inf SDF, 0 ARR, fixed kicks for SRS+, yet softdrop still works like shit
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ class HandlingHandler{
return direction;
int movementKeyReleased(bool left, bool right, double subframe){
int lastFrameMovement = processMovenent(subframe);
void movementKeyReleased(bool left, bool right, double subframe){
if (left) {
activeLeft = !left;
@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ class HandlingHandler{
dasLeft = das;
direction = 0;
return lastFrameMovement;
int processMovenent(double delta){
@ -75,6 +73,7 @@ class HandlingHandler{
arrLeft -= delta;
if (arr == 0.0) return direction*10;
if (arrLeft < 0.0) {
arrLeft += arr;
return direction;
@ -262,6 +261,8 @@ class Simulation{
// That thing allows me to test my new staff i'm trying to implement
void main() async {
var replayJson = jsonDecode(File("/home/dan63047/Документы/replays/6550eecf2ffc5604e6224fc5.ttrm").readAsStringSync());
// frame 994: garbage lost
// frame 1550: T-spin failed
ReplayData replay = ReplayData.fromJson(replayJson);
TetrioRNG rng = TetrioRNG(replay.stats[0][0].seed);
List<Tetromino> queue = rng.shuffleList(tetrominoes.toList());
@ -270,6 +271,7 @@ void main() async {
HandlingHandler? handling;
Map<KeyType, EventKeyPress> activeKeypresses = {};
int currentFrame = 0;
double subframesWent = 0;
events.removeAt(0); // get rig of Event.start
Event nextEvent = events.removeAt(0);
Stats stats = Stats();
@ -308,31 +310,48 @@ void main() async {
bool handleRotation(int r){
if (r == 0) return true;
int future_rotation = (rot + r) % 4;
int futureRotation = (rot + r) % 4;
List<Coords> tests = (current == Tetromino.I ? kickset.kickTableI : kickset.kickTable)[rot][r == -1 ? 0 : r];
for (Coords test in tests){
if (board.positionIsValid(current, coords+test, future_rotation)){
if (board.positionIsValid(current, coords+test, futureRotation)){
coords += test;
rot = future_rotation;
rot = futureRotation;
return true;
return false;
coords += spawnPositionFixes[current.index];
for (currentFrame; currentFrame <= replay.roundLengths[0]; currentFrame++){
gravityBucket += settings != null ? (handling!.sdfActive ? settings.g! * settings.handling!.sdf : settings.g!) : 0;
int movement = handling != null ? handling.processMovenent(1.0) : 0;
if (board.positionIsValid(current, Coords(coords.x+movement, coords.y), rot)) coords.x += movement;
void handleGravity(double frames){
if (frames == 0) return;
gravityBucket += settings != null ? (handling!.sdfActive ? settings.g! * settings.handling!.sdf : settings.g!) * frames : 0;
int gravityImpact = 0;
if (gravityBucket >= 1.0){
gravityImpact = gravityBucket.truncate();
gravityBucket -= gravityBucket.truncate();
if (board.positionIsValid(current, Coords(coords.x, coords.y-gravityImpact), rot)) coords.y -= gravityImpact;
while (gravityImpact > 0){
if (board.positionIsValid(current, Coords(coords.x, coords.y-1), rot)) coords.y -= 1;
void handleMovement(double frames){
if (frames == 0 || handling == null) return;
int movement = handling.processMovenent(frames);
while (movement.abs() > 0){
if (board.positionIsValid(current, Coords(movement.isNegative ? coords.x-1 : coords.x+1, coords.y), rot)) movement.isNegative ? coords.x-- : coords.x++;
movement.isNegative ? movement++ : movement--;
coords += spawnPositionFixes[current.index];
for (currentFrame; currentFrame <= replay.roundLengths[0]; currentFrame++){
subframesWent = 0;
if (settings?.handling?.sdf == 41) coords.y = sonicDrop();
print("$currentFrame: $current at $coords\n$board");
if (currentFrame == nextEvent.frame){
@ -349,7 +368,11 @@ void main() async {
case EventType.keydown:
nextEvent as EventKeyPress;
activeKeypresses[] = nextEvent;
double subframesDiff = - subframesWent;
subframesWent += subframesDiff;
//activeKeypresses[] = nextEvent;
switch ({
case KeyType.rotateCCW:
@ -440,11 +463,14 @@ void main() async {
case EventType.keyup:
nextEvent as EventKeyPress;
double subframesDiff = - subframesWent;
subframesWent += subframesDiff;
switch ({
case KeyType.moveLeft:
case KeyType.moveRight:
int pontencialMovement = handling!.movementKeyReleased( == KeyType.moveLeft, == KeyType.moveRight,;
if (board.positionIsValid(current, Coords(coords.x+pontencialMovement, coords.y), rot)) coords.x += pontencialMovement;
handling!.movementKeyReleased( == KeyType.moveLeft, == KeyType.moveRight,;
case KeyType.softDrop:
handling?.sdfActive = false;
@ -856,44 +856,44 @@ class SRSPlus extends KicksetBase{
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords( 1,-2)], // 0 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords(-1,-2)], // 0 -> 90
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords(-1,-2)], // 0 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 0, 1), Coords( 1, 1), Coords(-1, 1), Coords( 1, 0), Coords(-1, 0)], // 0 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords( 1, 2)], // 90 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords( 1, 2)], // 90 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords( 1, 2)], // 90 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1, 2), Coords( 1, 1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords( 0, 1)], // 90 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords(-1,-2)], // 180 -> 90
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords( 1,-2)], // 180 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords( 1,-2)], // 180 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 0,-1), Coords(-1,-1), Coords( 1,-1), Coords(-1, 0), Coords( 1, 0)], // 180 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords(-1, 2)], // 270 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords(-1, 2)], // 270 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords(-1, 2)], // 270 -> 90
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1, 2), Coords(-1, 1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords( 0, 1)], // 270 -> 90
kickTableI = [
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords( 1,-2)], // 0 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords(-1,-2)], // 0 -> 90
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords( 1,-2)], // 0 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords( 2, 0), Coords( 2,-1), Coords(-1, 2)], // 0 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 2, 0), Coords(-1,-1), Coords( 1, 2)], // 0 -> 90
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 0, 1)], // 0 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords( 1, 2)], // 90 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords( 1, 2)], // 90 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords( 1,-2)], // 90 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords( 2, 0), Coords(-1,-2), Coords( 2,-1)], // 90 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords( 2, 0), Coords(-1, 2), Coords( 2, 1)], // 90 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0)], // 90 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords(-1,-2)], // 180 -> 90
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords( 1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords( 1,-2)], // 180 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1, 1), Coords( 0,-2), Coords(-1,-2)], // 180 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-2, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords(-2, 1), Coords( 1,-2)], // 180 -> 90
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-2, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords( 2, 1), Coords(-1,-2)], // 180 -> 270
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 0,-1)], // 180 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords(-1, 2)], // 270 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords(-1, 2)], // 270 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0), Coords(-1,-1), Coords( 0, 2), Coords(-1, 2)], // 270 -> 90
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords(-2, 0), Coords( 1, 2), Coords(-2,-1)], // 270 -> 180
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords( 1, 0), Coords(-2, 0), Coords( 1,-2), Coords(-2, 1)], // 270 -> 0
[Coords( 0, 0), Coords(-1, 0)], // 270 -> 90
additionalOffsetEmpty = [Coords( 0, 0),Coords( 0, 0),Coords( 0, 0),Coords( 0, 0)];
Reference in New Issue