2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
import ' dart:async ' ;
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
import ' dart:ffi ' ;
2024-11-01 00:05:26 +00:00
import ' dart:math ' ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio_constants.dart ' ;
2024-11-01 00:05:26 +00:00
import ' package:tetra_stats/data_objects/tetrio_player_from_leaderboard.dart ' ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
import ' package:tetra_stats/gen/strings.g.dart ' ;
import ' package:tetra_stats/main.dart ' ;
import ' package:tetra_stats/utils/numers_formats.dart ' ;
import ' package:tetra_stats/utils/relative_timestamps.dart ' ;
import ' package:tetra_stats/views/user_view.dart ' ;
2024-11-05 23:07:43 +00:00
import ' package:tetra_stats/widgets/future_error.dart ' ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
class DestinationLeaderboards extends StatefulWidget {
final BoxConstraints constraints ;
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
final bool noSidebar ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
const DestinationLeaderboards ( { super . key , required this . constraints , required this . noSidebar } ) ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
@ override
State < DestinationLeaderboards > createState ( ) = > _DestinationLeaderboardsState ( ) ;
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
const double transformThreshold = 768.0 ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
enum Leaderboards {
tl ,
fullTL ,
xp ,
ar ,
sprint ,
blitz ,
zenith ,
zenithex ,
class _DestinationLeaderboardsState extends State < DestinationLeaderboards > {
//Duration postSeasonLeft = seasonStart.difference(DateTime.now());
final Map < Leaderboards , String > leaderboards = {
2024-11-28 20:37:07 +00:00
Leaderboards . tl: t . leaderboardsDestination . tl ,
Leaderboards . fullTL: t . leaderboardsDestination . fullTL ,
Leaderboards . xp: t . stats . xp . full ,
Leaderboards . ar: t . leaderboardsDestination . ar ,
Leaderboards . sprint: t . gamemodes [ " 40l " ] ! ,
Leaderboards . blitz: t . gamemodes [ " blitz " ] ! ,
Leaderboards . zenith: t . gamemodes [ " zenith " ] ! ,
Leaderboards . zenithex: t . gamemodes [ " zenithex " ] ! ,
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
} ;
Leaderboards _currentLb = Leaderboards . tl ;
final StreamController < List < dynamic > > _dataStreamController = StreamController < List < dynamic > > . broadcast ( ) ;
late final ScrollController _scrollController ;
Stream < List < dynamic > > get dataStream = > _dataStreamController . stream ;
List < dynamic > list = [ ] ;
bool _isFetchingData = false ;
2024-11-04 22:20:36 +00:00
bool _reachedTheEnd = false ;
2024-11-01 00:05:26 +00:00
List < String > _excludeRanks = [ ] ;
bool _reverse = false ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
String ? prisecter ;
List < DropdownMenuEntry > _countries = [ for ( MapEntry e in t . countries . entries ) DropdownMenuEntry ( value: e . key , label: e . value ) ] ;
List < DropdownMenuEntry > _stats = [ for ( MapEntry e in chartsShortTitles . entries ) DropdownMenuEntry ( value: e . key , label: e . value ) ] ;
String ? _country ;
Stats stat = Stats . tr ;
2024-11-01 00:05:26 +00:00
bool ? getTotalFilterValue ( ) {
if ( _excludeRanks . isEmpty ) return true ;
if ( _excludeRanks . length = = ranks . length ) return false ;
return null ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
Future < void > _fetchData ( ) async {
2024-11-04 22:20:36 +00:00
if ( _isFetchingData | | _reachedTheEnd ) {
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
// Avoid fetching new data while already fetching
return ;
try {
_isFetchingData = true ;
setState ( ( ) { } ) ;
final items = switch ( _currentLb ) {
Leaderboards . tl = > await teto . fetchTetrioLeaderboard ( prisecter: prisecter , country: _country ) ,
Leaderboards . fullTL = > ( await teto . fetchTLLeaderboard ( ) ) . getStatRankingFromLB ( stat , country: _country ? ? " " ) ,
Leaderboards . xp = > await teto . fetchTetrioLeaderboard ( prisecter: prisecter , lb: " xp " , country: _country ) ,
Leaderboards . ar = > await teto . fetchTetrioLeaderboard ( prisecter: prisecter , lb: " ar " , country: _country ) ,
Leaderboards . sprint = > await teto . fetchTetrioRecordsLeaderboard ( prisecter: prisecter , country: _country ) ,
Leaderboards . blitz = > await teto . fetchTetrioRecordsLeaderboard ( prisecter: prisecter , lb: " blitz_global " , country: _country ) ,
Leaderboards . zenith = > await teto . fetchTetrioRecordsLeaderboard ( prisecter: prisecter , lb: " zenith_global " , country: _country ) ,
Leaderboards . zenithex = > await teto . fetchTetrioRecordsLeaderboard ( prisecter: prisecter , lb: " zenithex_global " , country: _country ) ,
} ;
2024-11-01 00:05:26 +00:00
if ( _currentLb = = Leaderboards . fullTL & & _excludeRanks . isNotEmpty ) items . removeWhere ( ( e ) = > _excludeRanks . indexOf ( ( e as TetrioPlayerFromLeaderboard ) . rank ) ! = - 1 ) ;
2024-11-04 22:20:36 +00:00
if ( _currentLb = = Leaderboards . fullTL | | items . isEmpty ) _reachedTheEnd = true ;
2024-11-01 00:05:26 +00:00
list . addAll ( ( _reverse & & _currentLb = = Leaderboards . fullTL ) ? items . reversed : items ) ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
_dataStreamController . add ( list ) ;
prisecter = list . last . prisecter . toString ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
_dataStreamController . addError ( e ) ;
} finally {
// Set to false when data fetching is complete
_isFetchingData = false ;
setState ( ( ) { } ) ;
@ override
void initState ( ) {
super . initState ( ) ;
_scrollController = ScrollController ( ) ;
_fetchData ( ) ;
_scrollController . addListener ( ( ) {
_scrollController . addListener ( ( ) {
final maxScroll = _scrollController . position . maxScrollExtent ;
final currentScroll = _scrollController . position . pixels ;
if ( currentScroll = = maxScroll & & _currentLb ! = Leaderboards . fullTL ) {
// When the last item is fully visible, load the next page.
_fetchData ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
Widget rightSide ( double width ) {
print ( width ) ;
const double eukjsakjas = 450 ;
TextStyle trailingStyle = TextStyle ( fontSize: 28 , fontFamily: width < eukjsakjas ? " Eurostile Round Condensed " : null ) ;
return SizedBox (
width: width ,
child: Card (
child: StreamBuilder < List < dynamic > > (
stream: dataStream ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
switch ( snapshot . connectionState ) {
case ConnectionState . none:
case ConnectionState . waiting:
return const Center ( child: CircularProgressIndicator ( ) ) ;
case ConnectionState . active:
case ConnectionState . done:
if ( snapshot . hasData ) {
return Column (
children: [
Text ( leaderboards [ _currentLb ] ! , style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . titleSmall , textAlign: TextAlign . center ) ,
Wrap (
alignment: WrapAlignment . center ,
children: [
DropdownMenu (
leadingIcon: Icon ( Icons . public ) ,
inputDecorationTheme: InputDecorationTheme (
isDense: true ,
) ,
textStyle: TextStyle ( fontSize: 14 , height: 0.9 ) ,
dropdownMenuEntries: _countries ,
initialSelection: " " ,
onSelected: ( ( value ) {
_country = value as String ? ;
list . clear ( ) ;
prisecter = null ;
_isFetchingData = false ;
_reachedTheEnd = false ;
setState ( ( ) { _fetchData ( ) ; } ) ;
} )
) ,
if ( _currentLb = = Leaderboards . fullTL ) SizedBox ( width: 5.0 ) ,
if ( _currentLb = = Leaderboards . fullTL ) DropdownMenu (
leadingIcon: Icon ( Icons . sort ) ,
inputDecorationTheme: InputDecorationTheme (
isDense: true ,
) ,
textStyle: TextStyle ( fontSize: 14 , height: 0.9 ) ,
dropdownMenuEntries: _stats ,
initialSelection: stat ,
onSelected: ( ( value ) {
stat = value ;
list . clear ( ) ;
prisecter = null ;
_isFetchingData = false ;
_reachedTheEnd = false ;
setState ( ( ) { _fetchData ( ) ; } ) ;
} )
) ,
if ( _currentLb = = Leaderboards . fullTL ) IconButton (
color: _excludeRanks . isNotEmpty ? Theme . of ( context ) . colorScheme . primary : null ,
onPressed: ( ) {
showDialog ( context: context , builder: ( BuildContext context ) {
return StatefulBuilder (
builder: ( context , StateSetter setAlertState ) {
return AlertDialog (
title: Text ( " Filter " , textAlign: TextAlign . center ) ,
content: SingleChildScrollView (
child: Column (
children: [
CheckboxListTile ( value: getTotalFilterValue ( ) , tristate: true , title: Text ( " All " , style: TextStyle ( fontFamily: " Eurostile Round Extended " ) ) , onChanged: ( value ) {
setAlertState (
( ) {
if ( _excludeRanks . length * 2 > ranks . length ) {
_excludeRanks . clear ( ) ;
} else {
_excludeRanks = List . of ( ranks ) ;
) ;
} ) ,
for ( String rank in ranks . reversed ) CheckboxListTile ( value: _excludeRanks . indexOf ( rank ) = = - 1 , onChanged: ( value ) {
setAlertState (
( ) {
if ( _excludeRanks . indexOf ( rank ) = = - 1 ) {
_excludeRanks . add ( rank ) ;
} else {
_excludeRanks . remove ( rank ) ;
) ;
} , title: Text ( rank . toUpperCase ( ) ) , )
] ,
) ,
) ,
actions: < Widget > [
TextButton (
child: const Text ( " Apply " ) ,
onPressed: ( ) { Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ; setState ( ( ) {
_currentLb = Leaderboards . fullTL ;
list . clear ( ) ;
prisecter = null ;
_fetchData ( ) ; } ) ;
) ;
) ;
} ) ;
} , icon: Icon ( Icons . filter_alt ) ) ,
if ( _currentLb = = Leaderboards . fullTL ) IconButton (
color: _reverse ? Theme . of ( context ) . colorScheme . primary : null ,
icon: Transform . rotate ( angle: _reverse ? pi : 0.0 , child: Icon ( Icons . filter_list ) ) ,
onPressed: ( ) {
setState ( ( ) {
_reverse = ! _reverse ;
_currentLb = Leaderboards . fullTL ;
list . clear ( ) ;
prisecter = null ;
_fetchData ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
] ,
) ,
const Divider ( ) ,
Expanded (
child: ListView . builder (
controller: _scrollController ,
itemCount: list . length ,
prototypeItem: ListTile (
leading: Text ( " 0 " ) ,
title: Text ( " ehhh... " , style: TextStyle ( fontSize: 22 ) ) ,
trailing: SizedBox ( height: 36 , width: 1 ) ,
subtitle: const Text ( " eh... " , style: TextStyle ( color: Colors . grey , fontSize: 12 ) ) ,
) ,
itemBuilder: ( BuildContext context , int index ) {
return ListTile (
leading: Text ( intf . format ( index + 1 ) ) ,
title: Text ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . username , style: TextStyle ( fontSize: 22 ) ) ,
trailing: switch ( _currentLb ) {
Leaderboards . tl = > Row (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: [
Text ( " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . tr ) } TR " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Image . asset ( " res/tetrio_tl_alpha_ranks/ ${ snapshot . data ! [ index ] . rank } .png " , height: 36 )
] ,
) ,
Leaderboards . fullTL = > switch ( stat ) {
Stats . tr = > Row (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: [
Text ( " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . tr ) } TR " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Image . asset ( " res/tetrio_tl_alpha_ranks/ ${ snapshot . data ! [ index ] . rank } .png " , height: 36 )
] ,
) ,
Stats . gp = > Text ( " ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . getStatByEnum ( stat ) ) } ${ chartsShortTitles [ stat ] } " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Stats . gw = > Text ( " ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . getStatByEnum ( stat ) ) } ${ chartsShortTitles [ stat ] } " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Stats . apm = > Text ( " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . getStatByEnum ( stat ) ) } ${ chartsShortTitles [ stat ] } " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Stats . pps = > Text ( " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . getStatByEnum ( stat ) ) } ${ chartsShortTitles [ stat ] } " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Stats . vs = > Text ( " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . getStatByEnum ( stat ) ) } ${ chartsShortTitles [ stat ] } " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
_ = > Text ( " ${ f4 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . getStatByEnum ( stat ) ) } ${ chartsShortTitles [ stat ] } " , style: trailingStyle )
} ,
Leaderboards . xp = > Text ( " LVL ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . level ) } " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Leaderboards . ar = > Text ( " ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . ar ) } AR " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Leaderboards . sprint = > Text ( get40lTime ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . finalTime . inMicroseconds ) , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Leaderboards . blitz = > Text ( intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . score ) , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Leaderboards . zenith = > Text ( " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . zenith ! . altitude ) } m " , style: trailingStyle ) ,
Leaderboards . zenithex = > Text ( " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . zenith ! . altitude ) } m " , style: trailingStyle )
} ,
subtitle: width > = eukjsakjas ? Text ( switch ( _currentLb ) {
Leaderboards . tl = > " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . apm ) } APM, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . pps ) } PPS, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . vs ) } VS, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . nerdStats . app ) } APP, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . nerdStats . vsapm ) } VS/APM " ,
Leaderboards . fullTL = > switch ( stat ) {
Stats . tr = > " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . apm ) } APM, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . pps ) } PPS, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . vs ) } VS, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . nerdStats . app ) } APP, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . nerdStats . vsapm ) } VS/APM " ,
_ = > " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . tr ) } TR, ${ snapshot . data ! [ index ] . rank . toUpperCase ( ) } rank "
} ,
Leaderboards . xp = > " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . xp ) } XP ${ snapshot . data ! [ index ] . playtime . isNegative ? " " : " , $ {playtime(snapshot.data![index].playtime) } of gametime " } " ,
Leaderboards . ar = > " ${ snapshot . data ! [ index ] . ar_counts } " ,
Leaderboards . sprint = > " ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . finesse . faults ) } FF, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . kpp ) } KPP, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . kps ) } KPS, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . pps ) } PPS, ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . piecesPlaced ) } P " ,
Leaderboards . blitz = > " lvl ${ snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . level } , ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . pps ) } PPS, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . spp ) } SPP " ,
Leaderboards . zenith = > " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . aggregateStats . apm ) } APM, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . aggregateStats . pps ) } PPS, ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . kills ) } KO's, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . cps ) } climb speed ( ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . zenith ! . peakrank ) } peak), ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . topBtB ) } B2B " ,
Leaderboards . zenithex = > " ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . aggregateStats . apm ) } APM, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . aggregateStats . pps ) } PPS, ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . kills ) } KO's, ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . cps ) } climb speed ( ${ f2 . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . zenith ! . peakrank ) } peak), ${ intf . format ( snapshot . data ! [ index ] . stats . topBtB ) } B2B "
} , style: TextStyle ( color: Colors . grey , fontSize: 12 ) ) : null ,
onTap: ( ) {
Navigator . push (
context ,
MaterialPageRoute (
builder: ( context ) = > UserView ( searchFor: snapshot . data ! [ index ] . userId ) ,
2024-11-23 18:41:48 +00:00
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
) ,
) ;
} ,
) ;
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
if ( snapshot . hasError ) { return FutureError ( snapshot ) ; }
return Text ( " huh? " ) ;
} ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Row (
children: [
SizedBox (
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
width: widget . constraints . maxWidth > transformThreshold ? 300.0 : widget . constraints . maxWidth ,
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
height: widget . constraints . maxHeight ,
child: Column (
children: [
2024-10-21 22:38:41 +00:00
C ard (
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
child: Row (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: [
Spacer ( ) ,
2024-11-28 20:37:07 +00:00
Text ( t . leaderboardsDestination . title , style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . headlineMedium ! . copyWith ( fontSize: 32 ) ) ,
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
Spacer ( )
] ,
) ,
) ,
Expanded (
child: ListView . builder (
itemCount: leaderboards . length ,
itemBuilder: ( BuildContext context , int index ) {
return Card (
child: ListTile (
title: Text ( leaderboards . values . elementAt ( index ) ) ,
2024-11-01 00:05:26 +00:00
trailing: Icon ( Icons . arrow_right , color: _currentLb . index = = index ? Colors . white : Colors . grey ) ,
2024-11-28 20:37:07 +00:00
subtitle: index = = 1 ? Text ( t . leaderboardsDestination . fullTLnote , style: TextStyle ( color: Colors . grey , fontSize: 12 ) ) : null ,
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
onTap: ( ) {
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
if ( widget . constraints . maxWidth < = transformThreshold ) Navigator . push (
context ,
MaterialPageRoute (
builder: ( context ) = > Scaffold (
floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation . endFloat ,
floatingActionButton: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . fromLTRB ( 0.0 , 12.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ,
child: FloatingActionButton (
onPressed: ( ) = > Navigator . pop ( context ) ,
2024-11-28 20:37:07 +00:00
tooltip: t . goBackButton ,
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
child: const Icon ( Icons . arrow_back ) ,
) ,
) ,
body: SafeArea (
child: rightSide ( widget . constraints . maxWidth )
) ,
2024-11-23 18:41:48 +00:00
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
) ,
) ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
_currentLb = leaderboards . keys . elementAt ( index ) ;
list . clear ( ) ;
prisecter = null ;
2024-11-04 22:20:36 +00:00
_reachedTheEnd = false ;
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
_fetchData ( ) ;
} ,
) ,
) ;
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
2024-11-22 22:35:16 +00:00
if ( widget . constraints . maxWidth > transformThreshold ) rightSide ( widget . constraints . maxWidth - 300 - ( widget . noSidebar ? 0 : 88 ) ) ,
2024-10-17 22:17:23 +00:00
] ,
) ;