"sprintAndBlitzAveragesDescription":"Since calculating 40 Lines & Blitz averages is tedious process, it gets updated only once in a while. Click on the title of this card to see the full 40 Lines & Blitz averages table",
"tetraStatsWiki":"Tetra Stats Wiki",
"tetraStatsWikiDescription":"Find more information about Tetra Stats functions and statictic, that it provides",
"about":"About Tetra Stats",
"aboutDescription":"Developed by dan63\n"
"tl":"Tetra League (Current Season)",
"fullTL":"Tetra League (Current Season, full one)",
"ar":"Acievement Points",
"fullTLnote":"Heavy, but allows you to sort players by their stats and filter them by ranks"
"title":"Saved Data",
"tip":"Select nickname on the left to see data assosiated with it",
"seasonTLstates":"S$s TL States",
"TLrecords":"TL Records"
"database":"Local database",
"enterToSubmit":"Press Enter to submit",
"account":"Your account in TETR.IO",
"accountDescription":"Stats of that player will be loaded initially right after launching this app. By default it loads my (dan63) stats. To change that, enter your nickname here.",
"noSuchAccount":"No such account",
"languageDescription":"Tetra Stats was translated on $languages. By default, app will pick your system one or English, if locale of your system isn't avaliable.",
"zero":"zero languages",
"one":"$n language",
"two":"$n languages",
"few":"$n languages",
"many":"$n languages",
"other":"$n languages"
"updateInTheBackground":"Update data in the background",
"updateInTheBackgroundDescription":"If on, Tetra Stats will attempt to retrieve new info once cache expires. Usually that happen every 5 minutes",
"compareStats":"Compare TL stats with rank averages",
"compareStatsDescription":"If on, Tetra Stats will provide additional metrics, which allow you to compare yourself with average player on your rank. The way you'll see it — stats will be highlited with corresponding color, hover over them with cursor for more info.",
"showPosition":"Show position on leaderboard by stats",
"showPositionDescription":"This can take some time (and traffic) to load, but will allow you to see your position on the leaderboard, sorted by a stat",
"accentColor":"Accent color",
"accentColorDescription":"That color is seen across this app and usually highlites interactive UI elements.",
"accentColorModale":"Pick an accent color",
"timestamps":"Timestamps format",
"timestampsDescriptionPart1":"You can choose, in which way timestamps shows time. By default, they show time in GMT timezone, formatted according to chosen locale, example: $d.",
"timestampsDescriptionPart2":"There is also:\n• Locale formatted in your timezone: $y\n• Relative timestamp: $r",
"sheetbotLikeGraphs":"Sheetbot-like behavior for radar graphs",
"sheetbotLikeGraphsDescription":"Altough it was considered by me, that the way graphs work in SheetBot is not very correct, some people were confused to see, that -0.5 stride dosen't look the way it looks on SheetBot graph. Hence, he we are: if this toggle is on, points on the graphs can appear on the opposite half of the graph if value is negative.",
"oskKagariGimmick":"Osk-Kagari gimmick",
"oskKagariGimmickDescription":"If on, instead of osk's rank, :kagari: will be rendered.",
"bytesOfDataStored":"of data stored",
"TLrecordsSaved":"Tetra League records saved",
"TLplayerstatesSaved":"Tetra League playerstates saved",
"exportDB":"Export local database",
"desktopExportAlertTitle":"Desktop export",
"desktopExportText":"It seems like you using this app on desktop. Check your documents folder, you should find \"TetraStats.db\". Copy it somewhere",
"androidExportAlertTitle":"Android export",
"importDB":"Import local database",
"importDBDescription":"Restore your backup. Notice that already stored database will be overwritten.",
"importWrongFileType":"Wrong file type"
"expertRecords":"Ex Records"
"history":"Player History",
"league":"League State",
"cutoffs":"Cutoffs History"
"stats":"Stats Calculator",
"damage":"Damage Calculator"
"welcome":"Welcome to Tetra Stats",
"description":"Service, that allows you to keep track of various statistics for TETR.IO",
"nicknameQuestion":"What's your nickname?",
"inpuntHint":"Type it here... (3-16 symbols)"
"title":"About Tetra Stats",
"about":"Tetra Stats is a service, that works with TETR.IO Tetra Channel API, providing data from it and calculating some addtitional metrics, based on this data. Service allows user to track their progress in Tetra League with \"Track\" function, which records every Tetra League change into local database (not automatically, you have to visit service from time to time), so these changes could be looked through graphs.\n\nBeanserver blaster is a part of a Tetra Stats, that decoupled into a serverside script. It provides full Tetra League leaderboard, allowing Tetra Stats to sort leaderboard by any metric and build scatter chart, that allows user to analyse Tetra League trends. It also provides history of Tetra League ranks cutoffs, which can be viewed by user via graph as well.\n\nThere is a plans to add replay analysis and tournaments history, so stay tuned!\n\nService is not associated with TETR.IO or osk in any capacity.",
"appVersion":"App Version",
"build":"Build $build",
"GHrepo":"GitHub Repository",
"submitAnIssue":"Submit an issue",
"authorAndDeveloper":"Autor & developer",
"providedFormulas":"Provided formulas",
"providedS1history":"Provided S1 history",
"inoue":"Inoue (replay grabber)",
"zhCNlocale":"Simplfied Chinise locale",
"supportHim":"Support him!"
"registrationDate":"Registration Date",
"gametime":"Time Played",
"ogp":"Online Games Played",
"ogw":"Online Games Won",
"full":"Experience Points"
"full":"Tetra Rating"
"full":"Rating Deviation"
"short":"S1 TR",
"full":"Season 1 like TR"
"full":"Games Played"
"full":"Win Rate"
"full":"Attack Per Minute"
"full":"Pieces Per Second"
"full":"Versus Score"
"full":"Attack Per Piece"
"full":"VS / APM"
"full":"Downstack Per Second"
"full":"Downstack Per Piece"
"full":"APP + DSP"
"full":"Cheese Index"
"full":"Garbage Efficiency"
"full":"Weigente APP"
"full":"Estimated TR"
"full":"Accuracy of Estimated TR"
"short":"Inf. DS",
"full":"Infinite Downstack"
"full":"Climb Speed",
"short":"Peak CSP",
"full":"Peak Climb Speed",
"full":"Finesse Faults"
"full":"Total Time",
"widgetTitle":"otal Time"
"full":"Score Per Piece"
"full":"Key presses"
"full":"Key presses Per Piece"
"full":"Key presses Per Second"
"blitzScore":"$p points",
"levelUpRequirement":"Level up requirement: $p",
"piecesTotal":"Total pieces placed",
"piecesWithPerfectFinesse":"Placed with perfect finesse",