f.format(greenSide!) : t.fromBeginning, style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 22, shadows: [ @@ -1351,7 +1353,7 @@ class CompareRegTimeThingy extends StatelessWidget { ], )), child: Text( - redSide != null ? f.format(redSide!) : "From beginning", + redSide != null ? f.format(redSide!) : t.fromBeginning, style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 22, shadows: [ diff --git a/lib/views/tl_match_view.dart b/lib/views/tl_match_view.dart index 5d69c87..54c6ffc 100644 --- a/lib/views/tl_match_view.dart +++ b/lib/views/tl_match_view.dart @@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ import 'package:fl_chart/fl_chart.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio.dart'; +import 'package:tetra_stats/gen/strings.g.dart'; -final DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.yMMMd().add_Hms(); +final DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.yMMMd(LocaleSettings.currentLocale.languageCode).add_Hms(); class TlMatchResultView extends StatefulWidget { final TetraLeagueAlphaRecord record; @@ -27,11 +28,12 @@ class TlMatchResultState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { + final t = Translations.of(context); bool bigScreen = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 768; return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text( - "${widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId == widget.initPlayerId).username.toUpperCase()} vs. ${widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId != widget.initPlayerId).username.toUpperCase()} in TL match ${dateFormat.format(widget.record.timestamp)}"), + "${widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId == widget.initPlayerId).username.toUpperCase()} ${t.vs} ${widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId != widget.initPlayerId).username.toUpperCase()} in TL match ${dateFormat.format(widget.record.timestamp)}"), ), backgroundColor:, body: SafeArea( @@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ class TlMatchResultState extends State { children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 16), - child: Text("Nerd Stats", + child: Text(t.nerdStats, style: TextStyle( fontFamily: "Eurostile Round Extended", fontSize: bigScreen ? 42 : 28)), @@ -177,21 +179,21 @@ class TlMatchResultState extends State { higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Cheese", + label: t.statCellNum.cheese.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n'), " "), greenSide: widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId == widget.initPlayerId).nerdStats.cheese, redSide: widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId != widget.initPlayerId).nerdStats.cheese, fractionDigits: 2, higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Garbage Eff.", + label: "Gb Eff.", greenSide: widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId == widget.initPlayerId).nerdStats.gbe, redSide: widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId != widget.initPlayerId).nerdStats.gbe, fractionDigits: 3, higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Weighted APP", + label: "wAPP", greenSide: widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId == widget.initPlayerId).nerdStats.nyaapp, redSide: widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId != widget.initPlayerId).nerdStats.nyaapp, fractionDigits: 3, @@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ class TlMatchResultState extends State { higherIsBetter: true, ), CompareThingy( - label: "Est. of TR", + label: t.statCellNum.estOfTR, greenSide: widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId == widget.initPlayerId).estTr.esttr, redSide: widget.record.endContext.firstWhere((element) => element.userId != widget.initPlayerId).estTr.esttr, fractionDigits: 2, @@ -578,311 +580,3 @@ class CompareThingy extends StatelessWidget { ); } } - -class CompareBoolThingy extends StatelessWidget { - final bool greenSide; - final bool redSide; - final String label; - final bool trueIsBetter; - const CompareBoolThingy( - {super.key, - required this.greenSide, - required this.redSide, - required this.label, - required this.trueIsBetter}); - - @override - Widget build(BuildContext context) { - return Padding( - padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 2, 16, 2), - child: Row(children: [ - Expanded( - child: Container( - padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4), - decoration: BoxDecoration( - gradient: LinearGradient( - colors: const [, Colors.transparent], - begin: Alignment.centerLeft, - end: Alignment.centerRight, - stops: [ - 0.0, - trueIsBetter - ? greenSide - ? 0.6 - : 0 - : !greenSide - ? 0.6 - : 0 - ], - )), - child: Text( - greenSide ? "Yes" : "No", - style: const TextStyle( - fontSize: 22, - shadows: [ - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 3.0, - color:, - ), - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 8.0, - color:, - ), - ], - ), - textAlign: TextAlign.start, - ), - )), - Column( - children: [ - Text( - label, - style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 22), - textAlign:, - ), - const Text( - "---", - style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16), - textAlign:, - ) - ], - ), - Expanded( - child: Container( - padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4), - decoration: BoxDecoration( - gradient: LinearGradient( - colors: const [, Colors.transparent], - begin: Alignment.centerRight, - end: Alignment.centerLeft, - stops: [ - 0.0, - trueIsBetter - ? redSide - ? 0.6 - : 0 - : !redSide - ? 0.6 - : 0 - ], - )), - child: Text( - redSide ? "Yes" : "No", - style: const TextStyle( - fontSize: 22, - shadows: [ - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 3.0, - color:, - ), - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 8.0, - color:, - ), - ], - ), - textAlign: TextAlign.end, - ), - )), - ]), - ); - } -} - -class CompareDurationThingy extends StatelessWidget { - final Duration greenSide; - final Duration redSide; - final String label; - final bool higherIsBetter; - const CompareDurationThingy( - {super.key, - required this.greenSide, - required this.redSide, - required this.label, - required this.higherIsBetter}); - - Duration verdict(Duration greenSide, Duration redSide) { - return greenSide - redSide; - } - - @override - Widget build(BuildContext context) { - return Padding( - padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 2, 16, 2), - child: Row( - mainAxisAlignment:, - children: [ - Expanded( - child: Text( - greenSide.toString(), - style: const TextStyle( - fontSize: 22, - ), - textAlign: TextAlign.start, - )), - Column( - children: [ - Text( - label, - style: const TextStyle( - fontSize: 22, - shadows: [ - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 3.0, - color:, - ), - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 8.0, - color:, - ), - ], - ), - textAlign:, - ), - Text( - verdict(greenSide, redSide).toString(), - style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16), - textAlign:, - ) - ], - ), - Expanded( - child: Text( - redSide.toString(), - style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 22), - textAlign: TextAlign.end, - )), - ], - ), - ); - } -} - -class CompareRegTimeThingy extends StatelessWidget { - final DateTime? greenSide; - final DateTime? redSide; - final String label; - final int? fractionDigits; - const CompareRegTimeThingy( - {super.key, - required this.greenSide, - required this.redSide, - required this.label, - this.fractionDigits}); - - String verdict(DateTime? greenSide, DateTime? redSide) { - var f = NumberFormat("#,### days later;#,### days before"); - String result = "---"; - if (greenSide != null && redSide != null) { - result = f.format(greenSide.difference(redSide).inDays); - } - return result; - } - - @override - Widget build(BuildContext context) { - DateFormat f = DateFormat.yMMMd(); - return Padding( - padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 2, 16, 2), - child: Row( - mainAxisAlignment:, - children: [ - Expanded( - child: Container( - padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4), - decoration: BoxDecoration( - gradient: LinearGradient( - colors: const [, Colors.transparent], - begin: Alignment.centerLeft, - end: Alignment.centerRight, - stops: [ - 0.0, - greenSide == null - ? 0.6 - : redSide != null && greenSide!.isBefore(redSide!) - ? 0.6 - : 0 - ], - )), - child: Text( - greenSide != null ? f.format(greenSide!) : "From beginning", - style: const TextStyle( - fontSize: 22, - shadows: [ - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 3.0, - color:, - ), - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 8.0, - color:, - ), - ], - ), - textAlign: TextAlign.start, - ), - )), - Column( - children: [ - Text( - label, - style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 22), - textAlign:, - ), - Text( - verdict(greenSide, redSide), - style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16), - textAlign:, - ) - ], - ), - Expanded( - child: Container( - padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4), - decoration: BoxDecoration( - gradient: LinearGradient( - colors: const [, Colors.transparent], - begin: Alignment.centerRight, - end: Alignment.centerLeft, - stops: [ - 0.0, - redSide == null - ? 0.6 - : greenSide != null && redSide!.isBefore(greenSide!) - ? 0.6 - : 0 - ], - )), - child: Text( - redSide != null ? f.format(redSide!) : "From beginning", - style: const TextStyle( - fontSize: 22, - shadows: [ - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 3.0, - color:, - ), - Shadow( - offset: Offset(0.0, 0.0), - blurRadius: 8.0, - color:, - ), - ], - ), - textAlign: TextAlign.end, - ), - )), - ], - ), - ); - } -} diff --git a/lib/widgets/tl_thingy.dart b/lib/widgets/tl_thingy.dart index 9653d9e..adedad3 100644 --- a/lib/widgets/tl_thingy.dart +++ b/lib/widgets/tl_thingy.dart @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class TLThingy extends StatelessWidget { showLabels: false, showTicks: false, radiusFactor: 2.1, - centerY: 0.4, + centerY: 0.5, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, ranges: [ @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class TLThingy extends StatelessWidget { showTicks: false, showLabels: false, radiusFactor: 2.1, - centerY: 0.4, + centerY: 0.5, minimum: 1.8, maximum: 2.4, ranges: [ @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class TLThingy extends StatelessWidget { ) ], )); - },), verticalAlignment: GaugeAlignment.far, positionFactor: 0.05,), + },), verticalAlignment: GaugeAlignment.far, positionFactor: 0.05), if (oldTl != null) GaugeAnnotation(widget: Text(fDiff.format(tl.nerdStats!.vsapm - oldTl!.nerdStats!.vsapm), style: TextStyle( color: tl.nerdStats!.vsapm - oldTl!.nerdStats!.vsapm < 0 ? : diff --git a/res/i18n/strings.i18n.json b/res/i18n/strings.i18n.json index 52ff411..d4c95a6 100644 --- a/res/i18n/strings.i18n.json +++ b/res/i18n/strings.i18n.json @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ "fetchDate": "Fetched ${date}", "exactGametime": "Exact gametime", "bigRedBanned": "BANNED", + "normalBanned": "Banned", "bigRedBadStanding": "BAD STANDING", "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard!", "playerRoleAccount": " account ", @@ -76,6 +77,23 @@ "trackedPlayersEntry": "${nickname}: ${numberOfStates} states", "trackedPlayersDescription": "From ${firstStateDate} until ${lastStateDate}", "trackedPlayersStatesDeleted": "${nickname} states was removed from database!", + "averageXrank": "Average ${rankLetter} rank", + "vs": "vs", + "registred": "Registred", + "playedTL": "Played Tetra League", + "winChance": "Win Chance", + "byGlicko": "By Glicko", + "byEstTR": "By Est. TR", + "compareViewNoValues": "Please, enter username, user ID, or APM-PPS-VS values (divider doesn't matter, only order matter) to both of fields", + "compareViewWrongValue": "Falied to assign ${value}", + "mostRecentOne": "Most recent one", + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "daysLater": "days later", + "dayseBefore": "days before", + "fromBeginning": "From beginning", + "calc": "Calc", + "calcViewNoValues": "Enter values to calculate the stats", "statCellNum":{ "xpLevel": "XP Level", "xpProgress": "Progress to next level", @@ -87,7 +105,9 @@ "apm": "Attack\nPer Minute", "vs": "Versus\nScore", "lbp": "Leaderboard\nplacement", + "lbpShort": "№ in LB", "lbpc": "Country LB\nplacement", + "lbpcShort": "№ in local LB", "gamesPlayed": "Games\nplayed", "gamesWonTL": "Games\nWon", "winrate": "Winrate\nprecentage", @@ -105,17 +125,17 @@ "appDescription": "(Abbreviated as APP) Main efficiency metric. Tells how many attack you producing per piece", "vsapmDescription": "Basically, tells how much and how efficient you using garbage in your attacks", "dss": "Downstack\nPer Second", - "dssDescription": "Downstack per Second measures how many garbage lines you clear in a second.", + "dssDescription": "(Abbreviated as DS/S) Downstack per Second measures how many garbage lines you clear in a second.", "dsp": "Downstack\nPer Piece", - "dspDescription": "Downstack per Piece measures how many garbage lines you clear per piece.", + "dspDescription": "(Abbreviated as DS/P) Downstack per Piece measures how many garbage lines you clear per piece.", "appdsp": "APP + DS/P", "appdspDescription": "Just a sum of Attack per Piece and Downstack per Piece.", "cheese": "Cheese\nIndex", - "cheeseDescription": "Cheese Index is an approximation how much clean / cheese garbage player sends. Lower = more clean. Higher = more cheese.\nInvented by kerrmunism", + "cheeseDescription": "(Abbreviated as Cheese) Cheese Index is an approximation how much clean / cheese garbage player sends. Lower = more clean. Higher = more cheese.\nInvented by kerrmunism", "gbe": "Garbage\nEfficiency", - "gbeDescription": "Garbage Efficiency measures how well player uses their garbage. Higher = better or they use their garbage more. Lower = they mostly send their garbage back at cheese or rarely clear garbage.\nInvented by Zepheniah and Dragonboy.", + "gbeDescription": "(Abbreviated as Gb Eff.) Garbage Efficiency measures how well player uses their garbage. Higher = better or they use their garbage more. Lower = they mostly send their garbage back at cheese or rarely clear garbage.\nInvented by Zepheniah and Dragonboy.", "nyaapp": "Weighted\nAPP", - "nyaappDescription": "Essentially, a measure of your ability to send cheese while still maintaining a high APP.\nInvented by Wertj.", + "nyaappDescription": "(Abbreviated as wAPP) Essentially, a measure of your ability to send cheese while still maintaining a high APP.\nInvented by Wertj.", "area": "Area", "areaDescription": "How much space your shape takes up on the graph, if you exclude the cheese and vs/apm sections", "estOfTR": "Est. of TR", diff --git a/res/i18n/strings_ru.i18n.json b/res/i18n/strings_ru.i18n.json index f523ef8..562fae6 100644 --- a/res/i18n/strings_ru.i18n.json +++ b/res/i18n/strings_ru.i18n.json @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ "fetchDate": "На момент ${date}", "exactGametime": "Время, проведённое в игре", "bigRedBanned": "ЗАБАНЕН", + "normalBanned": "Забанен", "bigRedBadStanding": "ПЛОХАЯ РЕПУТАЦИЯ", "copiedToClipboard": "Скопировано в буфер обмена!", "playerRoleAccount": ", аккаунт которого ", @@ -76,6 +77,23 @@ "trackedPlayersEntry": "${nickname}: ${numberOfStates} состояний", "trackedPlayersDescription": "Начиная с ${firstStateDate} и заканчивая ${lastStateDate}", "trackedPlayersStatesDeleted": "Состояния аккаунта ${nickname} были удалены из локальной базы данных!", + "averageXrank": "Средний ${rankLetter} ранг", + "vs": "против", + "registred": "Зарегистрирован", + "playedTL": "Играл в Тетра Лигу", + "winChance": "Шансы на победу", + "byGlicko": "По Glicko", + "byEstTR": "По расч. TR", + "compareViewNoValues": "Пожалуйста, введите никнейм, ID или значения APM-PPS-VS (неважно, какой разделитель, важен порядок) в оба поля", + "compareViewWrongValue": "Не удалось получить ${value}", + "mostRecentOne": "Самый последний", + "yes": "Да", + "no": "Нет", + "daysLater": "дней позже", + "dayseBefore": "дней до", + "fromBeginning": "С начала", + "calc": "Считать", + "calcViewNoValues": "Введите значения, чтобы посчитать статистику", "statCellNum": { "xpLevel": "Уровень\nопыта", "xpProgress": "Прогресс до следующего уровня", @@ -87,7 +105,9 @@ "apm": "Атака в\nМинуту", "vs": "Показатель\nVersus", "lbp": "Положение\nв рейтинге", + "lbpShort": "№ в рейтинге", "lbpc": "Положение\nв рейтинге страны", + "lbpcShort": "№ по стране", "gamesPlayed": "Игр\nСыграно", "gamesWonTL": "Побед", "winrate": "Процент\nпобед",