"aboutAppText":"${appName} (${packageName}) Version ${version} Build ${buildNumber}\n\nDeveloped by dan63047\nFormulas provided by kerrmunism\nHistory provided by p1nkl0bst3r\nTETR.IO replay grabber API by szy",
"trackedPlayersStatesDeleted":"${nickname} states was removed from database!",
"duplicatedFix":"删除重复的 TL 匹配项",
"compressDB":"Compress DB",
"SpaceSaved":"Space saved: ${size}",
"averageXrank":"平均 ${rankLetter} 段",
"downloadReplay":"下载 .ttrm 回放",
"openReplay":"在 TETR.IO 打开回放",
"replaySaved":"已保存回放至 ${path}",
"timeWeightedmatch":"Match (time-weighted)",
"roundNumber":"第 $n 回合",
"replayIssue":"Can't process replay",
"compareViewNoValues":"请输入用户名,用户IO,APM-PPS-VS值 (分隔符不重要,只需要顺序)或者$avgR(R是一个段位)到两个Please, enter username, user ID, APM-PPS-VS values (divider doesn't matter, only order matter) or $avgR (where R is rank) to both fields",
"compareViewWrongValue":"获取 ${value} 失败",
"lbViewManyEntrys":"有 ${numberOfPlayers}",
"zero":"$n 个玩家",
"one":"$n 个玩家",
"two":"$n 个玩家",
"few":"$n 个玩家",
"many":"$n 个玩家",
"other":"$n 个玩家"
"zero":"$n 场游戏",
"one":"$n 场游戏",
"two":"$n 场游戏",
"few":"$n 场游戏",
"many":"$n 场游戏",
"other":"$n 场游戏"
"gamesPlayed":"$games 场游戏",
"forPlayer":"来自用户 $username",
"currentAxis":"$axis 轴:",
"p1nkl0bst3rAlert":"That data was retrived from third party API maintained by p1nkl0bst3r",
"notForWeb":"Function is not available for web version",
"xpProgress":"Progress to next level",
"xpFrom0ToLevel":"从 0 到 $n 等级的进度",
"xpLeft":"XP 还有",
"appDescription":"(Abbreviated as APP) Main efficiency metric. Tells how many attack you producing per piece",
"vsapmDescription":"Basically, tells how much and how efficient you using garbage in your attacks",
"dssDescription":"(Abbreviated as DS/S) Downstack per Second measures how many garbage lines you clear in a second.",
"dspDescription":"(Abbreviated as DS/P) Downstack per Piece measures how many garbage lines you clear per piece.",
"appdsp":"APP + DS/P",
"appdspDescription":"Just a sum of Attack per Piece and Downstack per Piece.",
"cheeseDescription":"(Abbreviated as Cheese) Cheese Index is an approximation how much clean / cheese garbage player sends. Lower = more clean. Higher = more cheese.\nInvented by kerrmunism",
"gbeDescription":"(Abbreviated as Gb Eff.) Garbage Efficiency measures how well player uses their garbage. Higher = better or they use their garbage more. Lower = they mostly send their garbage back at cheese or rarely clear garbage.\nInvented by Zepheniah and Dragonboy.",
"nyaappDescription":"(Abbreviated as wAPP) Essentially, a measure of your ability to send cheese while still maintaining a high APP.\nInvented by Wertj.",
"areaDescription":"How much space your shape takes up on the graph, if you exclude the cheese and vs/apm sections",