
89 lines
2.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"locales(map)": {
"en": "English",
"ru": "Russian (Русский)"
"tetraLeague": "Tetra League",
"tlRecords": "TL Records",
"history": "History",
"sprint": "40 Lines",
"blitz": "Blitz",
"other": "Other",
"zen": "Zen",
"bio": "Bio",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"showStoredData": "Show stored data",
"statsCalc": "Stats Calculator",
"settings": "Settings",
"track": "Track",
"stopTracking": "Stop\ntracking",
"becameTracked": "Added to tracking list!",
"compare": "Compare",
"stoppedBeingTracked": "Removed from tracking list!",
"tlLeaderboard": "Tetra League leaderboard",
"noRecords": "No records",
"noRecord": "No record",
"notEnoughData": "Not enough data",
"noHistorySaved": "No history saved",
"obtainDate": "Obtained ${date}",
"fetchDate": "Fetched ${date}",
"exactGametime": "Exact gametime",
"bigRedBanned": "BANNED",
"bigRedBadStanding": "BAD STANDING",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard!",
"playerRoleAccount": " account ",
"wasFromBeginning": "that was from very beginning",
"created": "created",
"botCreatedBy": "by",
"notSupporter": "Not a supporter",
"assignedManualy": "That badge was assigned manualy by TETR.IO admins",
"supporter": "Supporter tier ${tier}",
"comparingWith": "Comparing with data from ${date}",
"top": "Top",
"topRank": "Top Rank",
"decaying": "Decaying",
"gamesUntilRanked": "${left} games until being ranked",
"nerdStats": "Nerd Stats",
"xpLevel": "XP Level",
"hoursPlayed": "Hours\nPlayed",
"onlineGames": "Online\nGames",
"gamesWon": "Games\nWon",
"friends": "Friends",
"apm": "Attack\nPer Minute",
"vs": "Versus\nScore",
"lbp": "Leaderboard\nplacement",
"lbpc": "Country LB\nplacement",
"gamesPlayed": "Games\nplayed",
"gamesWonTL": "Games\nWon",
"winrate": "Winrate\nprecentage",
"level": "Level",
"score": "Score",
"spp": "Score\nPer Piece",
"pieces": "Pieces\nPlaced",
"pps": "Pieces\nPer Second",
"finesseFaults": "Finesse\nFaults",
"finessePercentage": "Finesse\nPercentage",
"keys": "Key\nPresses",
"kpp": "KP Per\nPiece",
"kps": "KP Per\nSecond"
"playerRole(map)": {
"user": "User",
"banned": "Banned",
"bot": "Bot",
"sysop": "System operator",
"admin": "Admin",
"mod": "Moderator",
"halfmod": "Community moderator"
"pc": "All Clears",
"hold": "Holds",
"tspinsTotal": "T-spins total",
"lineClears": "Line clears"
"ok": "OK"